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Judah Smith


The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


That might be my favorite subject.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Well, that's such a loaded answer. And so very quickly, I'm cataloging because that is both a deeply theological, philosophical, existential. I could go on. That's a loaded question and a loaded word.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Honestly, Bryce, from where I sit in the vistas that I live from, in the truest way, in the shortest way, in the most, I think, tangible way, it is his essence. It is the essence of who God is. He reveals himself as love, grace, love, love. You know, the scripture indicates there are some things God brings and there are some things he is. So he doesn't bring it. He doesn't add it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


He doesn't speak it. He is it. The Bible says that Jesus came as grace and truth. So, simply put, I would say that God is actually love. Now, then you look at the, obviously, the Hebrew and the Greek and the original language and scripture, and obviously you end up running into this pretty well-known concept of agape. Agape is unlike anything we are truly aware of in this realm.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Well, the short of it, I grew up in Portland, Oregon until I was 13. I moved to Seattle at that point because my dad was a youth pastor for the first 13 years of my life and started a community of faith, a church in Seattle. So I've been Northwest my whole life and now live between Seattle and L.A., And the truth is, Bryce, I'm a seventh generation preacher as far back as we can tell. No way.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I mean, truthfully, agape is this concept of unconditional love. Now, I love our culture because we're obsessed with love, but we're obsessed with all kinds of love. Most of the times, it's low-level forms of love. I'm not saying low-level is bad. It's just not the zenith of love. And the zenith of love is this concept of love that is unconditional.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


That is love that does not necessitate reciprocity. It does not need to be reciprocated. Now, that is unfathomable for us as human beings, and I can prove that because I've done more weddings than I can count.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And all a wedding is is a bunch of people that know the two people that are standing up there, and they're basically there to say, okay, you promise, you promise, you promise, I promise, I promise, you promise. Now, if you do it, I'll do it, I'll do it, you do it. And all it is, it's a conditional moment. It's a whole big celebration of conditions.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It's all of us getting together to go like, yo, you promise for real? I promise for real. Yo, but you promised in front of your mom, you promised in front of your dad, or you promised in front of your friends, you promised in front of like your wedding party. They're all in peach colored dresses. You promised in front of them. You promised in front of the bow ties.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


You promised in front of the pastor. Now we're going to have a party because we're going to party your promises, right? And it's all conditional. So I love our culture because we sing songs about like, no matter what, I love you. But in truth, the only agape that exists in the universe by definition in its full plenary form is from God.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And the only person in the history of mankind who has ever stepped foot on this earth and that has been the full and complete representation of agape is the guy on your t-shirt, and I am in love with him because of that very reason. I'm just in love with him. I can't get enough of him. I can't talk about him enough. I can't think about him enough. I can't fathom him enough.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


He has changed my brain. He's changed my body. He's changed my priorities. He's changed my passions because no matter what, Bryce, he keeps loving me. And I don't deserve it. And I don't deliver. And I don't follow through. And I didn't follow through on what I committed to at the altar with God. I've been to so many altar calls, man.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I've given the altar call that I should go to my own altar call. And I've committed at these altars. I'll give you everything. I'll give you everything. And give me 48 hours, and I'm not giving him everything. And he still keeps loving me, full of grace and truth. And I just... He is the definition of agape. Love is Jesus, and Jesus is love.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Not all of our definitions and forms of love, but as he defines, and as he defines it in its simplest form, it is unconditional. It is love that will not stop and will not end based on performance, pedigree, portfolio, or anything of the likes. And that, to me... That's why you and I are sitting here.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It's like, guys, this isn't about like Bryce and Judah doing some sensational things with our lives. We are just a couple of guys that are like, yo, if you can find unconditional love somewhere else, let us know. But as far as we're concerned, he's the only being that has ever done this for us. So I want my whole life to be his. It's just that's just how it works for me.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And it's just it's that simple.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It goes back to a circuit riding woman preacher in New Mexico who carried a gun and a Bible. We have one photo of her. And so I am... Yeah, I come from a long line of preachers, which also means that I have so much trauma and so much dysfunction, too, because preachers like anybody else can have their proclivities and challenges and weaknesses. So it's awesome, and I'm proud of it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


The Bible says knowledge can puff up, right? So it can actually make you feel like something you're not. Love edifies. Knowledge can actually do the opposite of edification and it can tear down. The increase of knowledge and technological boom, where has it left us, right? It's very ironic.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


We live in the most knowledgeable era of human history, quote unquote, and yet we are constantly right now in the World Wide Web by definition, tearing each other apart or down. It's very divisive, right? That's why I'm here today, because I think this is the kind of thing that can be an antidote and an ointment and healing to that.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I think your transparency, your honesty, your authenticity is essential. You're also very bright, very brilliant. Everyone knows that, and yet you understand that knowledge is a terrible driver. But man, it can make a wonderful companion. You know, like math is really important. But if mathematics is the thing that leads your life, it can get very it can get very bare and scarce, so to speak.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


