Frank Sweeney
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
The Rhodesian Army offers excitement and adventure. I know. I've been there. Young Americans of European ancestry, write to me for free details pertaining to recruiting. Frank Abbott Sweeney, 72 Creston Avenue, Tenafly, New Jersey, 07670.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
It's one big racial cesspool where the worst element is looked on and held in high esteem. With my RLI training to back me up, I have seriously thought of forming my own anti-terrorism unit here in the land of the red, white, and blue. The real problem is finding enough devoted men to form a small cadre.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
If you ever do visit America, I would genuinely enjoy meeting with you again, and I'm sure my family would like to meet you too. Even though my service in the military was cut short, my loyalty to Rhodesia remains as strong as ever.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
Going to federal prison for the first time? We will tell you what to expect and how to survive. Our consultants are graduates of the federal prison system. Frank A. Sweeney & Associates, Box 15, Demarest, New Jersey 07627.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
Strum writes that Frank told him, I thought to myself, my God, there's probably a lot of people going to prison who's never been in jail before, primarily white collar criminals. And they're probably terrified, too. They're just as frightened as he is. So I thought maybe I can use my misfortune to help people and maybe make a profit doing it.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
Every creep, every social degenerate who has written to you has your address, social security number, and date of birth. Likewise for Lucy, too. Some of these freaks have already passed this information on to their criminal friends outside of prison. Last month, I visited your house twice in the early morning hours while you slept.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
Naturally, I've removed my license plates so that street cameras could not identify my car. And I still patrol the post office daily in an effort to spot you. You only have your big mouth to blame for all of this.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
You poisonous, licentious old Jew. I thought that you would have been long dead from cardiovascular disease due to obesity. I was very much hoping to sit shiver for you, to pray Kaddish over your fat corpse, you loathsome s***.
Behind the Bastards
Behind the Bastards Presents: Weird Little Guys
I will remember you, although it's doubtful you will remember, from WITSEC units in Otisville or San Diego, parading with your entourage of depraved women from the Office of Enforcement Operations. In 1984, you expelled me from the program, leaving me to fend for myself as a known informer, a rat in the general populations of very dangerous prisons.