Listener 7
Trump Term Limits, TikTok Status Check, and Scott's Presidential Prospects
Hi, this is Alex from Vancouver, Canada. Long time listener, first time caller. Huge fans of both of you. And I can't tell you how wonderful it was today to be hiking with my dog in the BC mountains. At the same time, wondering how we came to this shitty place that we seem to be in geopolitically and And then to hear Scott's impassioned treatise on the US-Canada hockey game.
Trump Term Limits, TikTok Status Check, and Scott's Presidential Prospects
And you're right, it was definitely more than a game to us. And then have him enumerate all the ways in which Canada and the US have had such an extraordinary partnership. Yeah. Yeah, it was great. I mean, we know there are as many of you on the side of reason and sanity.
Trump Term Limits, TikTok Status Check, and Scott's Presidential Prospects
And as there are those who support all the nonsense from your idiot in chief, but it's still really great to hear you say all the things we hoped that you're thinking. So thank you. We appreciate you to keep doing all the things you're doing. And you're welcome up here anytime.