So I would say a couple of things. I found myself. in some of these stories of this ancient book. Now, we talk about the Bible, and we speak of the Bible, and a lot of people watching this program or many programs will be like, yo, all right, here we go again. Bryce has got this guy Judah on the program, and he's gonna start quoting the Bible. The Bible is antiquated. The Bible is not relevant.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


The Bible, if you read it, it's got hate speech, it's got this, it's got that. Okay, well, hold on a second, hold on a second. Let's scientifically, and I know Bryce, you're good at this, let's put the facts where they lie. There has never been a more preserved, a sensational, supernatural preservation of one book in human history.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


No book has ever divided kings and kingdoms and lords and princes, and no book has ever done with this book. But this book scientifically, mathematically has no period, is unprecedented. All of these things are on the internet now. ChatGBT can prove to you no book even comes close to the phenomenon that is the Bible.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


So by that definition alone, it should be noted that if there is any book to base your life on, if there was ever a book in human history to say, this is the book, Is it Huck Finn? Is it Pilgrim's Progress? Is it Purpose Driven Life? What's the book? I'm telling you, go to the internet. Let the internet lead you. There is never been a book more preserved. You can read up on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I was born on my grandfather's birthday, October 9th, so my middle name is Elwood. Shout out to my friend who now has like one of the coolest companies called Elwood. But growing up, Elwood was not the coolest middle name. But my grandpa was a preacher in the 50s and he was kind of intense.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It is a phenomenon. It's a mathematical phenomenon. It's a scientific phenomenon. It's a prophetic phenomenon. It is wild, right? There's books out there. The Bible Code. I only say that to say... So I do trust that book. It's the best book we got until there becomes another one, which I don't think there will be. So I'm down with this book because this book is not about knowledge.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It's about a person that points you to a person. So here's what happens to me. I find myself in this book and I get lost in a story. And there's one particular story that changed my life forever. And it's a story about the prodigal son. Why is that a relevant story? It's a story that Jesus made up. He authored. And it's a story that he authored to tell people why he hung out with such bad people.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


because the institution of his day, the church of his day, basically was like, yo, if you're God, if you're the manifest person of God, why do you have bad friends? People that don't go to church, people that do bad things, and he's like, let me tell you three stories. I'm gonna tell you a story about a woman with a coin collection,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I'm going to tell you a story about a shepherd with some sheep, and I'm going to tell you about a father with two sons. All of these stories are parables. They're made-up stories that Jesus is trying to tell us, this is how God sees us, this is how God works and moves, etc. There is this story in conclusion.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


The third and final story Jesus tells to express why he has bad friends, and it doesn't even make any sense. The manifest person of God says, there is this story where this man has two sons. The oldest is apparently out in the field. The youngest is like, yo, I want my money now. I don't want to wait till you die. I want to go, right?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


He moves to Amsterdam or Vegas, whatever, which I love both those cities, but they're wild, right? And he wastes everything.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And apparently, later in the story, we find out that this father, now by the way, in these three stories, for what it's worth, for those out there that are Bible scholars and they love this stuff, you have a woman with a coin collection, you have a shepherd with sheep, and you have a father with two sons. I believe this is the triune God in three parables, right?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


So you have the Holy Spirit, which is the woman is a type of the Holy Spirit. I believe that the shepherd is a type of Jesus, the son, and I believe the father is obviously the father. So you have the full revelation of God in these three parables, and I found myself in these stories, and I wanted to know who God was,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


and I wanted to know his essence, and I wanted to know what made him tick, and I wanted to know what really matters in life. My head's confused. My head's spinning. I'm trying to gather all this knowledge. If you're like me, Bryce, I listen to really, really smart people, and I get overwhelmed and undone and unfit and feel like, bro, I could never measure up. I don't read enough books.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I don't even like to read, to be honest. I can't stand reading. All I want to do is watch ESPN, if I'm really honest, like, And so that's mostly what I do. And I read one verse a day. So I'm not that guy. Like I like to talk, but I don't like to read. So that's a problematic because then you run out of things to say. But anyways, so I'm in these stories and I get to this end of the story.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I was a young man, like 16 when this happened. And I see this story played out in my head and the son wastes all of his money. And there's this moment, and this is what I'm going to express to you. There's this moment where he starts to write a speech because he gets the idea that, yo, I'm broke in Amsterdam. I'm broke in Vegas. I might as well go home to dad. And here's what I'll do.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


That's another interesting thing is that my life has grown and you go back and you learn about other preachers that you're related to and you're like, whoa, God just keeps showing us more about him and we're learning and growing. But Married 25 years, have three kids, Zion, Elliot, and Grace, 20, 18, 15. Dropped my 15-year-old off at high school in Venice this morning, and it's wild.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I wasted all his money, so he's got to be pissed at me. Excuse my language. He's got to be mad at me. But I just want to be his employee. Because my dad's got a business and he's got employees and those employees live better than what I'm doing broke in Amsterdam. So I'm going to go home. And in that moment, Jesus tells a made up story about the speech this young man's right.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I'm telling you, Bryce, for me, the speech this guy writes is exactly how all of us feel about God every day. In this speech, he says this. This is what I'm going to say to my dad when I get home to the ranch. I'm going to say, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad. I know, I know, I know, I know. What am I doing here? All the money's gone. I am no longer worthy. There it is.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I'm no longer worthy to be your son. Make me an employee and I'll serve you faithfully. Why is that speech is important? A couple of things. When he gets home, you know what's crazy about the story Jesus concocted, made up and wrote and articulated? The father never acknowledges the prepared speech. And the prepared speech, what's its essence?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


