Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Yeah, so that's a great question. So we do a lot of OEM. Mon & Hummel, our parent company, is a huge OE supplier to lots of big names in the ag industry. John Deere being one of the biggest is one of their great customers. So we do a lot of OE product and we also sell the Wix version in the aftermarket. And sometimes those are exactly the same products.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Sometimes they're a little bit different because of contractual agreements. But regardless, they're still made by the same great manufacturing line and great people that are on the line each and every day. So you can trust whether it's the OEM or whether it's the Wix, you still have that same trust from all of them.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Sometimes you can look at it and just you can tell. I mean, they're spitting image each other just happens to be the label on the outside. And there's other times that you wouldn't know that that happened to be the Wix filter. So, no, there's no easy way to do it. And there's no magic button to go and push and say, OK, show me a list of these things.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
So it makes it tough on the general public, I know.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Sometimes, yeah, you know, and sometimes you obviously can buy the Wix a little cheaper than you can the OE. And, you know, and sometimes it's easier to get a Wix than it is an OE depending on where the dealer might be. So it really depends on the situation.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Yeah, I think we have a little bit over a million different cross-references at the moment in our database. So you can obviously access that at any store that sells our products. If you want to look at it on, it's there every day. Then we also have the Wix Filters app that's available. So if you want to look at it on your phone. All those cross references are there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
You want to look up a filter by size. You have the length and width of dimensions that you need to figure it out. And you can't see a number that's worn off or something. You can look it up that way. There's lots of little tools like that that we offer for folks to be able to figure out what they need.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Yeah, unfortunately, our packaging is a little rigid when it comes to those kind of things. So it's hard to deviate. But I understand the Hulk.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
The greatest place to go is onto the website, Go to the where to buy section and put in your zip code. It will show you all the places that are close by and what's available for you in your particular location. That's great.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
No, I just wanted to thank you guys both for the time and for letting me speak with you. Obviously, we're really proud of Wix and all the things we've done over the years. A lot of great people, a lot of really hardworking Americans here in North Carolina and in South Carolina and other locations here that support you and your teams every day. And we appreciate the business.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Thanks. I appreciate it guys. Thanks Donald. Take care.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Thanks. Appreciate it, guys.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Hey, I'm live and in person here in Gastonia, North Carolina, just a couple minutes outside of Charlotte.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Been here a long time. When I first started, I'm dating myself, but when I first started working for the company, it was in an old cotton mill that they had bought many years ago and turned into a factory. And it's got a lot of history here in this location.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
I think it's, we as a group of people have become so accustomed to having everything instantaneous. And so we get in our car in the morning or a truck and we started up and we don't even really think about all the things that are happening there. Right. So you've got,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
a fuel pressure that's coming up to an injector that squirts into a cylinder that fires off automatically with a spark plug, and we just happen thousands of times over and over, and we just take it for granted. And there's lots of things that have to happen to make that take place.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
And the same thing happens whether it's your equipment, whether it's your skid steer, your tractor, whatever the case is. All those internal combustion engines kind of operate on the same principle. And we have all these parts, pieces, and protection that have to happen simultaneously. And one of those obviously important things is to make sure that is the fuel clean? Is the oil clean?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Is the air coming in clean to that engine? And that's where the filters come into play.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Absolutely. That's that's exactly what we do is we want to make sure we're where it counts. And if you've ever had the fun of turning into an engine or tearing a piece of equipment apart because some little thing happened to not do its job, you'll you'll know that, you know, you shouldn't have probably tried to save a buck on that particular oil filter instead of spending the two dollars.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
You only spend a dollar. So, you know, how much time did you waste rebuilding that? You know, so that's why we offer quality products at a great price each and every day.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Absolutely. Like I said, we've been around since 1939. We started out just taking the waste out of the cotton mills, and that's what became what we call a filter media in the early versions. just to kind of strip off the junk and whatnot that was in the oil.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
And as things have progressed, we've started making different things over the years, whether it's passenger car filters or heavy truck or off-road or whatever the case is. So there's a whole litany of things that have evolved and changed over the years. And the quality of the products has always been, you know, top of the shelf when it comes to our designs and our production.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
