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Linda Rodriguez-McRobbie


The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Hi, this is Linda Rodriguez-McRobbie from the Reigate Priority Athletic Club, and I'm here with Jack Boatwright from Movement Mechanics. We are talking about the Run Reigate race, and one of the big focuses in that is, of course, the hill at the end. How can we prepare for that? How can we activate our muscles beforehand?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Once you've done the race, what's a good way to stretch out afterwards?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Hi, this is Linda Rodriguez-McRobbie. I am with Red Gate Priory Athletic Club. I'm here with Jaz Donda. You're a coach with us. From your wealth of experience, both having done it and being a coach, what are some of your top tips that you would give to people running the races this year?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So we are here with Gavin Lawrence, who is one of our coaches. Gavin, what is the hardest part of Run, Ride, Gate?