The prepared speech is this young man is saying, I did not live up to my end of the deal. I took all your money, spent it on God knows what. I am broke, so I'm coming home. I can't be one of your kids. I can't be one of the sons. The sons had all the perks and all the benefits. Make me an employee. I'll work the money off. And there it is, Bryce. That's how earn and deserve.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


That is how cause and effect. That's how the universe moves. That's how all of our economy functions. That's how the internet works. You get in, you get out what you put in. God's not like that. And that's our biggest conundrum. That's our biggest consternation with God. God doesn't even function that way. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


God in this story is the father. The son is me and you. And there are going to be days we are going to absolutely break the budget, waste the money and be idiots because there's idiot in all of us. And what do we want to do? Every time that happens, what do we want to do? We want to prepare a speech. And in that speech, we want to essentially tell God, Dude, I'm an idiot, and I broke the bargain.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I broke the deal. So don't treat me like a favored son. By the way, we could talk about all the sons. The sons had clothes, no shoes, da-da-da-da. The shoes were worn by servants because, sorry, the sons had the shoes. The servants had no shoes. There was all these benefits. They had the credit card, whatever. If you know the story, which I know you do, Jesus says the son comes home.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


While he's still a long way off, the father runs to him. In those ancient days, distinguished men did not run. So even the story that Jesus tells, the man runs, the father runs, is like, nobody runs. He runs to him. And what does he say? Instantly, he starts to put in motion sonship. And he says, get out the robe, get out the ring.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


All those, by the way, are really, really symbolic, massive imagery of acceptance, favor, and blessing. I am telling you, the love of God The irony is our biggest challenge with the love of God and not feeling the love of God is because we feel unworthy because we are.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And the only thing I can tell you is when we move from worthy world to Graceland, if you will, our entire orientation of life changes. And if I could say it this way, the reason we like worthy world is because worthy world adds up like a math equation. It makes sense. It's how this whole world works. It's how my marriage works. It's how a lot of my parenting works.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


But with God, Bryce has changed everything. He does not work that way. You are not a son by worth. You're a son by birth. That's why Jesus said you must. be born into my family. You don't earn your way into my family. You don't deserve your way into my family. You can only be birthed in my family. And once you're birthed, you can't be unbirthed. You're mine.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And so this imagery of scripture is emphatic and it's, I mean, how can Jesus on the cross, one of his last dying gasp, seven statements, father, forgive them. They don't know what they're doing. They don't know what they're doing. They certainly knew where to put the nails and where the crown on. I mean, they crafted a crown of thorns to dig into your skull. They don't know what they're doing.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Jesus, they look like they know exactly what they're doing and they hate you. They don't know what they're doing. That's love talking. That's grace talking. That's how God sees us. They don't know what they're doing. They really don't know what they're doing. They're eating each other alive. They're destroying each other. They're destroying their lives.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


My son tomorrow has a playoff game for his Venice high school basketball team. It's his senior year. He's 6'5". He's a big dude. He's maybe going to play college ball. No way. That's kind of our... our life, man. And I love, love, love Portland and Seattle. They say the theme of Portland is keep Portland weird. But if that's weird, I like it. I just love Seattle and Portland. And I love LA.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


They choose sin every time, but they don't know what they're doing. Father, forgive them. Let me take the penalty in my body. Forgive them. I am obsessed with this because if you can tell me anybody on the World Wide Web, tell me where there's a better story and where there's acceptance and love and forgiveness like this. So for me, I realize in my lowest days.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


