Gavin Spoor
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I can farm full time now and get the opportunity to work with these great companies that have products that they want to show off.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I would say we both have our own chores that we handle at our own houses. But, like, if Grace has been spending more time in Missouri than I have in Kentucky, if I'm trucking all day, she ends up surprising me by having all the laundry done and the kitchen's clean. I'm like, I walk in like, this is so nice.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Or, like, she's got, like, mac and cheese cooked. I'm so hungry. Like, this is perfect, you know. It's great.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. So are you guys living together now? Not really.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. When I'm in Kentucky, I stay at her house because where else am I going to stay? When she's in Missouri, she stays at mine.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Google Maps says five. It's four and a half.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
When you're going on 64 across Illinois, you just find whoever's driving the fastest, and you get right behind them, and you just follow them the whole way.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Well, we're still dating. We ended up getting a show on Acres TV.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Been to a ton of farm shows together.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Still not tired of each other.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
We're working on a Mack truck restoration that's going to the Mack Museum.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
So Grace has got it in my shop, and she's going to finish repainting it. We'll put everything back together and take it out to Pennsylvania.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
um not really i've we repainted a semi at the farm a few years ago and um our main tractor we repainted that too but that's really all i got i'm not hardcore restoration when i started farming i mean if i was buying used junk i can't i'm fine running old stuff but it can't be ugly so i'd rattle can it or fix it up put new wear parts on just basic stuff what was the grain cart
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Oh, yeah, the grain cart. Oh, I forgot about that. I forgot we did that. We do a lot. Yeah, I have an ugly. I love Parker grain carts, but it was old and rusty. It never spent a day inside in its life. So, like, two weeks before harvest, I was like, we're going to paint that block.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
That cart's nice. I mean, everything about it was immaculate. It had new flighting, good tires. We put a new tarp on it. Just the paint was so ugly. It was so embarrassing to drag that behind a nice tractor next to a nice combine. So we spent a couple days, and I was able to make a YouTube video out of it for Grace's channel because she was needing some content. Harvest hadn't started yet.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
We totally restored a grain cart. Completely forgot about that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, it was green and rusty orange, whatever. But yeah, now it's pitch black. Got new decals for it from the John Deere dealership and slapped those on and put a rear view camera. The only thing it doesn't have is a scale, but it's got the rear view camera. We ran a monitor into the cab for all the road travel.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Gosh, I think it's about the same size. I've dropped some acres to the south and picked up some acres to the north, but as far as total acre size, it's pretty well right where it was.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, the being spread out thing, I mean, you pick up what you can where you can find it, but I'm going too many different directions. And with going down to Kentucky, you can only do so much.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
No. I need to get a low boy. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Have you noticed that everyone is like, how can I make more money to supplement the farm? It's like, why? We shouldn't have to be doing that. You know, what is going on?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, there's some days where Jaron and Shannon will be harvesting, and I'm down in Kentucky. So there's stuff happening at my farm, and I'm not even around town.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
As long as a job gets done. Doesn't matter who does it. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. Had to be a record year for you.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Beans were like right on average. The earlier the beans were planted, the better they did. But every planting date they got later, you just watched the yield monitor drop. So our beans were super average. But corn, like we were cranking out 250 bushel corn. We've got 130 bushel county averages. It's like, we're not going to see that for another decade. Right, yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yep. And every one of those bushels counts in a year like this.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. We call it bushel on our way out.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I had a couple fields beat my APH or T yield or whatever, and I still had a claim on them because of the revenue difference from spring to fall. So that was weird. That's never happened before for me. So what did you do with all the crop? Did you just go right to town? A lot of the corn went to town. I was forward selling some of it because I still don't have a bunch of grain storage.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
But then I rented a few bins off of neighbors for seed beans, growing seed beans for two different companies now. So half of them have gone to town. The other half are still in the bin.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
