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KJ Matthews


Global News Podcast

US sends diplomats to Syria


A lot of people have been alleging that they've been sleep deprived, that they've been deprived of food, all sorts of crazy things. One of the challenges I watch is pretty easy, but it was basically stacking a lot of cubes on top of one another and the cubes get bigger and bigger. And your job is to make sure you stack them and keep them up there for a certain set period of time.

Global News Podcast

US sends diplomats to Syria


And if it should fall over, you're out of the game. So it kind of reminds you of even the way that they're dressed. They're all wearing uniforms. Some of them have a number on it. It could remind you of Netflix squid games. There's a lot of similarity to that. This is a little bit different. Obviously, nobody's getting shot. You know, this is a serious game.

Global News Podcast

US sends diplomats to Syria


But, you know, the games are meant to really challenge them. Physically and mentally, long hours. It was shot out in Las Vegas, out in the desert. So as you can imagine, you are going to have to perform tremendous physical tasks and mental tasks to even get close to winning $5 million when you're competing with a thousand other people.

Global News Podcast

US sends diplomats to Syria


Oh, yes. I call it that real housewives moment. You know, the bickering and the bantering that you see on these real housewives series. You're seeing a little bit of that in these Beast Game series episodes. You see so many of the contestants going against one another, arguing with each other, saying, no, this is the best way to do it. You shouldn't do it this way.

Global News Podcast

US sends diplomats to Syria


All of that makes it even more tentilating and interesting.

Global News Podcast

US sends diplomats to Syria


Oh, yes. He's got more than 300 million subscribers on YouTube. And Forbes magazine has already ranked him as the highest paid YouTuber. And he has an estimated net worth of 500 million dollars. So when you think about it, the fact that he may be getting somewhere around 100 million to be the host of this game series, it's not that much considering the fact that he's worth 500 million.

Global News Podcast

US sends diplomats to Syria


Yes. When I saw the five million, I thought to myself, hmm, what's the age requirement? What's the age limit for that? I'm sure I can do a couple of crazy things on television for the five million. Why not?