Jasmine Crowe-Houston
TED Talks Daily
TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown
What we eat really shapes our world.
TED Talks Daily
TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown
She's the founder of a company named Goodr that's redirecting uneaten food from grocery stores, restaurants, and businesses.
TED Talks Daily
TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown
So what is specifically being brought in today? So lots of breads, lots of breakfast items, snacks, bagels. English muffins. Do you ever get people who are like, this is so annoying, this company is creating more hassle for us? You know, sometimes at the top, but not at the bottom. A good example of that is when the Atlanta airport is one of Goodr's customers.
TED Talks Daily
TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown
What we found is when we went over to the airport and I started talking to different employees about it, these are people that themselves are living on the marginal poverty line, making $9, $10 an hour at the airport. And so many of them said, I love Goodr. I used to hate having to throw this food away when I needed it at home for my family.
TED Talks Daily
TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown
Somebody's watching this and they're like, yay, Jasmine, go Goodr. Yeah. But what can I do? If you're an everyday person and you're working, you're supporting your local stores, your local businesses, ask them what they're doing with their food waste. This is your opportunity to get them to do something. And that has been the catalyst for a lot of the customers that we have today.