This past year I didn't because we got so much in the warehouse I was able to just keep selling what I had. But then this spring we'll plant some again.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, and honestly, I've focused much less on it because the row crop operation's grown 100x of what the popcorn has. But now with the climate that we're in with crop prices, I might go back to focusing on it some more. Cause I really enjoy it, but it's such a small portion of my income now that it's like, it doesn't even exist. I just do it. Cause it's what I've always done.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Do you grow yellow or white popcorn?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yellow? Okay, that's what I've got. So it would be a fair comparison.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
It's finicky. I've got guys I sell kettle corn kernels to and if they're just heating up for the day, that first batch is almost junk. They throw it out. You need it heated evenly all the way across and then that second batch, world of difference.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
The lady that I buy crap insurance from, her husband swears by coconut oil. Really?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
No? It's not coconutty, you know, when you're eating it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Another Kettle Corn customer. I don't taste any coconuts. They swear by Corn Oil. I think it's Mazzola, or I don't know what the brand name is. It's a yellow bottle. You get it at Sam's. They buy it in bulk.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
How are you going to do it? I haven't decided yet. I want it to be memorable. It's got to be memorable.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, they came out and picked rocks. And it was like, I loved it. TerraClear is awesome. What they're doing is great. It was cool. I've got a farm with a ton of rocks. What they did was great. But they were sweating bullets the whole time because it was like one mishap after another the entire time.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. But I enjoyed it. Like, okay, you want me to just start from the very beginning? Okay. So they send out a company that flies a drone and maps it and finds all of these rocks, right? Well, they came out. They were running it fine. Well, then they had some trouble with the drone. And then right at dark, one of the guys lost a drone.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
And he's from the city. So I'm like, well, I'll help you find it. So, like, we meander down. It's in the woods.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
way in the middle of the woods he's scared to death because he's from the city I'm like come on we're like we are apex predator nothing like everything's scared of us not the other way around but he's like shivering as we're walking through the woods with our phone flashlights finally find the drone it's in a million pieces so they can't finish flying the drone so there's a couple fields that didn't get mapped
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
well then they come back out and they're finally there to pick the rocks in between harvest and trying to get winter wheat on the ground they sneak in the perfect time but then the skid loader starts having issues so they only get like three quarters of what's supposed to be picked that's just I mean that's life that's how it goes that's farming but what they did get picked was great and I mean they were picking up rocks the size of me with these skid loader buckets and just zooming around I'm saved I don't know like five days worth of walking around and they did it in a couple hours with a skid loader
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
So, yeah, this is a cool company.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
It was – no. Wait. Well, it was in a field before they picked it because I was combining the beans so that they could come. Yeah. So, hey, if they would have been there last year to get it picked, I wouldn't have had that problem. I wouldn't have had the breakdown. I wouldn't have had the expense.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
No, and in northeast Missouri, we really don't have many rocks at all. This was an old— And the glacier didn't make it down there. It's a reclaimed coal mine ground, so there's 500 acres, and it's just peppered with rocks. And if you get the rains, you can have a good crop, but it's just thin topsoil, just on the rougher end of things.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
So, man, it is the perfect place for TerraClear to come do some work. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Right. Just having the map, because that's what my plan is on the rest of it. They weren't able to pick with the skid loader. I still have the map. I go right after those rocks. It's marked, and that rock's not moving. So I can go there whenever I want and get them.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
We get it every now and then, but nothing like they do up north. This was my first experience pushing snow. So I got a buddy with a landscaping company. He needed help pushing snow because his business has blossomed. And down in St. Louis, he's running like 17 skid loaders in a snowstorm. Well, it was me and three other ones. And we got sent to a hospital complex.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
We showed up Friday night at 11 p.m. And we left Monday at 6 p.m. And we slept in our pickup for about four hours during that. It was miserable by the end of it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. The new wore off so fast.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yes. Which made it even worse because you're just sliding everywhere. Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. The ones we were using were spring trip. I was looking at them just because I was curious what they cost. He's running a dozen of these things. They're like $10,000, $15,000 for a used one, $20,000 for a new.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
What we need to do is just wait until someplace that always gets snow doesn't get snow for about four years and all those guys liquidate because they don't have any snow to push. Then we can get them for a dime.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Have you ever had a snowstorm start in the day? Because I got to talk to him. He's like, every time we push snow, it starts in the middle of the night. Yeah, our last one did. Our last one did, yeah. It did?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
