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KC Johnson


The Megyn Kelly Show

Megyn Kelly Reflects on the Outrageous Duke Lacrosse Case, as the Accuser Finally Admits the Truth | Ep. 965


We saw a kind of mob mentality that took hold of the activist wing of the Duke faculty, which culminated in an April 2006 statement signed by 88 Duke faculty members called the Group of 88, in which before any charges even had been filed, these 88 faculty members took out an ad, a full-page ad, in the Duke campus newspaper.

The Megyn Kelly Show

Megyn Kelly Reflects on the Outrageous Duke Lacrosse Case, as the Accuser Finally Admits the Truth | Ep. 965


They unequivocally asserted that something had happened to Crystal Mangum. She was claiming rape. The lacrosse players said nothing happened. They said that they would continue their activism regardless of what the court decided or what the police said. And they thanked public protesters for not waiting and making themselves heard.

The Megyn Kelly Show

Megyn Kelly Reflects on the Outrageous Duke Lacrosse Case, as the Accuser Finally Admits the Truth | Ep. 965


And the highest profile public protest that had occurred at that point had been a march in front of the captain's house in which protesters had carried large signs urging the castration of the La Crosse captains.