That's a great question. Corey, the big thing about filters is usually the things that matter you can't see or you can't understand because It's the media, the pleated, you know, as you see the zigzags in the filter. If you have it in front of you where you can see it, some of them are in a can. Obviously, you can't see that. But the media is really the magic of the filter.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Obviously, you've got to have seal gaskets and all those kind of things that matter. But the media is what does all the work. So it captures the contaminant. It gives you the amount of efficiency that you need. And it also allows you to have the right pressure drop over the high pressure side of the pump to the low pressure.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
So what that is, it's a good way to say there's a lot of science and engineering that goes into what that media is. And so just because they may look exactly the same, but one costs a little bit more than the other, there's probably a reason for it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Sure. Yeah. We have a huge laboratory here in headquarters. Um, and there is all kinds of tests we do from what are the particle sizes that go upstream versus downstream and multi-pass testing. We look at how much contaminant it holds.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
We do all kinds of things like burst tests, salt spray tests, uh, you know, if someone's going to be on a piece of equipment for many years, uh, you know, is there going to be a rust inhibitor that, that can, you know, keep that from happening? Um, you know, we do look at things like, um,
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
impulse fatigue so how many times that engine cycles all in all all in all can that particular product stand up to it will it collapse under you know any kind of you know extreme environment there's just a huge amount of testing that our engineers do each and every day so going back to the media side you mentioned you started in the cotton country are you guys still using a cotton media No, no.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
So that was, uh, back in the, uh, in the late thirties, early forties, back during the war, that was just one of the few things that you can get to. Nowadays, you basically have two different types of media. You have a cellulose based media, which is effectively made from, you know, trees and other plant materials. Uh, like you would make a piece of paper, very similar in that respect.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Uh, and then the other one is a synthetic. So that is a more of a a spun bond type media, or it is a full synthetic fiberglass type situation where multi-layers are stacked on top of each other. So there's a tremendous amount of technology that goes into just manufacturing media these days.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
It depends on the application. Yeah. So a lot of your passenger car stuff you're going to see is more cellulose based. And then as you get into the more our specialized type environments, you're going to see more synthetic. And sometimes you can blend those two things together. And so it just really depends on the application.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
Yeah, so one of the things, obviously, that we pride ourselves in is our quality, but we also, like many manufacturers, have a warranty on our products. So if anything goes wrong, our product is covered fully by the warranty. So let's say we screwed something up and it blew up your engine, we'll cover that with our warranty and replace your engine.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
So we have a very good process with a very lot of smart folks that will go out. They'll take the product from that particular customer. And when there's a problem, they'll send it back. The lab gets into the weeds looking at each and everything. And we'll figure out, is it a user error? Was it something we manufactured wrong? Was it something that the engine did that nobody could have predicted?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
So we have a lot of very smart people that get into that to figure out exactly what happened.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
We sell our products all through distribution, so we don't sell anything direct. So all of our products go through our distributors. I mean, there's the famous ones like O'Reilly's that carry wigs each and every day right out there on the shelf. And then there's a lot of mom and pop distribution channels that are out in all pockets of the country.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
So we sell everything within the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and a lot of export products as well. So it's everywhere. It's kind of like Visa, everywhere you want to be.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Strategic Succession Planning & Profit Growth with Brain Trust Ag
A caterpillar is a caterpillar, or a deer is a deer, you know? So they happen to live in Brazil or Malaysia, just like any other place in the world. So guess what? We make a product for it, and somebody needs it.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And listeners, welcome back to the Farm for Profit podcast. You got Tanner here. Farm for what podcast? Farm for Profit. Oh, it's like you've had a little wine. Oh, we might have. Just a little bit. So are you not joining us today or is it just me? I am not doing it. Well, sorry, I was looking at the text.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
That's not bad. You can get figured out.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
That's good to know. That's good. So if we do have a listener that wants to order, how best do they go about doing that?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I'll put it in the show notes.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah. So that's exciting for us to share this with you. But first, we're going to get into that what's working in ag segment with Sherry. And then we will jump into that panel discussion that came from Tech Hub Live.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
He's sitting there in the corner of the room, piece of cardboard.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Oh, that's great. Well, that was good. There was a lot of information in a short amount of time for our listeners. It's always a pleasure having you here. And super special that we got lunch today. Yeah, thanks for lunch. Yeah, but that wraps up a really good segment. Thank you.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
That's right. As you head to the field this fall and plan on drying your grain, heat up your profitability with propane grain dryers. You always have the power you need to dry the crops on your schedule while reducing crop loss and improving yields. That means you can deliver the best grain possible and do it all on your terms. Not only is propane a powerful fuel, but also perks.
