Holly Tequila
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
You guys were little, Cory was like two, you were four, going on five. Well, our neighbor was a single female who had moved into the neighborhood with this big dog, an Akita, huge, probably 100 pound dog at least. And she had the dog for protection. She also had a cat. And one day you and me and Corey were out in the front yard just hanging out and her cat was up in our tree.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
So you went next door and knocked on the door and it was summertime and she just had like a screen door. The other door was open and the dog came up to the door when you were standing there and and pushed open the screen door and started chasing after you and tackled you and took you down to the ground and started biting you on your head from your head all the way down to your calves.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
And you were like four years old, 40 pounds. And this is like a hundred pound dog on top of you, tearing you to shreds. I was in the front yard with you and I made this hurtling scream and thank God Ken was home that day because he was usually on 24 or off 48.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
He heard me scream in the front yard and he came out running and by the time he came out there I'm on top of the dog trying to get him off of you. You're bleeding everywhere and I'm trying to pull you out of the dog's mouth where Ken is trying to pull the dog off.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
off of your body and in the meantime there's puncture wounds on your legs and on your head and on your back and Ken comes here and you know I get off and he takes the dog and he opens up the dog's mouth like really wide and broke the dog's jaw and I pulled you out of the dog's mouth Finally, the ambulance came and they took x-rays of your head.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
You had two depressed skull fractures from his teeth. It was scary. I thought I was going to lose you. And I just say, thank God, because if Ken wasn't there, you wouldn't be here.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
One day I'm cooking dinner in the kitchen and I hear a commotion in the garage. So I open up the door to the garage and there's Ken's brother. And he said, Holly, Ken needs to go to rehab. And I said, what? What are you talking about? And he says, Ken is addicted to heroin. And I was floored. I mean, I just couldn't believe it. And I was so much in denial.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
So that night I took Ken to rehab and they admitted him right away. You know, Ken went back and forth to rehab, but the heroin took over and he just kept doing it and I kept finding paraphernalia in the house and his arms were always bruised and I would find blood splats on the ceiling and He was so bad where he was going crazy. Like, he would scream at me. He would come at me.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
He looked like he was possessed. He'd be rolling on the floor, screaming. Like, he looked like he was a possessed devil, and I was scared to death. He would come at me many times, and he would push me. And I didn't take it. I would push him back. And when I pushed him back, You know, I would either get hit or pushed against the wall or something.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
I had to sleep in my car or I would sleep at the bottom of the stairs so I had an easy escape because he was so crazy trying to wean off the drug. That's all he cared about. He alienated his family. He alienated his friends. He alienated his job. It destroyed our life. It destroyed our marriage. It destroyed my kids. It destroyed friendships. It destroyed everything.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
It's turned my world upside down and something he just did has devastated me.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
I remember getting ready the next morning because I'm driving him to the airport and he's still screaming at me. And the song from Bohemian Rhapsody comes on. Mama just killed a man.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
puts his fingers to my head like it's a gun. And he goes, you know what, Holly? I've killed men. I've killed many men. I could kill you too. But now I've gone and thrown it all away. That was pretty much the last time I saw him.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
I'm still... trying to understand to this day why this happened, why he forfeited a great life and relationship with his children. I mean, my God, I don't care about me, but how can you not have a relationship with your kids? And a grandson. I mean, my God. That's what life is about. At least in my world, that's what life is about.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
I worked part-time. Ken worked as a firefighter, paramedic, and would have a second job, you know, just to make ends meet. But it was, you know, my perfect little life. I, you know, had a husband. I had two beautiful sons. We finally had a beautiful home and a nice neighborhood.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
We eventually made good friends with our neighbors, and our kids made good friends with, you know, all the kids in the neighborhood. And, you know, it was my dream coming true.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
I mean, I have tons of pictures and things, and all my videotapes are in there and in there.
Crook County
2 | The Ties That Bind Us
Oh my God, this is one of my favorites. I've watched, because I didn't have TV for a long time in some of my apartments, so I would watch VHS videotapes of our family. And I love this one, and I love this one. I love them all, but this is like my favorite. It's like the beginning of our normal life.