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Eder Pralta


NPR News Now

NPR News: 11-11-2024 2PM EST


Haiti's transitional council was already adrift. They had control of a Kenyan-led security force, but lacking in legitimacy and facing accusations of corruption. They were paralyzed, unable to fight the gangs that have taken control of most of Port-au-Prince. Over the weekend, the majority of the council voted to oust Prime Minister Gary Kniell.

NPR News Now

NPR News: 11-11-2024 2PM EST


In an open letter, Kniell says the constitution allows only parliament to fire the Prime Minister. And at the moment, Haiti has no parliament. Keneal adds that the agreement that brought the transitional council to power allows the council to appoint but not remove a prime minister. No matter how this resolves, what's clear is that it plunges a country already in chaos, closer to anarchy.

NPR News Now

NPR News: 11-11-2024 2PM EST


Eder Pralta, NPR News, Mexico City.