Jane Dorotik
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I know that I give the horses shots all the time. If you go look in my fridge right now, you'll find horse syringes.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I can't really explain it other than I know that I helped Bob clean up a nosebleed, and if that's the same time when I took the syringes and threw them in the trash.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I know that they have presented a lot of evidence to support that the bedroom is a crime scene.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I do know when Bob had a nosebleed, he made a comment about getting some blood on the mattress.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
But I mean there was some on the ceiling. That doesn't make a lot of sense.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Would I really be so sloppy as to leave it right out sitting on the coffee table for days knowing that everyone is searching everything? Would I really be that stupid?
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
It's so hard in here. I work really hard every day to stay positive because it's such a difficult environment.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I always used to say this is the most peaceful place on the face of the earth.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I wish I just knew what really happened. I wish there was some way to piece it together, somebody to come forward with the truth.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
This is me. This is Bob. I was 23 when we were married. They raised three children. Alex is the oldest, Claire's in the middle, and Nick is the youngest.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
They're wonderful. You know, the family has always been incredibly important to both of us.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I know they're going through tremendous pain too. I just am struggling so hard as a mom to know what happened, why.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Sunday started out like any other day. Hi, guys. My routine was always to get up first, go feed the horses.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
It's like, no, this can't be. I was so certain that I was walking out.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I mean, I just, I can't see my way clear to a life in prison. I just can't see it.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
That was the day I decided to move all four mares up to the barn on top.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
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48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Bob was sitting actually in this chair facing the TV. He had the newspapers on the ottoman. He said he was going out for a jog. And he was actually had his jogging suit on, was tying his shoes. That was it. That was the last I talked to him.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
You know, only a vague sense of, hmm, this is a longer run. But by 5, it was beginning to get dark, and I decided to go out and look.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Yeah, and there's very little shoulder. I thought, well, maybe he fell off the side of the road and he broke his ankle and he's just sitting there calling, hoping somebody will hear him or find him. By 7.30, Jane was getting scared. I said, enough. This is enough. Something is wrong. And that's when I made the call to the Sheriff's Department.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
She was freaked out. It was a long night. What were you feeling by then? It was a horrifying feeling that got more and more horrifying when he wasn't found.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
He said he was going out for a jog. That was the last I talked to him.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
You know, it's such a hard thing to do, to call, say to your kid, your dad's dead.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
How could this happen? How could somebody take away his life like this? Is there anybody you could think who would want to see your husband dead?
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
He said, you're under arrest. I was like, what? I just couldn't believe this would be happening.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I know I didn't do this, but how am I going to clear myself? I know in my heart that I'm innocent. And everybody that knows me knows I'm innocent.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I still sometimes think, how can this be? How can this happen? Surely I've been in a really long, bad dream. And I'll wake up and it won't be real anymore.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
We're moving the household today, the horses tomorrow, and hope we get everything done in two days. Jane is moving. I'm packing my crazy method. Just throw it in.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I miss him terribly. Every time I go into another room, I still think I'm going to see Bob sitting at his computer or reading a book. I can't stay here with all of the memories that are here.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Very much a high achiever and very much an independent kind of a person. While Bob had a passion for hiking and jogging, Jane loved her horses. I've been breeding horses for 20 years. My sweetie. I've always loved horses.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
We buy three or four a year and hope to train them and resell them. He's looking a little lazy with his back legs.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I don't make any apologies for the fact that we had rough times, but that doesn't change the fact that we loved each other.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Before February, how would you have described your marriage? I would say better than ever. I really think the separation caused us to really regroup and think about what was important.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
Why do they believe you killed your husband? You know? I guess I've been through that one a billion times. I don't know. I have read that in some very high percentage of cases, it's either a family member or somebody known. My alibi of being up in the barn cleaning stalls is probably not a very good one in their mind, but I wish they would go to Motive.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
They can say whatever they want. They can think whatever they want. It's just not the case.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I think massive was the word that was used. Is that possible? Well, I can't see how it's possible. When I was sleeping in that same bed for three nights, my family's there in and through the room. My two sisters and I sat on the foot of that bed and hugged after Bob was killed. Yeah, we were all in this room. I didn't see any blood.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I guess I don't doubt there is blood on the carpet. We're in the country. We've lived here for two years.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I don't think so I mean obviously still I'm on a roller coaster I cry one minute I you know I worry about. What the future is going to hold.
48 Hours
A Deadly Family Secret
I know intellectually that the prosecution must feel that they have enough of a case to even go this far. But how can they possibly feel that?