Kim Pack
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
Beyond, because the things that I asked for that belonged to my mother were family heirlooms or possibly Disney coffee mugs.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
Marching through every single day, waking up with another day of hopelessness while trying to keep that glimmer of hope alive is a very tricky thing to do.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
He went after my mom's life insurance policy. And your reaction? No way. Because you know what? This is my only attempt to maybe be able to get some answers. And the truth maybe would start to come out.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
What did that mean to you? The fact that I was lucky enough for him to say, I'm going to take a second look at this. Me? My keys? Thank you. Like, this is all I've been asking for this entire time is for someone to care.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
When I heard the details of everything, it really... really was unbelievable. I feel like this is the worst made-for-TV movie on the planet.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
I don't know. That's the million-dollar question. But what I do know is that... I was blessed and granted the ability to have peace in my life for the first time in six years by a man with determination and that believed in my story. And that is Damon Tyner. And I am forever grateful to that man.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
We were robbed. And for what? I still don't have the answer to that. For what?
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
There's been dark days, very dark days, where I just didn't know how I was going to do this. But I knew that I needed to stand up. this story needed to be told.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
These women got together, and they were on the phone calling people, raising money to be able to buy back things that belonged to my mother.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
Yes. And my mom collected these Limoges, little Limoges things. And this was the first item that I touched from the auction. And inside this note, it says, to Kimberly, from mom to... Whenever you look at this, you know you're always loved. You're so special. Best wishes for the rest of your life.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
No, and I feel like this was meant to be. I feel like I was meant to have this. I keep this by my bed. It reminds me that my mom is with me all the time.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
My husband and my boys got this bench dedicated for her. It's special because it's a spot that we stop and my kids will bring up a memory or they will talk about her.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
He's like, mom's dead. And he just kept repeating, mom's dead, mom's dead.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
I answer the phone and I say hello, and he's like, Kimberly? And I said yes. He's like, Mom's dead. And he just kept repeating, Mom's dead, Mom's dead, over and over. As I got to the front door, there was a police officer that put his hands out, and I pushed his hands away. And I go, where's my mom? Where's my mom? What is happening here? I need to see my mother.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
And I said, well, you can go right over there, because that's the person that killed my mom.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
She did. She did. When she got her first motorcycle, she said, I'll give you $300 to get on the back of my motorcycle. And I was like, no way. My feet are on the ground. And she would be like, all right, $500. And I'm like, no, I'm not getting on the back of your motorcycle. Just the need for speed and wasn't afraid.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
He drives a Harley, he's smoking cigars, he's a Green Beret in the military, a doctor.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
He had purple hearts, he had medals, sharpshooter medals that he had gotten from being in the war.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
There were two rules to this interview. One, you can never ask my mother about anything pertaining to this interview. And two, you have to destroy the tape when you're finished.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
Yeah, but you know, I just thought out of respect, this is what he's asking. He talks about how the Viet Cong had ambushed his camp, stabbed him, but also stabbed and left all of his comrades and left them for dead. And his sole mission, he had said, was to grab these dog tags and bring these dog tags to these people's families so that they know what happened to their boys.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
As I made my way out into the cul-de-sac, I look up in the air and there's all these news choppers flying up above. And I said, well, you can go right over there because that's the person that killed my mom.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
I begged her for an ounce of her strength so that I could put one foot in front of the other.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
I miss her calling me nonstop all the time. I miss her laugh. I miss her smile. I miss her infinite wisdom, because she really was my rock.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
You know, they had a very unhealthy relationship, the both of them. And I will just say that there were indiscretions on both sides of the fence. And I'll leave it at that.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
No, but I certainly provided those people's names to the police and I allowed them to do their due diligence.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
You would be in the dining room. I would be talking to my mom, and he would come and turn the lights off and just walk out of the room. He controlled her cash flow and how much money she could spend? Oh, yes. And sometimes even calling her. Who are you with? Where are you?
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
She talked about that she really needed to start aligning herself and getting herself in a good spot to be able to leave. I think that he had made it clear to her that she wasn't going to divorce him and take half of his empire. That was his famous words. Did you get any feeling that your mom might have been in any kind of danger?
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
She had made it clear over the years that he had threatened to kill her several times, but would always follow up with, he doesn't have the guts to do it.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
This is my life, and I feel like this is the worst made-for-TV movie on the planet.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
I meet him in a restaurant, and he says to me, let me tell you something. I have a very good attorney, and I had been advised to not speak to anybody about this. He's like, you might need to really start to realize that this is never going to be solved. And I said, well, I'm not going to realize that, I said, because I will never stop finding out.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
I had several meetings with him and he would just say it was active and open and not really say much more. Did you get the impression that he was determined to get to the bottom of this?