Jessica Horton
The NPR Politics Podcast
NPR Investigation: Harassment In The Federal Court System
She told me that she took off two weeks when she had each of her children. And so she said, you can expect the same. And at the time, I had no context for how little that is.
The NPR Politics Podcast
NPR Investigation: Harassment In The Federal Court System
My judge at one point asked me how dilated I was. And I didn't know not to like, and so she's like, well, maybe when you go to your appointment, the doctor should check. I had no idea. Like, I mean, at the time, like I knew that that was wrong. Looking back, that is so incredibly inappropriate.
The NPR Politics Podcast
NPR Investigation: Harassment In The Federal Court System
And I remember I was still wearing all the pads because I was still bleeding. I was leaking milk everywhere. And I just remember dropping him off at my mom's house and being gone for those few hours and just being completely miserable.
The NPR Politics Podcast
NPR Investigation: Harassment In The Federal Court System
And I felt like it would have been career suicide at that point to leave my clerkship.
The NPR Politics Podcast
NPR Investigation: Harassment In The Federal Court System
Yeah, literally on the calendar, and every day I'd cross it off and just count down the days until I could be done with that and put it behind me.
The NPR Politics Podcast
NPR Investigation: Harassment In The Federal Court System
But after this experience, I changed my mind and I think kind of put a nail in the coffin of my legal career pretty early.