My only shot, Bryce, is that I have to embrace not love as I see it and define it, but love as defined by Jesus. And here's the image, and I promise I'm done because I'm preaching a sermon, but the image to me is so radical because all I can see is this kid He's smelly. He's dirty. He's out of money. And suddenly a robe comes over him. A ring. A ring was a credit card. That's all it was. Sandals.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And all of a sudden he's sitting there. And imagine the employees come out. The older brother, which we know that doesn't go well. And everyone's like, what? What? And that's how I feel a lot of the time, Bryce. People are like, bro, you think you can be a preacher? Not really, to be honest. I don't think I should be a preacher. I think it's scandalous that I'm a preacher.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I think it's scandalous that I get on stage and people listen to me. I don't think they should. My life doesn't back it up all the time. It just doesn't. I feel as doubtful as an agnostic, as an atheist, as a whatever, but I'm telling you, he keeps showing up. Sometimes there's long gaps. But even in those gaps, I'm reminded that I don't live in worthy world. I don't have to earn it or deserve it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It is mine. It's unconditional. And so instead of apologizing for what I have, I utilize what I have. And I think that's why Paul says to Timothy, Timothy was pastoring a mega church in antiquity. And he says, you, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. That word grace, charisma. It's also your gift, but it's also the grace of God in your life. Just be strong in it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Because, bro, there's going to be days you don't feel strong. That statement made by Paul to Timothy is not a statement to say, when you feel strong, be strong. He's saying, I know you feel weak. I know you feel inadequate. I know you feel like everybody who says those things. Here's the thing. People criticize me. They're right.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I love how we're like, hey, man, I heard some things about me on the Internet. And I'm like, other than like sleeping with other women, I only sleep with one woman I'm married to. Thank God. But like a lot of it is true. He's arrogant. He's this. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm so broken. Guilty as charged. But the grace of God keeps showing up in my life.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I don't know what to say other than he is so loving and so gracious. I didn't run at him. He ran at me. I didn't ask for the robe. He gave it to me. I didn't put the ring on my finger. He put it on me. He called me son, not servant, not slave, son. I'm in his family. I don't know what else to do.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I can just imagine the guy just sitting there all smelly, the younger son, and they're putting this robe on him and everybody's standing around murmuring. And that's what happens, bro. Everyone's going to talk. But Jesus never addresses the whispers about himself. He just keeps moving and keeps loving. And my encouragement to you and to anybody out there who feels this way, man, I'm with you.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I feel the same way like every 32 minutes. I'm like, bro, this is crazy. We shouldn't be doing this. God, find somebody else to do this. Bryce and I are not your guys. We're train wrecks, right? I honestly feel like a nightmare. But I'm going to be strong in the grace. I didn't earn it or deserve it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


But this charisma you gave me, I guess the most worshipful, thankful, grateful thing I can do is be strong in it, is be strong in it. And that's been my life verse. I'll be honest with you. My life verse is you, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace. I feel like Timothy. I feel like God has blessed me in ways I can't even, there's nothing I could ever prove to anyone that I deserve this life.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I mean, I've totally fallen in love with this city. And I'm so happy to be hanging with you today.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I'm a woman for 25 years, the only girl I've ever dated, three beautiful children, friends and family and love. Bro, are you joking? I deserve death. I'm an absolute nightmare. And I don't know, somehow that gets me going, bro. In the mornings, it actually gets me going. Because I'm like, this whole thing is a scandal. And I can't believe I get to do this again, God. You gave me this life.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And so I think we got an opportunity, Bryce, to show the world what it looks like when you don't live by earn and deserve, cause and effect. When you live by transcendent grace. Bro, I just think it's exhilarating. I think it's why people tune in. I think it's why people connect with you because they can see that you're not projecting. I did something.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I got on the grind, bro, and I made this podcast happen. I mean, you told me of your own omission before the lights came on. You're like, bro, I mean, not a lot of people believe in this, but God just started blessing. It started growing. That's charisma. That's grace. That's favor. That's God running at you. And you might as well wear the robe and the ring and just tell people the truth, though.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


You know, I know it's crazy, right? Like, I don't know what happened, but God just keeps. And I think in our own unique ways, God has plans to do that for all of his kids. It's not fair. It's not all the same. It's not all equal. But, you know, that was a real full sermon. And I'm sorry, you have uncorked, like, the most passionate thing to me in the whole world.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Yeah. Yeah, I think I definitely had those moments. To be honest, my story is like, it's kind of, I don't know, existential or sensational. But at nine years old, I heard kind of the closest thing to the audible voice of God in Boise, Idaho. My dad was doing a, he did a seminar on purpose and destiny and vision and meaning for young people all over the country and some of Europe.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Well, first of all, I think it's being honest about pressure. I grew up thinking that great men and women I admired, that it was a moral, sexual, ethical problem they had, and I found out it was just a pressure problem. I think a lot of my friends who have had very public falls, so to speak, it was pressure. Pressure is...

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


oftentimes very real sometimes manufactured um i just want to say bryce i at my age i'm not going to sit here and pretend like i completely understand because you are a phenomenon and the world works a lot different than it used to work when i was your age my pressure at your age as a youth pastor for instance was a lot different and so you have an enormous amount of empathy coming from me.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


These are different waters. This is a different wilderness and a different jungle altogether. And one that at my age, I still don't understand how it works. It gets me very convoluted and confused. and hurt, you know, I just feel hurt sometimes. So a lot of the times I do what is incomplete and I just ignore it, you know, it just goes away.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I just hope that if I don't see it and I'm basically not on social media or the internet, it just will go away, but it doesn't. It always gets back to me. Somebody, a couple of people yesterday stopped me with my cousins in town and they said a few things and one lady was trying to pay me a compliment, but it hurts so bad.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And it was stuff that I hadn't thought about in a long time about friends that they get me confused with those friends. And this lady was sure I was in on it and made comments while I was buying some perfume for my wife. And I was like, oh, man, I haven't thought about that. but just because you don't think about it doesn't mean it's not there. And in your case, like I applaud you.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I mean, I think I see you wanting to engage with people and help people, even people who have questions about you and challenges. So I say all that to say, I definitely feel unqualified to comment on the level That you experience in lifestyle. I have the privilege of working with and walking with people with some of the biggest platforms in the whole world. And I feel the same way.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I'm like, what am I going to tell you, bro? Like, I don't know, like, really what that's like. But I'll say this. Jesus felt pressure. And the most vivid, intimate moment we are given a glimpse into is Gethsemane, right? Gethsemane is a place of, ironically, where they press olive, right? And Jesus is there. And I think what we have is a portal into his physical body.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


