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Gonzalo Muñoz


TED Talks Daily

TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown


We will have to learn how to eat many more insects. When it comes to animals, we're normally eating about 10 species. There are about 2,000 edible insects, and we will have to learn how to incorporate that in our diets. We'll have to learn how to incorporate seaweeds in a massive way.

TED Talks Daily

TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown


We'll have to learn how to cultivate many crops in our cities vertically, so we can use less land, less water, less energy,

TED Talks Daily

TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown


One of the most, let's say, low-hanging fruits that we have when it comes to sustainability is reducing the amount of organic waste that we are putting into the environment. The amount of food that is wasted in Europe is equivalent to the amount of food that is produced in Africa every year.

TED Talks Daily

TED Explores: Food for the Future | TED Countdown


800 million people suffering physical hunger every day. It's nuts. And at the same time, wasting the food is wasting a lot of money. So it's not only morally inadequate, environmentally inadequate, financially, it's absolutely absurd. So how do we solve that problem?