Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
Sure. If I say as the newbie, although, you know, boy, February, we're already in September. I know. Time moves quickly. So I actually I was as I was listening and beforehand just jotted a few things down. The first thing, though, is I want to thank everybody for inviting me into the health chatter tent. I think being a part of this enterprise has been a lot of fun.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
It's been certainly very, very educational. That's for sure. And so I kind of jotted down a few points about sort of where, quote, we've been from my shorter perspective. And these are mostly about things that I really come away very impressed with. I think that one of the strengths of Health Chatter is that as a group, we are intergenerational. And I think that's extremely important.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
There's the old folks, me, Clarence, and Stan. And then there's the younger folks. And I think that really helps us to have more balance and perspective in terms of what we do. What I've liked in particular is that as a podcast, we're out to both seek and share knowledge with our, not only our listening audience, but with among ourselves.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
I mean, how many times do we just learn like so many things when we're all doing the podcast work? you know, in and of itself. I think the topics and the guests we've had have been amazing. And it's been very stimulating having, you know, folks on to talk about these, you know, these topics.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
And the other thing I, you know, I always had this thing when I was, you know, in more active practice, you know, when people ask questions, if you don't know what you don't know, you don't know what to ask. And so I think the research that the other folks here have provided for us has been unbelievable because it really enables all of us to sort of, now we know
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
So obviously we can know more, but now we know what questions to ask. And I think that makes a lot of our shows very interesting because we have that fundamental research on these topics so that we know what kind of questions to ask. And it sort of gives us a firmer footing. So those are the, you know, sort of the main things about, you know, sort of the where we've been. perspective.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
And it does go beyond public health. I remember when we first met, we talked about, well, maybe, Barry, you can come on when they're more clinically oriented. Either fortunately or unfortunately, the way my mind works, I'm able to wrap my head around making just about any topic have some relevance to try and to be on the show because there are these topics that we cover.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
Uh, it's not, I think as, uh, you know, Matthew was talking about, sometimes you get pigeonholed into something and the topics that we cover, uh, actually extend beyond that into all spheres, whether it be, you know, the community, whether it is a clinical practice, but it's politics and policy. It, it just, uh, you know, covers such a wide, a wide range of things.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
So again, I, you know, thank you for inviting me in and, uh, I also would like to continue with that. For moving forward, there's just a few points that I was thinking about when we teed up this agenda. The topics that we've already covered and the topics that are still on our list will sort of keep us in business for a long time to come.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
And I think a number of people have already touched on this, that because the topics are timely, but they're also dynamic, especially some of the public health topics where public policy changes, which changes what happens about some of the topics that we've talked about. I think we touched on the case of homelessness as one example. where things even at a local level here in Minneapolis and St.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
Paul have changed quite dramatically, depending on the, you know, the latest election of city council people and, you know, dealing with different aspects of homelessness. So I think moving forward, it's almost like we should, you know, sit down, you know, before we're on the air,
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
And look through those lists that may have had more policy impact over the past couple of years or that there have been changes where we'd want to revisit. I think that would be very helpful. I don't think it's like, oh, here we are again talking about the same old thing.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
Because actually, again, back to the research, so many of the research information that we've had going into shows, we usually only cover maybe a quarter you know, of the research points that were brought out. So it's still fertile ground for doing that. But I would like us to, you know, more rigorously kind of pick out some topics where there's been the most change to revisit.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
And like I say, I don't think we'll ever run out of topics to bring out. And then, you know, the flip side of that, that's sort of, you know, what we've done, but moving forward, I'm always, you know, although I'm not a big social media person, but, you know, people are always communicating every time you buy something, you get, you know, 10 evaluations and suggestions that companies ask you for.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
I am just very curious what, it's sort of like what topics from our listening audience do you wish that we would you know, bring to the table to talk about. Obviously, it's a podcast that we record and then we, you know, we publish it and people can listen to it and comment on it.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
But I just, you know, wonder if there is with our listening audience, and it's not only the people that listen to us, but I would say, well, if you're a listener, talk to your friends and ask them what kind of, you know, topics might be good for the for the platform that we've created. I would find that very stimulating and challenging.
Health Chatter
100th Episode Special
I hope the folks who are doing the research don't want to hit me over the head.