So we traveled full time and I would get on stage between eight and 11 years old. I would kind of close out the seminar with my dad. My story is I almost died three times before I turned three years old. And my dad would tell the story of how my life had a destiny and a purpose.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Jesus is fully human, fully divine. And he's in the garden and listen to his soul speak. He's like, He said, you know, God, if there's a chance that I don't have to go through this, that'd be great. It's interesting because he hasn't been pierced yet, but there's so much agony. Isn't that interesting? In fact, some would argue that

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


We have more agony on record before his hands are pierced, his side is pierced and his crown is crushed with this thorn. So soul agony is acute and it's painful. And so I would like to say like, I have Navy SEAL friends that have told me like, bro, you don't even understand pain. And you're like, well, yeah, I mean, your context, dog, I definitely don't. Like, that's crazy.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


You swam in the middle of the ocean for 27 hours? Like, was there sharks? Yeah, we felt them come by. It's like sandpaper. And I'm like, oh, you know, I get scared when I get lost in downtown LA. So like, you know, I get it. But the unique acute pain that you, Bryce, feel, first of all, needs to be Just cared for and just recognized. And I hope that you... I know you're not asking for that.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


You don't need that. But it's important to me that you don't feel crazy for feeling like you are treading water in the ocean for 27 hours and there's sharks swimming around you. Because that's what it feels like.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And perhaps the evil forces of the enemy were trying to take me out before I would kind of be who I needed to be to join the cause. Yeah. So I would, I honestly, I think I would, I would say God just keeps showing up to me, Bryce. And I don't know any other way to say it. Even in the mornings, like when I have my doubts and I have my fears and I have, this is too hard, this is too painful.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


But at nine years old, I just heard this crazy voice and I got done. My dad got done preaching. I came to the back room and I was, he's like, son, are you okay? And I was like, I think God like spoke to me. We both got down on our knees, as sensational as that sounds, and my dad just prayed. And at that point, it started a journey with me and Jesus that, I mean, life's not fair.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I think Bryce, not only is that beautiful, I think it's, exactly how a lot of us feel, whether right now or sometime real soon or recently. I think King David, felt like that. I think he felt like a shepherd who God met and then promoted. And then suddenly he's in a palace and the palace will create pressure that is so overwhelming. And suddenly you got all these eyes on you.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And the truth is you're, you're just still the same little shepherd guy you've always been. Now you got a lot of jewelry on and you got all these robes and maybe he had concubines. We won't go there, but you know, like, David's turned into this like complex czar, prince. And he's not doing good, right? There's moments in his life we know he does some really bad stuff, because he's not doing good.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


He doesn't have a very good track record as a dad. kind of hurts his kids because he's just not doing good. And it's like in the scripture, in the Old Testament, we see David and it's like he's lost in it all. And he's like that guy that saw God deliver his sheep from, the lion and the bear and everything.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


But there's this moment, and this is a moment that has meant so much to me, where the Ark of the Covenant, we won't get into all the details, but the Ark's coming back, which is a picture of God's presence and his essence. And David has this crazy idea. I'm going to go dance, basically like I used to dance when I was a boy.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I think what happens that day, Bryce, is that the king forgot that he was king, forgot the palace and the pressure and all the people. And I think he wanted to dance again like he used to dance when nobody was around in front of the sheep.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


because he felt the love of god if you remember the story he dances probably exactly how he used to dance which is basically in his undergarments and his boxer shorts and he just starts dancing in the streets and the whole nation's watching him and he gets back to the palace and his wife at the time his name is michael spelled like michelle but it's michael she said you're an idiot

