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Keris Brown


Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


It's like family. You know, I couldn't imagine life without her. I just knew her inside out. She knows me inside out. We've grown up together. She's always there. She's always been there. Yeah, she is my best friend.

Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


Oh, my goodness. I think it's a mixture of a lot of things. Good care, good feeding. She's had lots of exercise, but not too much. And also just good genetics.

Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


Yeah, they don't make them like her anymore.

Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


When I was a kid, I was always the kid that had treats in my pocket like I do now. And Rona likes treats and that's how we kind of became friends.

Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


Oh gosh, Rona has meant a lot. Rona, I was diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 18. Obviously I had Rona on another horse at the time. And just having them to get me well again, you know, the drive to get well again, just gives you a reason to get up and get out in the morning sometimes. So I really couldn't be without her.

Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


Stubborn, knows her own mind, does what she wants when she pleases. And even at 46, she's not slow. She just wants to be out doing stuff and having fun.

Global News Podcast

Israel accuses Hamas of 'evil' violation of ceasefire


Happy birthday, Rona. You know, I couldn't imagine life without her. Yeah, she is my best friend.