Joel McDonald
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Alex, thank you. This is, this is an amazing couple of days. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you guys. My name is Joel McDonald. We sell a travel coaching program. We help travelers. I don't know, 40 sales a month.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Okay. Yeah. So that we feel very good about, especially now we've got a lot more clarity. We're on trajectory to... Hit 10 and actually a lot of clarity to hit 15 million this year. Cool. The biggest thing, and it's not necessarily what's stopping us, but what has us really nervous is we've got all of our eggs in one basket. And we're 95% dependent on meta advertising, which works great.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
We've got it pretty under control, but that could disappear at any moment. Yeah. My thought is diversification. I mean, we could do other paid channels. Those are a lot more expensive. I'd like to diversify a little more with affiliates. That represents about, we've got an aggressive program. It pays $5 to $7 per click. All right. But it's like 1% of our revenue.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
You've done reels and topics on creative ways to do affiliates. A, do you think that's a best way to diversify? And B, if so, what are some out-of-the-box strategies to kickstart that?
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
All right. Thank you. Easy peasy.