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Erika Benke


Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


We are in a Santa Claus holiday village in Rovaniemi in Finnish Lapland, right on the Arctic Circle. I'm at the gate with Johan Ekonen. He's one of the managers here, managing the hotel. Would you say that this is one of Finland's top tourism attractions?

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


Shall we just walk on a little bit in this nice, fresh, powdery snow?

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


It really is. There's so many twinkling lights along the pathways. Lots of little log cabins scattered around in the forest.

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


All these activities, all this fun that people are having here, of course it costs them money. But how much money is it making to you?

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


There's a lot of excited children throwing, making snowballs and throwing them at each other and at other visitors.

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


So you're spending four days here all together? Yes.

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


What brings a young adult couple here without children?

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


Well, one place to spend a little more money is Santa's official post office. If you send a card or a letter from here, the elves will stamp it with Santa's official postmark.

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


After all this excitement about Santa, his letters and his gifts, I couldn't wait to finally meet the man himself.

Global News Podcast

Syria's de facto leader says the country is not a threat to its neighbours or the west


And we are very happy to have you, to have somebody to trust.