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Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
The Energy and Research Council for Propane has a grain drying calculator for propane use estimates. Head to to learn more today. And now a quick word from one of our sponsors, Brandt Agricultural Products.
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Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
unloading grain has never been easier with unmatched auger visibility four direction spout control and complete grain tank clean out so you can unload fast and fill the truck evenly worry-free lead the field and keep your combines moving with the xt grain carts from brand visit for more information all right everybody welcome to the panel discussion today appreciate you
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Coming in after your lunch to sit down and listen to a few farmers, some of the best and brightest that Iowa has to offer. It's exciting. My name's Tanner Winterhoff. I'm one of the co-hosts of the Farm for Profit podcast. We've been taking the message of how we can help farmers achieve higher levels of profitability and conveying that in a podcast format for over five years.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And I get the pleasure of hosting your panel today. I do know that the lights are really bright for most of us, but I see everybody in the corner of the rooms too. So thanks for coming in and sitting down. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
The way I like to manage the panels when I get to host them is I've got a couple of questions, but ultimately let's take the conversation the direction that you want to go. And we're gonna rely on the expertise of our panelists to navigate that journey as well. So before we jump into the first question, Let's just go down the line of the panel here.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Why don't you guys introduce yourself and let the audience know what your farming operation and tie to agriculture looks like.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
That's clever. Big Mac from McDonald Farms? Yeah, that was the first one. You guys certainly know how to pick the names.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
As you can see, the panel is diverse, and yet we all farm right here in Iowa. So this will be an interesting way to go about understanding how technology is woven into the operations of the folks here on the stage. And then also, Corey and I will share a perspective of the interviews that we've done on the podcast.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
We talk to over 100 people every single year and get perspective on what technology looks like there too. But Scott, why don't we start with you? And I want to know to you, what does technology mean? What is technology?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
We just got a fantastic lunch. What a great surprise. Walk in here and it smells amazing. We let her break in ahead of time because neither one of us were here. It went out perfectly.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
What about you, Corey? What's technology to you?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Rachel, you might have a little different take on what technology means to you, especially with your tie to people of act.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I like that. And Brad? We've gotten to connect, obviously, through your role at Continuum Ag. So explain what technology means to Continuum Ag.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, I like that a lot. And remember, too, if you're sitting in here and you're taking this panel in. We do have two mics that are stationed in the walkways. I will do my best to turn around and check the mic out over my right hand shoulder. I'll rely on Corey to help notice somebody standing there.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
But if you have a question, just stand up and we will make sure that we get your question addressed here on this panel. But as we now think about this, Brad, I'll let you start off. When you look at the operations that you work with and the farms that you manage, How's that adoption of technology come? Is it quick? Has it been done over time? What do you see?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And Scott, I know you alluded to it a little bit earlier about how your farm covers a vast area, a larger territory. So the adoption of technology for your operations probably been a little bit different than others.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
All right. Well, it's time for a What's Working in Ag segment. And it's our pleasure to have Sherry, our friend, back again. We're not friends. Oh. We flew her in just to cook for us.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, I know, Rachel, you've gotten to travel to a lot of different trade shows and gotten to see ag specific technology on display. But you also do a good job of observing the way those attendees take in the booths and interact with people. Can you talk a little bit about that?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
But you didn't even introduce yourself. Corey is also joining us on today's show. And we're excited to share with you an episode that we didn't plan on putting out as an episode. It started as a panel discussion at Tech Hub Live, an event about all things technology and the future of what is going to shape agriculture in Des Moines. And I got to host that panel today.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And that is something that you do very well in your business. And we got to have an interview with a gal that built a mini home the other day. And she took a one of the last refrigerators that was made before World War Two, before they converted that line to making props for airplanes. And she redid that refrigerator.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And it's fascinating the amount of electricity that fridge uses versus the current size mini fridge. It was a smaller one is identical. So even though technology is advanced in the appliance world, that refrigerator is just as efficient. It's just one example of outside of agriculture. Things may look like they're progressing even faster. And in some areas they are.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And that was a small tidbit that we got out of one of our guests. But Corey, I want you to start off the answer as we go down the line for a question about what do you think you use on your farm in the forms of technology or the latest in technology that is being used differently than other farmers?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I just get paid to grow them. So what we're going to cover today in this What's Working Tonight segment is a lot of common questions around why Steinbauer works for you on your farm. Obviously, every single one of our families, including Dave's family, have seen the benefits of the product. But we know it's a confusing topic because people can mislabel it often.