Jason Buttrell
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Yeah. Before I address that, I would like to say that the fact that the potential of World War III made the after show. It's amazing. What the hell was being talked about in the other three hours?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
In a Glenn Beck radio show.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
I will say with the rare earth minerals things, I think it's genius on a couple different levels. On one, he's bringing out into the open exactly what the Democrats have been after since 2014 and before. So now he's laying out on the table No more secret, okay? Yeah, yeah. This is what the establishment on my side wants. Now, will it benefit this side of the party as well? Sure.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
But let's just put all of our cards out on the table. That is how you negotiate. Not by holding in a little secret compartment, which I'm not saying you have one of those at your poker table, like at the ranch. Shh. I'm not saying that exists. Yeah. But there's no secret little thing out here. What? Oh, don't worry about it, Stu. Don't worry about it. Come play poker with us.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
So you're just putting all the cards on the table. That's how negotiations are done. But he's also doing something else. He's signaling to Putin, look, I'm not hiding anything here. Yeah. This is all about interests, right?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
So if you want to deal with us, you're dealing with hard-nosed geopolitical interests, right? Yes. There's nothing else here at stake but that. Now you can come to the negotiating table and offer me something.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Uh, And I will say that this is not revolutionary thought here. This is the way foreign policy, things like that, used to be done. It's just post-Cold War, we shifted into this hazy, like, no, we're doing this because we're the most righteous nation on the planet, even though we're also cool with the Saudis and Erdogan and Turkey, I think. It's just about interest here. It's transparency.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
It's transparency, and you also do a negotiation by recognizing that both sides have interests in this thing. You do not do a negotiation when you have the UN, which we all know is ridiculous anyway and worthless, but when every single year they're going to do this ceremonial vote, which they just had again, where they say, let's condemn Russia for their invasion again. But why? Why?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
We're doing it again. Okay, but why? Does it have anything at all to do with there's certain sides of people at the table that now are looking for peace and not war? Yes. Oh, crap. I wasn't supposed to say that. No, no, no. We're just going to do it again.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
We're going to vote again so that they look like the bad guys, the ultimate evil guys twisting their mustachios, and we look like the guy that's coming to save the chick that's tied up on the railroad. That's why we want to do it.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
I mean, I can't. I mean, it's sad to say that that that that's what we have to admit now after this many years and this much escalation. I think that now going back to the UN vote, which is what everybody was clutching their pearls on, that we kind of, well, we did vote along with Russia and not condemning this invasion because we've already done it in the past.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Everyone understands, Stu's giving me the stink eye and I'm just gonna like say this anyway. Because, yes, obviously everyone agrees that the invasion shouldn't have happened. All the people should not have died. This is a bad thing. And Russia did do that. But why say it again? That's not how you advance in any kind of negotiation. That's not how you do it.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Most of these articles are not putting the main headline that the United States offered a counter-resolution that did get voted on, not in the General Assembly, but amongst the Security Council, which did pass. which took out all the inflammatory language. It did not finger point back and forth. It acknowledged the fact that this invasion sucks, the war sucks, and all these people have died.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
What do you get out of finger pointing?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
It's because the style is transactional. It's business. You're never going to get anywhere with some of these countries and get anything pulled off like the Abraham Accords. When you come in and say, look, I'm directing these negotiations. Why? Because we're the United States of effing America. Yeah, and we're better than you. And we're so much better than you. That gets nowhere.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
You get nothing done. But what does get done is when you say, look, this is what you can get. This is what we want. Can we meet in the middle? Barack Obama would have called this pragmatic.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
I hate how he does. So allies do not mean marriage for life. No. That's the same thing. I'm going to say the thing that's going to piss off a lot of people right now. But NATO. is a temporary alliance, not marriage for life. True.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
That's what it is.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
But stating the obvious in a negotiation like that is not going to get you anywhere. It's gonna get you the stagnation that you've had before. And then the whole thing, like you mentioned, being mean to our allies, which again, irritates me when I hear people talk like that, because what else are you supposed to do when you've had this marriage that you're never supposed to negotiate?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
You constantly get taken advantage of in the global stage. So him being mean, when I see it, is him looking at a group of countries that are still operating on a system that was built post-World War II, where he's saying like, okay,
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
I know I'm supposed to be absolutely nice here, but why do you have, like, 50% more tariffs on, like, automobiles, and we're getting screwed when we try to... How is that fair when it's built up with a system that helps you on reconstruction after World War II?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
That virus specifically is what has always freaked me out. Ever since Outbreak with Dustin Hoffman, I was like, when that goes out, okay, yeah, I'm moving to the mountains.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Well, some have got an EIN number, something like that, or a passport, but nothing that would show U.S.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
So the governor of Texas said that the operation was starting that day yesterday to go in and start clearing out Colony Ridge of illegals. And as of this morning, we're actually getting video footage of that operation. Tom Homan said that the border czar said that they got they arrested 90 people.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