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I pray it for my kids. I pray it for my friends. I have a lot of friends that still don't know what to do with Jesus. And I'm like, well, let's just pray he shows up to you. And it's not always the same way. And knowing a little bit about your story and us talking before the lights came on and everything, like,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And there it is, right? And man, if that hasn't happened to me a million times where you're like, you finally like kind of recover like who you are and you're like, dude, this is me, bro. Like I'm not everything that people say I am. I've been so preoccupied with the palace and the people and the pressure and the stuff and the things in this. I don't care.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Anybody with platform feels this way at some time or another. I don't care who they are or how they project themselves. And you recover it for a moment, right? You get that glimpse and perhaps it's happening to you and me now where it's like, bro, this is who I really am though. Like I'm really an unsophisticated shepherd boy who Jesus met.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And it's like, you get that glimpse and without fail in this stage of your life, there's somebody like Michael who you've trusted and loved and they go, bro, you can't, you can't do that anymore. You can't, bro, we're like a whole thing now. You can't. And remember David's response? He says, oh, Michael, you think that was crazy? Like you hadn't seen anything. I realize now that's who I am.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I'm just a dude that God met in the fields with some sheep. And I'm not a lot more than that. And I think, you know, I think in the beautiful ways that you've said it, Bryce, I think that there's something to that for everybody.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Like, it's funny, you hear all the great athletes, you hear all the great artists, and they all have this renaissance later in their career, or hopefully earlier in their career, where they're like, I'm still the kid that dreamed about playing football. Like, I'm still the girl who dreamed about being an actress. But man, when it happens, bro, everybody tells you you'll be so happy.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Like you'll be this big podcaster and everybody will listen to you around the world. And you'll be with all your friends, it'll be the best. And then you go to sleep at night and nobody's around and you're like, I feel so much pressure and so much pain. And I live in the palace, dog. Like this sucks. Excuse my language.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I think that the worst part, I was going to say suckiest, but that probably will offend people. I shouldn't use such crude language. But the worst part about it, bro, is that you lose yourself sometimes. And I'm still the nine-year-old kid in Boise, Idaho, bro. I swear. I definitely have gray in my beard. And unfortunately, I can grow a beard.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I share a little bit of that similarity, like man, God just like met me, dreams, moments, encounters. And so I can't even take credit for that. Do you know what I mean? I didn't like research and study. I love to study and stuff, but my story is that he just keeps showing up to me in the oddest and most wildest ways.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I wish I had your baby face, which is gorgeous, by the way. Congrats. Endlessly, eternally youthful. But... All I would say to you, that entire story was to say to you and to say to me, we still got to dance, you know? And whatever that metaphorically means for you and me, we still got to be exactly who we've always been. But I promise you, whether it could be this episode,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


You know, Bryce, you can't be like crying, bro, telling everybody on your podcast, all this stuff you're going through. Sorry, bro. Like, I just don't know any other way to do it. I feel lost a little bit in the sauce. I feel lost in like the pressure of it all. And perhaps that's why we tune in.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Perhaps that's why we trust you because you're willing to say like, dude, a lot of this stuff is like getting to my head because you got into this for people. And that's the thing that will keep you being who you are. I got good news for you. Bryce, what got you here is what will sustain you. But here's the good news. Your story is that what got you here is not your genius and your hard work.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It's the grace of God. And the grace of God got you here. So the grace of God will keep you here. And the grace of God will see you through. The problem with just hard work is if hard work got you here, then you got to work harder now to keep you here. But that's not your story. And that's not my story. So in a sense, everybody wants to keep you from being a kid and dancing.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


But I love how David said to his wife, Michael, listen, if that bothers you, there's going to be a bunch of other stuff that's going to bother you because I'm still the shepherd boy that God met in the field. And I think that was a secret to David's strength. And so, I mean, I thank you. I think I find a lot of strength in your candor and emotion and transparency. I'm with you, man.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I got to tell you, I might be a lot older than you, but I feel almost the exact same way. I don't know if that's encouraging or discouraging, but at least we're in it together.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


You're too prepared. Apparently your preparedness is absolutely unnerving. Um, well, I mean, ultimately like, uh, you know, whether or not this is scriptural, you know, you, The things we want and desire in our life, man, if we reflected them, if we prioritize them, I think there's some beauty there. I've never met a guy or a gal who said, I want to date someone who's selfish.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I want to date someone who's self-seeking. I want to date someone who's crude and rude. I want to date someone who goes on a date and doesn't listen. They just wait to talk. I want someone who is preoccupied on their phone. I want someone who is affectionate because they have to. All these things where no one ever says that. They always want the soft, kind person.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It just happened. Like I was I wanted to be like my dad. I'm watching my dad on stage and he was a really good communicator. And it was a really cool like I mean, it's the 80s, man. So but we had like, you know, faux brick on stage and we had like a rear projector with Pat Boone narrating. You don't know who Pat Boone is, but he still lives in L.A.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


fun and amazing, but like they want the person who's present and loves them and cares for them. And ultimately I would say, man, the thing about God's unconditional love is it keeps your heart soft. And to me, the most powerful position and posture a human being can be in, in preparation for romantic love is a soft heart, an open heart, like similar soft heart, open heart, um,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Like, I mean, who's ever been like, you know, that person is so annoying because they're so curious. Gosh, that person just asked me so many questions about myself. I hated it. Man, that person just kept looking at me in the eye and sharing such interest and care and concern for me. It drove me nuts. Like, no one ever says that. So, like, if you think about it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