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Are you ready to power through your harvest? Meet the Maya Cornheads. They're designed for maximum efficiency and unmatched durability in the toughest of conditions.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Reach out to your local Maya Cornheads dealer or visit to find your perfect match today. Maya Cornheads, harvest with confidence. That's good. Rachel, how do you use technology different than others?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I even still mislabeled it sitting at lunch today.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Our third co-host would have loved your answer because he says data is the currency of everything. And he puts a word at the end of it. Internet, live, business, absolutely. Hey, thanks for doing that. Well, we will. I feel like the first person to ask a question needs a prize, and I didn't bring one. But why don't you go ahead and start?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So I like that question. I think I'm going to try to phrase it effectively, so you have to let me know if I don't. But how are you involving regenerative practices and the potential adoption of other regenerative ideas into your farming operation with the idea that there may be data and trends that fall behind in identifying if it's working or not for your farm.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So Brad, why don't we start right back with you?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
That's correct. I did chuckle to myself during that when you said you put pencil to paper and we are in a tech Adoption. And here I am also using pen and paper. What a great representation. But I also want you to identify, maybe for some in the audience that don't know, you've mentioned CI a couple of times. Can you identify what that is?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I appreciate that other direction of an answer too. And Corey, I want to see if you can pull from the interviews and the relationships that we've built through the podcast as to how you've witnessed folks adopting more regenerative practices and using data to do that.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Let's do it. I appreciate that answer. And I think you're going to lead into a really good next question, but I want to see out of everybody sitting in the audience, would you raise your hand if you are a farmer? Okay. So just a couple, how many of you have a family member that farms? Okay. So there's a lot, there's a very close tie to agriculture sitting in this room.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
How many of you don't have any tie to agriculture except for knowing this panel was happening? That's good. We didn't see very many hands. I appreciate that. So I'll just go right back to you, Corey. As we look at the emerging technologies, the items that we know exist are already in the works to help advance certain parts of agriculture.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
What are you most excited about that you know is coming soon?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So see and spray technology, that's technology that allows you to save on chemical use because it only sprays when it sees something.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And Rachel, how about you? What technology have you seen that you're most excited about?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Okay, Brad, why don't you round out that question?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I want to elaborate on what you said earlier, Scott, about how you don't have all of the same color of equipment, even though you enjoy working with the dealer that provides you John Deere equipment. But you also mentioned that. there may be a different way that companies should approach the relationships they build with farmers themselves.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So as you think about what that future relationship should look like with a farmer, I'll let you start off. How do you think companies could best get farmers to try a new product?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So Brad at Continuum Ag, you guys are delivering a message that's new to a lot of different producers. How have you successfully connected with those that are early adopters?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, and Rachel, as you've got an inside path to what influencers are being used as, can you shed light on how that could help approach the farmer or get product into a farmer's hand?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
That's good. Corey, to wrap up the question prior to that, how do they successfully sell to you?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah. Just to echo in that, I think you're you're both right. It goes the communication route. So much of this is a relationship built industry. And I don't think that's anything new to the group that's out here. And we appreciate the fact that you do invest in employees that can connect.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
the farm level meet you where you need to be identify the appropriate person that's going to call those shots which is really good but i want to know from you guys and i'll let whoever wants to go first on this one do where's technology lacking right now where is the biggest area of need for improvement in agriculture i think i think any time that if you want to have success you have to have alignment right and so i think
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
What about you, Corey? Where do you feel technology is lacking?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
That's right. UX is a big deal. That's one of those tech terms I stole from the program. But it is. It's going to be important, especially when you're bombarded by a lot of different companies trying to get your attention at the same time. It's typically a very short decision-making window for operations to implement something new before the next growing season.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
But Brad, as you think about where you can see advancements in technology, where's the hole that we need filled?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And just a reminder, we do have two mics set up if you've got additional questions for the panelists to jump right up. But Rachel, if you want to finish out that question on where you're excited to see technology come in and fill in.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