uh criminal illegals um it sounds like uh so let's put that in context 90 people there's about what like 120 000 people that live in that area yeah um but now i'm sure he's there it sounds the wave just from hearing him talk it sounds like they're starting this rollout or this phase similar to how they're doing it in the entire country they're focusing on the violent criminals first yeah uh then they're moving because the good guys
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
It's hard to describe, and we saw it when we were there. You literally feel like you're stepping into a third-world country. Big time. Remember there was that area right in the beginning where it's got the more affluent people, the nicer houses? But you drive, what, one to two blocks in?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
No zoning laws, it seems like. So they operate businesses inside their homes.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
in that area because it's just all upside down anyway and it looks like if you ever walked it walked around tijuana mexico or something that's what it feels like it's exactly like that we look we so you i talked to i can't remember how many people dozens of people asking them are you a citizen um how'd you get here i have i have a clip from the real story of colony ridge that jason and i both did here's a woman that he talked to it's cut nine
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Person after person was willing to talk to us, including this woman running a taqueria in her yard. Do you live here in Colony Ridge? When did you come here? And you came from where?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Before that? Did you become a citizen when you came over here or still haven't done that yet? That was just one conversation.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Had to fly over the helicopter.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
They're screwed. Yeah, I remember doing that. I didn't really know what to think about the two brothers, especially the one that we spoke to, because when we first talked to him, he sounded like, oh, he's all just about helping out immigrants. It's for them.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
But then we would talk to other people that say, yeah, but these lending things, I kind of feel like we were backed into a corner and held at gunpoint, basically.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
they just took it back and then they could sell it again one of my favorite parts you're asking about all these like crimes that happen you know through all this research and he's like no that wasn't even here that was like another zip code you know all the stuff no no it's like the crime is like percentage-wise the same as any other community we walked out and we're like well crap you know is that true we go immediately and talk to the it was the sheriff yeah and he's like oh yeah all that's all that stuff you talk about is true happened right there in colony ridge
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
It was insane. Wow. But I guess the biggest point on, you know, that one clip that you just played and thinking about the 120,000 people that are there, I only spoke to one person that said, yeah, I'm a citizen. And it was obvious that this person was a citizen. Everybody else said they were not a citizen. So think about the, just average that out out of 120,000 people and
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
And how much work does Homan and ICE have to do now? And what is that going to take in that area?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Can I say, though?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
I don't want him on the sidelines. Did you see him? He's jacked. With his personality, with his belief system, with everything, I want him on the front lines kicking doors down. That's what I want. Or maybe for the first time ever, the deputy director can be a door kicker. I'd like to see that. Let's get that done. I think they're all door kickers at this point. Yeah, that's true.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Imagine that, though. You have a group saying, nah, we're going to keep doing our DEI stuff at the FBI. Cash sends Dan Bongino down the knock on their door. It's not going to be good. It's not going to be good. It's not going to end well.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
I think the word Game of Thrones comes to mind the most when I'm thinking about the FBI and the relationship with the DOJ and all this stuff coming out of New York. I remember about a month ago, there was a Guardian article that was talking about, and this was before Cash Fatale was even confirmed.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
that the New York office specifically of the FBI was in an open-quote battle with the Trump administration as far as some of these firings, some of these position moves, everything. But I was thinking, it's absolutely insane to me how the media and I think a lot of the progressive left see how the checks and balances work within this country.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
They see not a checks and balances system of Congress checking the executive, judiciary. And they believe the bureaucracy has full congressional duty and power to check the executive branch of government. Yeah. Which sounds kind of chaotic to me because I think... No, it's absolutely unconstitutional and it is chaotic. But they're like fine with it. I know.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
What? Yeah. Is that how bad it's gotten at the FBI?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Did they run their own? I mean, why even call it the FBI? Do they run their own agency now within these different little sub offices all over the country?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
And this is only one case, right? This is being brought out. It's being brought into the open. This is one thing we know about. Can we talk for a second about the assassination attempt?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
So that I don't know.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Well, can we can we go back really quickly to the oversight project, Heritage's oversight project? So right after the assassination attempt, they said, hey, look, we've gotten this system where we can. They did it for migrants where they were like tracking cell phone data. What they're doing is tracking ad data, which is a whole nother Glenn Beck chalkboard.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Yeah. That's a whole other conversation. They're doing that through like games and stuff. I know. I know.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
So anyway, so they tracked this data and they found that there were several phones were pinging at the assassin's house, traveling around, but also pinging in a location where there was an FBI office nearby. Okay.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
And why is this kid traveling like that? It makes no sense. It automatically says, okay, maybe if there's other people that have not been named yet, there's other people involved here that we haven't been told about. So why? Well, you come to the latest allegations now on the assassination attempt that...
