Envoy Witkoff
The MeidasTouch Podcast
New German Chancellor Rips Trump in Acceptance Speech
I think that President Trump believes and I believe because he believes it that trust building begins with good proper communication. And we had really good. We just had a great discussion me and President Putin and and now it will be up to President Putin and President Trump to work something out. And I think they're going to be successful.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
New German Chancellor Rips Trump in Acceptance Speech
I had. It was just me. It was just you.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
New German Chancellor Rips Trump in Acceptance Speech
that the war, irrespective of who started it, needs to end. Too many people's lives have been expunged as a result of it, and it just doesn't make sense to the president. He wants to be the peacemaking president, peace through strength, and I don't blame him. I actually concur right down the line with his thought process around this. That's one.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
New German Chancellor Rips Trump in Acceptance Speech
that the war didn't need to happen it was provoked it doesn't necessarily mean it was provoked by the russians there were all kinds of conversations back then about ukraine joining nato the president has spoken about this that didn't need to happen it basically became a threat to the russians and so we have to deal with that fact and those are real facts on the ground here but be that as it may the russians have indicated that they are responsive to an end to this