What if you, yes, you watching, or Bryce and I, became that person we dream about? And that's impossible for us to do it on our own, but if we just really were like, okay, God's love is unconditional. He loves me. All right, I'm going to start making certain things a priority. In the same way I use hygiene as a priority, I'm going to use asking questions as a priority, listening, eye contact.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Hey, how you doing? I love our culture because we're like, yo, what's up? But we don't ever stop to listen to what they say. That's our, it's just our cliche. It's like, yo, what's up? Are you good? And we don't, we expect only this. Yeah, yeah, good, good. Perfect. It's all cliche. Meaning like if I said to you, are you good? And you're like, Bro, actually, like, dude, I'm not.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Thank you for asking. A lot of people would be like, oh, oh, bro. Yeah, all right. Well, you know, let's yeah. No, let's talk about that in a minute. I thought we were going to like Lucky Strike. I thought we were going to Topgolf. Bro, like, wait, are we going deep right now, Bryce? You're like, that's our culture. And so when it comes to dating, I just think it's hilarious.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I think we go mindlessly into dating more than we want to admit. And I think we're like, you know, I hope he's hot. I hope she's hot. Sick. Wow. This has been fun. They thought about me a lot and they talked about me a lot. I like them. What if it was inverted?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


The whole thing, we inverted the whole thing and we thought, I am going to be that person that's curious, a listener, a lover, empathetic, caring, sensitive. You know what I learned? You do that for a day, and you're more likely to do it the next day. You do it the next day, you're more likely for doing it for three, four, five days in a row.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


If you're not careful, dog, you might become that person. You might actually become a curious person. And to me, it all starts with like, if every day I'm like, I don't deserve this, I didn't earn this, but I'm grateful and I'm here. By the way, there's science that backs up the whole thing that says that you can't be like anxiety and gratitude are like oil and water.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Like it's really hard for them to like stay together. So if you're super grateful and you practice gratitude, it's really hard oftentimes. I'm not saying it's impossible, but anxiety to take root. So I just, I don't know. I don't underestimate gratitude. like going on a date and being that person and see what happens to you. Like, I just think it's exciting.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And it was just this visual, like it was all these images of like actually kind of punk rockers and stuff. And it was my dad being like, God loves all of his children. And so you can imagine, I visually would watch this same seminar, I could repeat it almost word for word. And so I loved Jesus, but it was very cerebral. It was very much in my mind. My heart was open to him.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Now, again, we can get into scripture and all that stuff, but I just think from a real practical point, because you're forcing me to talk about how I think people should date, even though I'm 26 years removed from my last actual date, not true. I mean, we do marry dating.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Chelsea and I have date week date night every week, but, um, date night is also fun because it usually leads to sex, which I highly recommend. Um,

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Can I ask you a question about your dating relationship? Yeah. Is your girlfriend, is her favorite part your blue eyes? Does she love your blue eyes? You have piercing blue eyes.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Oh, that's right, because you guys are more sensitive.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I mean, they're like your light blue Jesus shirt, which I love, by the way. Thank you. Your blue eyes are piercing. Thank you. In a really awesome way. Congratulations.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


We should probably get into that right now. No, dude, we are not doing this right here.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Genuinely nervous. You're like, oh my God.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I love this, bro. I live for these stories.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


But starting from nine years old, he became this incredible person that would meet me when I needed him most. And so I do tell him still to this day, you got to show up for my friends. You got to show up for my kids. You got to show up. If you don't show up, we can't keep going. Yeah. He just keeps showing up, man.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Are you older than her? Is she older?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


My wife's three months older. I'm into older women.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)



The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I didn't mean the year.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


October 9th. No way.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


My wife's birthday is in July. What day? July 18th.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


That's not true. I swear.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I swear. Guys, I don't know. Bring in the camera. Like, okay, bring in the camera. What does that even mean?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


There's no one behind the camera. That's insane. Actually, that is bizarre.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


July 18th is Maddie's birthday? Yes, yes. Bro, that's wild. Anyways, we're October babies. They're July babies.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


October babies, I can't say enough good things about them.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Yeah. They're the best. They're electric, for instance.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Magnetic, likable, approachable. I mean, it just starts coming to me, October.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


If I asked you to go on a double date with my wife and I, would you do it? Absolutely.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And so Octobers and Julys could be together?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I'll pay.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


No, I'll pay. I already said it. Okay, deal. You can't stop me. And I'm older, so I'm supposed to pay. Do you know what I mean? Right. Or else it'd be really weird. Well, yeah, it would be to make the young guy pay. All right, we'll go. And we'll go to one of my favorite spots because I want What's her name again? Maddie. Maddie. Is it Amanda or Maddie?