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
there are private private investigations there's specifically one group that's been uh tasked with finding out what was what was involved who how many people could have been involved and they have been personally escorted out of the county and taken to the state line so that they stop investigating and they're like what's going on here they suspect fits so again Wait, say what happened again?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Say that again, please. This private investigation group, it's like six or seven individuals. One guy that's very respected and very competent. They've been trying to figure out if more people are involved with this. They were in, was it Butler County?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
They were in Butler County and they were investigating. They claim that they, while doing this investigation, were escorted away from where they were doing their investigation, I assume around where the assassination happened or maybe the guest house or whatever, and they were taken to the county line.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
And told to stop. So they didn't know who it was. They said either feds or maybe some kind of crazy private security. I don't think private security has the legal authority to take someone to the county line. No, they don't. So again, the idea of the feds being involved here. And some of the quotes that they were talking about, they said... How sure of that are you?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
as going off of what they told the new york post okay so yeah um now we've had other investigations which have been talked about recently some from congress and they've talked about and there's this one guy specifically that said look i think that he acted alone but again but we have been thwarted at almost every step by guess which agency might have been thwarting them glenn the fbi
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
The FBI, every single one of these stories, that is right at the middle.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
It's not like a FBI director has ever held compromising sexual information against a sitting president of the United States, has it?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
This is what they do.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
This is what they do, right. Their shrine is the Hoover building, named after the monster that did these things. Is that the same as this?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
It is interesting, though, what they're setting up. They could potentially set up for Kash Patel because he is a breaker of chains, basically, to keep with the Game of Thrones references. He is a disruptor.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Well, that's what they're setting up because they've said, oh, but if you give him cause to do the disruptive things he wants to do. Exactly right. They just gave the director of the FBI cause to start cleaning.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
And he's been eerily quiet.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Correct. Just a blanket, you know, the FBI is withholding documents doesn't make sense with Kash Patel as the director, because he's already seen if we're going off of his statements, he's already seen it. He knows it and he has vowed to release it. So it's that's got to be knocked off.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Yeah, and I think that kind of goes towards point three, right? Because if they know how New York's going to respond on this, that field office, they're just pushing them into the corner to react how they know they're going to react.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Yeah. Well, I mean, but she immediately deflected because they knew there was going to be outrage on this because this is one of our main issues on the base is the Epstein files. Yes. She immediately directed all that rage towards one specific point, New York.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
One, to deflect. To deflect, which would work with the one I just described. But two, to set off point three.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
I think that's kind of a big thing as well.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
I've seen that being floated around a lot, and especially yesterday on X. I spent years doing intelligence, actual intelligence operations. I'm going to go full on conspiracy here. I've seen how misinformation and disinformation works. I was warning people that once information started coming out listing random names, like, oh, my God, let's tie every single name to Epstein.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
That was a big up, in my opinion. The fact that she was not involved, but just the fact that they're like, oh, look, Rihanna was at a party. She's on the list. Well, no, she's not. I mean, she could be eventually. I don't know. But she's not on the list. More like a victim.
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
Well, in my opinion, that's a big distraction. That is to blow it up to make it look like it's this vast right-wing conspiracy and hide the fact of what was really going on. What was really going on? I don't know. But we know that members of the Royal Family were involved. We know, I'm going to say this again, that the CIA director... Well, at least twice. When to meet with Jeffrey Epstein?
The Glenn Beck Program
5 Theories to Explain the Epstein File Bindergate | Guest: Liz Wheeler | 2/28/25
He does not do that on some random dude that they've charged for a crime that didn't exist. Why would the CIA director meet with Jeffrey Epstein?