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Jamie Lee Mathias


Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


We've painted as a family for a number of years and my wife gave me quite a lot of grief about the quality of my work. So I decided to paint something of us on our wedding day, gave it to her as a gift and it went down very, very well. I think she was a little bit shocked that that's what I thought she looked like, to be honest.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


It was done just from an image that hadn't been taken yet because it was before the wedding day. She looked nothing like that on the day, but she saw the humour in it, as did all of the guests on the day as well.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


She was basically saying how bad I was, so I thought it would be quite funny to present it as part of the wedding speech, knowing that it would be bad, and it was, and it got a lot of laughs, and from then it just blew up. So it was more just that she said I was rubbish, so I thought I'd gift it to her. I actually said I'd like her to hang it on the living room wall.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


She's, as of yet, refused to do that.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


It was, actually, actually.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


Yeah, basically at the turn of the year, we decided that we'd put it on social media and just see if anybody else wanted one. I enjoy doing it, even though I'm not very good. So I wanted to carry on. There's only so many I could do for friends and family. And it's just kind of blown up.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


Yeah, we've got, I think, 145 orders at the moment going to about nine different countries, I think, at last count.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


People are just seeing the funny side of it, to be honest, Holly. It's creating a lot of laughter for us as a family with me doing them, but also when people are receiving them, they're just so ridiculous that people are just really enjoying it for what it is.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


I knew that I wasn't very good at drawing, which is why we gave it the name Terrible Art, but we didn't expect people to buy into it as much as they are, but I think... We're getting a lot of people sending us their reactions when they're opening them, which is just pure laughter and joy.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


And I think in January, which was quite a long month anyway, as it always is, it brought a lot of laughter to a lot of people.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


The kids think it's ridiculous, but I think none of us thought it was going to do as well as it did. So I did some for friends and family over Christmas. And again, I think they just thought it was a bit of a gimmick. But I think everyone's just enjoying the comedy value of it. It's gone so far and wide and there's been so many good stories from it. So I think, yeah, everybody's enjoying it.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


Maybe a little bit nervous that they're all going to receive these for future presents. But at the moment, it seems to be well received.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


The only concern is that I'm going to get better, if I'm perfectly honest. A few people have seen a couple of drawings and thought that I might be getting better. But yeah, everybody that follows the page or that has ordered one sees it for what it is, which is, like I say, light-hearted fun. So yeah, no bad reactions other than the concern that I might get better.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


Oh, the children. Absolutely.

Global News Podcast

The Happy Pod: The 'terrible' artist in high demand


In this edition... It's creating a lot of laughter for us as a family with me doing them, but also when people are receiving them, they're just so ridiculous that people are just really enjoying it for what it is.