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


She sounds incredible.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Man, I mean, it's like a bathtub every morning for me, which is really very specific and oddly probably too visual. But anyways, I do a bubble bath every morning and that's my spot, man. And I'm a one verse a day guy. I like to think on one verse every day. I haven't got my verse yet today, if I'm really honest. Life got started really quick this morning and my son backed in and

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I'm sure you don't know that.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


That's a good word.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I'm excited, too. I really am. I need dating advice for my kids, too. Do you know what I mean? 2018-15. My youngest is my baby girl, so God help me. Yeah, so I'll ask some advice if you don't mind. That would be fun.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Yeah, no, you will. You will. You're living it, so thank you.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Thank you.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


wreck the back of our car. But that's not really the point. That's not why we're here, Bryce. I'm fine. I didn't cuss or anything. But anyways, I just one verse a day. And then, yeah, I don't know. My idea of prayer is really candid, honest conversation with God. And I just get these overwhelming moments of like, I can feel his love. I can feel his approval. I can feel his acceptance.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Somehow, I think you probably improved on it. So thank you.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And then he'll remind me of a friend to think about. And I'll pray for the friend. Then I'll text the friend. And Every week there is a moment for me, Bryce, where I text a friend and they go, depending on who it is, no way you just text me. How's that even possible? You're psychic. And I'm like, bro, you came to my mind. He's like, dude, you would never believe. And this is happening.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And the fact that you text me is like, there is a God. And those are just, it feels very adventurous to me. And I'm curious what that is. Looks like for you in terms of how I think it's interesting how God shows up to each one of us in unique ways, obviously consistent with Scripture and the person of Jesus. And and but but it's that's an enjoyable part to me.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It's very much like how will God show up today? Yeah, that's fun and spontaneous. And maybe that's my personality, too. I enjoy that.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


You're definitely a Georgia guy. Yeah, yeah. I love Waffle House.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Yeah, and I don't think you'll even know the difference.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I think it seems like the 12 young guys that walked around with Jesus for three and a half years have similar fragility and humanness. I mean, they seem, I tend to think sometimes that you can kind of find yourself in one of the 12, you know? And and kind of go, OK, what what what did they do and what was their behavior? Here's here's the good news in the headlines.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


Like even these 12 guys who walked around with physical, visible manifest Jesus for three and a half years and saw him do sensational, extraordinary, inexplicable acts. seem to forget his words, seem to be anxious, seem to be angry and fearful and sinful. So I do think there's a level of, for anyone struggling, and we all do, hey, hey, you're probably doing better than you think you are.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


I mean, the first thing I would say to you, Bryce, is what I try to say to a lot of my friends and people that I get to do coffee with, all the guys I do coffee with. And I just say, bro, the fact that you're doing coffee with a preacher, that's pretty wild in and of itself. The fact that you have this extraordinary podcast that reaches the world and you're willing to, on that podcast, say...

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


yo, I'm still kind of a mess and I still got weaknesses. And already to me, it's going to be really, really hard to not meet Jesus staying in that posture. I just love that attitude. I love that approach. There might be extended dry seasons that are inexplicable.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


That honestly, anybody like me who would come on a podcast like this with you and be like, well, Bryce, there's 17 key essentials you need to execute on. And then you'll actually, it's like, well, it doesn't really work like that because God's a person, not a mathematical equation.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And so, and by the way, if this was just a password to God and we punched it in like an ATM or like a vending machine, we wouldn't have a real relationship. We would just punch in the buttons and da-da-da-da. But sometimes we deduce it to that. We make this journey with God.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


You know, like those video games we play, or I grew up with the Nintendo, which there was literally codes you could get to jump to the like last level. And I think we would do that in our relationship with God if we could, but instead we have to trust him, lean on him, listen to him, wait with him. And I think you have all those elements.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


It's very obvious, I think, not only to me, but all the people that tune in to learn and listen and laugh with you. So thank you. But ultimately, I will say, based on my study of the 12 guys that walk with Jesus and what I've learned in 46 years, is that I typically will find the friend in my life who's really having a moment with God, and I will have them tell me about it.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And I'll just talk to him, if I'm really honest, and be like, wait, so God met you. Well, what happened? I will listen to the song that makes me feel Jesus the most. This might be incredibly subjective, but this is the truth of what I do. So right now, Chandler Moore, who I love, and he's wild, Maverick City, he did this song called What I Needed.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And it's, you don't give me what I want, you give me what I needed. And I'm sorry I was so disappointed. I felt like you didn't deliver. Bro, like my cousin sent me this song from Arizona and I was like, oh, that's exactly how I feel right now. God didn't show up for me. But you always do. And it's not necessarily what I always want, but it's definitely what I need. It's what I really want.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And so that song has just been, I listened to it this morning, man. It's just been there for me. But I think friends, art can really move me. I know that sounds odd. I'll go back. to art that moves me, that reminds me of moments I've had with God. So I guess the short of what I'm saying is I'll really lean into other people's and what they're experiencing with God.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And then I will go back to things that remind me of those moments God showed up and delivered. And maybe that's the art of remembrance. You look at the children of Israel, God's always like, hey, set up stones, set up all these things. It's like, I don't think it's about the stones or the edifice or the statues. I think it's about remembering, remembering that he's exactly who he's always been.

The Bryce Crawford Podcast

The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)


And if he did it yesterday, he can do it tomorrow and perhaps even today. Those are some of the things that I do, but I wish it was not the way it often is though, Bryce. Like I wish we showed up to our shower and our bath every morning and we got the same extraordinary experience with God, but it isn't.