Dr. Ronny Jackson
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Hey, Dan, thanks for having me. Always enjoy being on the show, man.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Yeah, absolutely. They don't want to talk about any of that stuff. They don't want to talk about how they basically destroyed our military over the last four years. And they started, you know, they did a lot of that in eight years of the Obama administration. They don't want to talk about any of that stuff. But, you know, I'm embarrassed for these Democrat senators.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
I mean, it's just shameful that they get up there and they. They just keep repeating over and over these anonymous claims, and they're anonymous. You know, nobody comes forward and says this. And believe me, Dan, you know, we've talked about this before. I have been the victim of this myself. It's absolutely ridiculous.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
But that's all they want to do is try to tear down his character based on anonymous complaints. And they don't want to talk about how he's going to fix the stuff that they broke over the last four years. I think, you know, Pete's a great candidate. They fear Pete. They're scared to death of Pete.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
because they know President Trump picked him because he's going to go in there and he's going to turn that place upside down. He's going to burn that place to the ground when it comes to this woke, progressive garbage that they've let infiltrate our military. Pete is going to find these people and get rid of them.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
He's going to change fundamentally the way that place operates, and it scares them to death.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
No, it absolutely is. Dan, the military historically has been one of the shining stars in our society of where you go and you don't care about race or gender or anything else like that. We're all in this together. I could have cared less when I was in Iraq. We were taking incoming rounds at the camp I was at, and we had casualties all over the place.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
I could have cared less what color somebody was standing next to me. I didn't care about any of that kind of stuff. But what they've done is they've gone in and they've done this all over our country. But like you said, it's incredibly dangerous that they've done this in our military. They are working overtime to try to make people in our military racist.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Everything they do is based on identity politics, straight versus gay, black versus white, man versus woman, rich versus poor. And they push that into our military and they try to fragment our military and make people hate each other based on their race or their gender or something else. And it's super dangerous. It has operational consequences.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
You can see a little bit of some of this stuff about what's going on with the fires out in California right now, where they focused on woke ideology and Green New Deal stuff and all that stuff and did not focus on being prepared for these big fires. That's the same thing that happens in our military. We are not prepared to fight wars right now.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
We are not prepared to respond to a terrorist attack in this United States because of what has been done over the last four years in the Biden administration. We've got to get that back, man, or we're in trouble. We're in bad trouble.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Absolutely. You know, look, Dan, here's a perfect example of this. Since the day he was announced as the nominee and the day that President Trump was elected, I'm on the Armed Services Committee now, and I've been told that the recruiting numbers are starting to go through the roof now. You know, they've lowered the standards across the board.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
They've done things like they've gone in and they've tried to, you know, manipulate the standards at Bud's. because they are so determined to make sure they get the first woman Navy SEAL across the line that they will go in and they will undermine the requirements to be a Navy SEAL just to make that happen. That does not make this country safer.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
They've gone in, they're talking about at Bud's right now, the famous boat run. where the SEALs have to run around the beaches with these heavy boats over their heads and stuff. They've decided that maybe they should get rid of that because most of the women that are coming through don't have the upper body strength to do something like that.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Therefore, that should not be something that's a part of it. There's a reason that that is in that curriculum. That's because in real life, you may have to do that. And as tired and as hard as Bud Z is, that is not the hardest day of your life if you're in combat. And I worry about those kinds of things. I worry about the fact that
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
They instituted so much of this racist, woke agenda in our military that people don't want to join the military anymore. I have countless friends of mine that spent careers in the military just like I did that have told their kids not to go into the military. And traditionally, that's the number one source of new admissions into our military is the kids who had parents that served.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
They're telling their kids not to do it because of the way it's changed. And you know what they've done in response because their numbers have gone down? They've reduced the requirements and the standards across the board. They're taking people with drug history. They're taking people that are just morbidly obese and way overweight and people that can't meet the physical standards.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
It is a bad road that we've started, a path that we've gone down now. And I think we're going to have to have somebody like Pete Hegseth that's going to come in and have the guts and the balls to stand up to the plate and say no more. And he's got the support of the commander in chief, which is awesome. But that's why they fear him.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Oh, yeah, they've manipulated social media. They've got into it. They've used TikTok and everything else they can to basically push this woke green agenda all into our military, which has consumed countless hours with the DEI training. And they're talking about things like making tanks electric and, I mean, just ridiculous stuff.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
The Chinese love it because every day that this happens, they get further and further ahead of us. And, you know, they will very soon be the dominant military power on this planet, as well as probably the dominant economic power at some point the way we're going in the Biden administration. They love it.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
The more time and the more money that we waste on this garbage, it's better for them because, you know, they're getting further and further ahead. And we've got to worry about it. I mean, they're doing all kinds of stuff. And there's been, you know, countless... numbers of unaccompanied Chinese military-age males crossing our border. You've got to ask yourself, what are they doing here?
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Why are they coming over here? I feel like they're preparing for that day when we finally go to war with China, that they're going to be pre-positioned to do who knows what. We've seen all kinds, and they're very good at cyber and manipulating Those kinds of systems to bring, you know, grids down to mess with our water system and all this kind of stuff. I think all that stuff's in play right now.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
I think that they've been working on that for a while as well as trying to destroy us from the inside out culturally. And I think that, you know, we've had weapons come across. We've had handheld launched weapons. surface-to-air missiles that we've captured crossing our border.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Huge numbers of jihadi terrorists, which the Chinese have facilitated getting over here and crossing our border along with the Mexican cartels. They're setting us up for failure in a big way.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
Well, I'm with you, Dan. I've heard you talk about this before, and you and I have talked about this as well. I agree with you 100%. Nobody understands the requirements of the Secret Service and the responsibilities that they have right now better than you, and you're right.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
They've proved countless times here in the last few years that they're not up to the job when it comes to the protection, their role of protection, specifically protecting the President of the United States. or, you know, a candidate for president of the United States. So I think that, you know, you're absolutely right. They need to get away from the investigation side of the house.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
They need to be focused 110 percent on protection. They've been victim to the same type of stuff that we've been talking about with the Department of Defense right now with regards to, you know, losing focus of what their real mission is and having all this woke, stuff, this DEI stuff forced down their throat. They've hired people based on DEI that aren't qualified to do the job.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
And we have to have someone go in there and get those folks out, hire good people to do the job and really define what the mission is. And I agree with you, the mission should be protection and nothing but protection. And I think if that means moving them out of the Department of Homeland Security and moving them somewhere else, I think we should look at that, too.
The Dan Bongino Show
Sunday Special with President Donald Trump and Tim Burchett, Dr. Ronny Jackson and Ned Ryun
I think that being inside of a massive organization like Department of Homeland Security might not be the best thing for the Secret Service. You may have thoughts on that as well, but I think we have to do it. It's broken, man. We've got to fix it.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Democratic Leaders Destroy Trump in Red Districts
Don't you ever, ever come back to this country again and disrespect our country, disrespect the Oval Office, and disrespect my president the way you did today. After all that we've done for you, your unbelievable sense of entitlement is disgusting to me, and it's disgusting to most Americans in this country. As far as I'm concerned, you can go home and never come back.