That's a great observation because we know through a lot of the partners we have through Farm for Profit that there's a lot of performance upgrade kits available. Rather than having to replace an entire machine, you can just increase the effectiveness of that machine. On your farm, Scott, have you taken advantage of the pucks? Yeah.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Got to moderate that, and you got to be one of the expert guests.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I was going to say one of the unique things about your farm, Corey, in didn't want to say that because it's not as unique as it is. The farming population is aging. So there's a lot of things that you've done to the equipment on your operation to help with your aging dad to make him be able to farm for a longer period of time.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And what people love on social media is your claw.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I think it's fun for us on the podcast front to get access to a lot of different individuals that want to promote a product, want to share their story, and it doesn't always make its way all the way to our listeners. But that doesn't mean it doesn't get that message, the opportunity to be spread.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
But as you sit up here on this panel, I want you to start thinking about where you think the future of technology and agriculture is going. I'm not talking about next year. I want to know 10 years out. I want you to start dreaming about what you think 10 years out looks like. But I want to talk to the audience here again.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
As you sit here at the end of your day, at the end of this conference, how many of you are walking away with something that might turn into a new idea for agriculture? Why don't you raise your hands? Did anything spark a potential new idea? So we got just a couple. Did any of you sit here and learn about something in one of the presentations that you didn't know about before you sat here?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
in that room. How many of you are gonna walk out of this with something that you plan to instrument or put in and implement on your farm or in your business right now?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, so that's amazing that we can come to an event like this and that hope stays the future of ag and tech conferences to where we can continue to socialize and build a network to get ideas that might help us do something a little bit better. But hopefully I stalled just long enough for you guys to put together your vision of what you think the future of ag looks like.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And Rachel, you get to go first.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
The hardest question. You get to go first.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I feel like Corey and Scott should arm wrestle for who has to go last. He'd beat you? Oh, okay. So Scott, you get to go next. He's forfeiting. Go right ahead.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Yeah, I'm glad that you all shared your perspective and the answers that you did that it It might look like a swarm of robots in the future and it may be larger sized operations and we may be dealing with more social connections and the same thing about how we're going to continue to move the regenerative message forward. So thank you all for being a panelist and putting up with me.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
And I do thank the one individual that found my jokes funny on this side of the room as this goes. But my summary of what we talked about up here is technology for us as panelists needs to be able to help us direct the narrative and tell our story. It needs to be able to help remove emotion.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
It needs to be able to help us increase productivity, save time, reduce costs, and it needs to come with a positive user experience. I think is ultimately what I grabbed from you as panelists. So again, thank you everybody for being a part of the panel. Thank you for hanging out with us and thank you for coming to the event. I get to be taxed with the reminder that you need to take your survey.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Your survey is in your event app. Please do that. That's also how you get access to presentations. So if you are in the app, please stop out there and take that survey. The event organizers also say thank you for you coming. They also wanted me to say thank you to the key sponsors and members that have made this possible. So just a reminder, you can come back same place, same time next year.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Another great event will take place. But one last time, thank you to everybody for being here.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I didn't realize that it isn't always engaging. Like, if it's not under load, your module doesn't say go.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Whether you're looking to boost your power or improve fuel efficiency, Steinbauer has the right performance module to get the job done. Their easy to install technology can be a game changer for your operation.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Steinbauer, powering the future of farming. Farming is hard on you and hard on your engines. WIC's heavy duty filters are built to withstand whatever you can dish out, engineered to extend service intervals and keep your equipment running. Less downtime means more production and more yield.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
WIC's heavy duty filters are tested and trusted to protect engines even in the harshest of conditions because you deserve filtration you can trust.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I made you sound like an expert.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
But we had to jump in here and put a little introduction together to let you know that it's not our standard show structure. You will get four guests. You got Corey on the panel, Rachel Fishback, who you've probably met and know as Iowa Farm Mama. We had Scott Henry. son of Steve Henry. Longview Farms. Longview Farms here in Central Iowa. And then we also had Brad coming to us from Continuum Ag.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
I'm appreciating the insight. And every time we get to talk, you get to teach us a little bit something new. What are some of the main reasons that we put a module on, right? We want more power, but this also helps us save fuel, right?
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
So a lot of great resources and information there. But wanted to make sure we got this set up for you the right way. Remember, if you've got ideas like this or you need a panel moderated, farmforprofitllc at It's always fun to put these together and felt the content was worth sharing with you as well. So wanted to jump into an episode like this today.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Whoa. Yeah. You just mentioned Michigan, so that means Steinbauer has a USA location.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Parts here, dealer network.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
We also are going to start off with a What's Working in Ag segment from one of our really good friends. And she almost feels like family now. Well, she did cook us a meal. It's hard to not call her family. But, yes, we get to talk to Sherry from Steinbauer.
Farm4Profit Podcast
Tech-Driven Agriculture: Insights from a Panel of Farmers
Okay. So is that both options? Yeah. So do you just deliver it to me and I install it or is it hard to install?