8 a.m. That's so much nicer than showing up at 11 p.m. I was trucking corn all day.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. But they were struggling. We get a lot of those two- and three-inch snows. It's only every couple years we get eight or ten like we got.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yes, and that made it more difficult than anything because we're trying to push snow, and then you've got a layer of ice, and then it snows again, and then it sleets again, and it just was not working. And you couldn't get a very big bucket full. Like you said, because you're tracks.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, well, the tracks, and it's just that ice is so much heavier than fluffy snow, so you can't push it very far, so you've got all these little piles everywhere.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yep. Grace is the YouTube queen. She's good at it. I've never got into editing. How's it been going?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Which Grace has a girl from home, Allie, that helps out, and then Brianna, she edits.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Other than the primer didn't go on very well the first time.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Or not primer, paint. You can tell the story.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, it was late by the time we got it prepped.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Five hours, bobtailing, single axle. She was broken.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Negative comments always are louder than the positive ones also. I mean, there's a lot of truth to that. Twitter's been the worst lately. Everything else is so positive. Twitter's like, man, there's just a group of people that want to be angry at the world for no reason.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Do you think it happened on accident? No.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I don't think I've ever blocked anybody.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Not really because it would be a waste of time. People's biggest gripe on there is that they think I'm doing it strictly for engagement because I'm getting paid. It's like I've never made a dollar off of Twitter. Now, I've made money on other platforms. I've never made a penny. Twitter is like my dad and grandpa.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
So if I want to know something about farming, something of repair or agronomic question, that's where I go with that. And I think I'm just like baiting for engagements. I just like either Twitter or New Ag Talk. That's like my go-tos if I want advice.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, a little bit. Probably more so than someone that's not making the content, I would say for sure. But that just comes with it at the same time.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, that's what it is. I can farm full time now and get the opportunity to work with these great companies that have products that they want to show off.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Have you noticed that? Everyone is like, how can I make more money to supplement the farm? It's like, we shouldn't have to be doing that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
At the same time, every generation goes through it. So I'm not even 30 yet. I'm only 27. So these guys that are 50 and 60 and 70, they all went through the same stuff. I mean, they were working hard and doing other things to make ends meet while they built the farm. And now they're finally to the age where they've got that asset that they can rent out for retirement.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
And they deserve every penny they can get because they worked their whole life for it. I just got to figure out how, you know, our generation's version of that. Is it going to look the same as theirs or different?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, I've been force-feeding myself Dave Ramsey content, which I don't know if it's good or bad.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
People just went off on it. My mentality's definitely changed on it because, see, when I started farming in 2017, we've not had a we didn't have great years, but we didn't really have a bad year and prices were always going up and everything was inflating. So like you couldn't make a wrong move. And I'm the first to admit, I've made some mistakes in that time period too.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
So I'm trying to figure that out and navigate the world where stuff is now dropping like a rock in value and situating myself where I can at least survive that. Cause I still don't, I don't, I own the two acres I live on and that's it. So navigating this environment we're in on a,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
crop share and only cash rent basis you know how how do you do that so looking at specialty crops figuring out what you can how to run lean without cutting too many corners right it's next couple years are gonna be tough yeah what about you grace
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
We'll be kicking out ribeyes and hamburger.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, tie it all together. I can't even eat popcorn right now.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, I'm doing that carnivore diet thing. Oh. Popcorn turns out is not meat.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. Popcorn's non-GMO. I mean, you can't get any more closer to nature than that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
38 to 44X is what that expands.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Well, if you eat the whole kernel without it popping, you might.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I've never examined. Don't know.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
And then the ones that just kind of splinter open but don't fully explode.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
You can. It's just moisture. The ones that splinter open but don't fully explode, it's just because they're a little too wet. So if you can bump your – the trouble is you can't store it as long as real dry popcorn. So you're going to have to sell it quicker. But, yeah, it's only moisture. It's like the popcorn that splinters but doesn't fully explode is probably 16% or 17% instead of 13.5%.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
