Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
As the commander of Pacific Air Forces, a senior leader in our Air Force, and an African-American, many of you may be wondering what I'm thinking about the current events surrounding the tragic death of George Floyd.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
I'm thinking about how full I am with emotion, not just for George Floyd, but the many African-Americans that have suffered the same fate as George Floyd. There's a tremor in his voice. I'm thinking about my sister and I being the only African-Americans in our entire elementary school and trying to fit in.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
I'm thinking about then going to a high school where roughly half the students were African American and trying to fit in.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
The equality expressed in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that I've sworn my adult life to support and defend.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
I'm thinking about a history of racial issues and my own experiences that didn't always sing of liberty and equality.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
I'm thinking about wearing the same flight suit with the same wings on my chest as my peers. And the main question by another military member, are you a pilot? I'm thinking about the pressure I felt to perform error-free, especially for supervisors I perceived had expected less from me as an African-American.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
I want to know what you're thinking about. I want to hear what you're thinking about and how together we can make a difference.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
Whether I'm African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic, white, male or female.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
You just know I'm an American airman kicking your butt.
The Daily
He Was America’s Highest-Ranking Military Officer. Then Came the War on D.E.I.
I'm General C.Q. Brown, Jr. Come join us.