That's the only thing that makes it do it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Old maids, could be a couple things. It could be way too dry, could be way too wet, or could have a scratching of that skin. Because if there's just a little bit of a nick in that kernel's skin, all of that pressure can escape. It'll never explode. That's what makes popcorn explode is that the, what is that, pear cap? I should know that as a popcorn farmer. The moisture can't escape.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
It holds it in. It's so thick and so hard. That's what makes popcorn.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Makes it explode as it keeps it in until the last second.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
So you've got to be real careful, real gentle when you're combining it, because if you scratch those kernels or nick them at all, it's not going to pop.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Any big partnerships? We've got a planter to restore. I've got to pick that up. We're going to go pick that up after the weather quits. But it's an old one. We're going to restore an old John Deere 7000. Oh, yeah. Yep, that'll be cool.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah. And the 12 rows bring more than the 16 rows do.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, I got a 16 row box fill.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I mean, they're good planters. They're amazing planters.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
But planters have all been on the market so long, everyone's got their design perfected pretty well.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
It's got a different style of lift and twist, but yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
You go the total opposite end of the spectrum. I've got a friend from home that just bought a used DB60. That's the 47 row 15 inch.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
So you don't need to replant anything. You just go plant it once. And if you have to redo it, do the whole field.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Instead of doing the little nooks and crannies.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
But those aren't bringing nothing.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I mean, the big anything resales junk right now.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
He's going to surprise you with it like an engagement ring.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I was told... I wish I could... give the credit to who told me this because i really like the quote but they said the cheapest thing about a semi truck is the purchase price it's after that they get expensive cheapest day anything to do with that semi truck's the day you bring it home then they start nickel and diming you which that's yep i feel like that's all there's always something wrong yep
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Always. I've got one right now that I can't haul grain unless Grace cranks it over for me. Cause I got to hold pressure in the fuel tank to get it to prime. Cause I changed the fuel filter and it lost prime. I must've cracked a hose somewhere. Leave it for 15 minutes.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
So yeah, that's a two person job.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Maybe. Yeah. Farm show for sure. We were talking to Dawn this morning, maybe Commodity Classic, which I really like that show.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
We've only been once, so I don't have anything else to compare it to.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
You going to be at the grain bin again?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
couple guys are starting to do it up on the flats but we've got a real tight clay hard pan so they're doing real small tile super close together it's shallow like 15 feet apart or 20 feet apart and little bitty tile but it's not very common at all you wouldn't need much of a machine for for that No, they bring in full-size ones, but I don't think you do. But we've got a weird soil type.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
And the guys that are doing it, I don't know. They've got big square fields, and it's like right where the glaciers stop. So it's pancake flat. If you work the dirt wrong, you're back in water up on a quarter section. It's just pancake flat. And then you get into the hills and hollers, my stomping ground, just south of there. But a few of them are doing it, not a lot.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
No, they're in the northwest. What a wild thing that is.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
We've got to do it every couple years and see how we all keep progressing.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I think it's going to be a long time before Korn gets a seven. I bet someone gets a ring before then. Oh, look at you. Wow.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
That would be great if Korn went to seven.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
all right cool so what's what's going to be at the end for for gavin what are you going to have at the end besides a ring on her finger the end of this year yeah i would love to get some grain storage of my own i've either been hauling it into town at harvest or i've been renting neighbors bins and i want to buy a couple acres and put up some dedicated storage for efficiency's sake and just
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
A couple weeks ago on Twitter, maybe just a week ago, I love grain systems. She can vouch for me. We go on a road trip, I'm taking back roads to see grain systems because I call them castles. They're like the farmers, you know, that's their thing.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
Yeah, it's that farmer's legacy. It's that giant castle. It's got all these different sized towers on it. I mean, they just look like castles on the hillsides. And I'm like redesigning how I want mine to look. That's what I want. Obviously, I'm not going to start with that. Sure. But I want to lay the foundation for it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Some More Wine! Catching up with Gavin and Grayce
I did not know that. First generation farmers.