Deontay Kyle
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
So let's just skip the prison part and go straight into the trade. Um, but to get out the hood mentality, we just have to, we have to start meeting people where they're at. You know what I mean? I think a lot of y'all is just like, okay, I understand this. So this is the next step. No, no, no, no, no, no. We, we really trying to leave no child behind.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
This is really the no child left behind program over here. We need a majority rule in mentality. I think a lot of times, um, we want to jump into some esoteric knowledge. You know what I'm saying? We want to start talking about who the real Jews are and the map is turned upside down. Hey, hey, guys, I get that.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
But if we could focus on our most recent affliction, we are living in the effects of the crack era. That is the most recent affliction. That's what's got us in our present condition. We got to be real about that. Now, we talk about this often and we're going to keep talking about it until niggas get it.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
The crack era has shaped the behaviors, the dynamics, and the mentality of every black person that's in the black community that's from the black community. We know somebody we have been or close to, in love with, related to, somebody who either played a part in the poisoning or got poisoned. We got an uncle, a cousin, a brother, a father that went to prison or got killed behind this shit.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We got a mother that was strung out or left out here to fend for herself when her husband died. got sent away or got murdered or her son. And she got to go to work with that grief every day. This is why we see black women integrating into corporate America because they watched their mama struggle.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Now, this will be out Saturday visually, Friday audible, but we're going to reverse it and we're going to start putting guests on Saturdays and we're going to start dropping the solo episodes on Wednesday so y'all can do them knowledge before you go to work. You know what I'm saying? Things got to do the knowledge before they go to work.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
And they watch their mama coddle their son out of fear that he would end up like his father or his uncle. So now he's not productive and he end up in the street in the same cycle because he doesn't have any alternatives or ambition. And his mama fear for his life every time he leave outside the goddamn door. Not to mention the police brutality and the police presence.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
So we got a lot of young black women that said, fuck that. I ain't finna go to work and work two jobs and stress out. I'm gonna go to college. I'm going to focus on my grades. I'm going to lock in. I'm going to get into that corporate world. And that's what we see as an effect of that. Now, that's a positive effect from a negative circumstance. But we have to be able to acknowledge these things.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
A lot of black people live in the suburbs and middle class. A lot of black people moved to Georgia. Why? Because the conditions in the hood were the remnants of the crack era. These were the effects. They was living in the effects. And when the money goes, the only thing left is violence. So if we can get on the same page, like niggas trying to skip steps ahead.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Let's go back to our most recent affliction. Let's focus on the 80s to the present. Understand what happened. Understand why there's been no strong political movements in the black community. We've tried black power movements and we've revamped these things online. And those things will always cycle back. But that needs to be the baseline. It doesn't need to be a natural hair movement.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That just needs to be a baseline. It doesn't need to be a black love movement. That just needs to be the baseline. Okay? Being Pan-African shouldn't be something we have to push.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We just have to understand that we have brothers and sisters throughout the diaspora that if you go look at their conditions and you go look at the playbook that was put down on them, it's similar to the ones that was put down on us. Crack is just specific to Black Americans. And we can kind of draw a correlation to the Great Migration Because pre-Great Migration, where we at?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We're all concentrated in the South. You can't pull off the crack epidemic if everybody in the South. Because niggas got land, single-family homes, strong-knit communities. People flee from the South due to racism. And they went other places seeking new opportunity. And a lot of them found themselves in just as racist as environment, but looking nice on the outside, right?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Just as much racism, not as much overt, not as much rebel flags, not, you know, no Jim Crow, but still racist. Just very slick racism. Not so in your face. You know, find yourself in these densely populated communities. Find yourself not getting as great an opportunity as you thought you would, but it's something. You got to be called a nigger every day. But they saying it silently.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We find ourselves in these dense populations scattered all across this nation. Well, now that we got them separated, hit them with that bomb. Hit them with that crack bomb. Because how does a drug travel across this great nation and only find itself in black communities? How? Wasn't no crack problems in Montana. There's a whole great plains up there. Nothing but white folks, Native Americans.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Got to do that before you go to work, huh? Before you go clock in with the white man. Yeah, they heavy on the solo episodes. Yeah, they like you niggas. Hey, good. Congratulations on the growth. Let's get back. Let's get back to the roots. Let's get back to the roots. 657-234-EGGS for all voicemails, call-ins. We still trying to figure out some shit with the streaming.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
No crack. For some reason, it only found its way to the inner city where black people live. That's something we need to continually address. That's an act of war. That's a war crime. And this is a war crime that perpetuated against their own citizens. And niggas want to talk about who the real Jews are? Does that matter? Does it matter right now?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Can we get on the same page about our most recent affliction? You niggas hate talking about problems. You love esoteric knowledge. Huh? You don't want to talk about the crack epidemic and how it affected you and how it affects your mom and your dad and your uncles and your aunties and your cousins, your brothers and your sisters. I got a sister afflicted with it right now.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We all got family members affected by that. That's the issue with our dynamics. That's the issue with our family dynamics. And we don't want to discuss it. We want to talk about the dynamics. We don't want to discuss the root cause. But a nigga will tell you you can walk through the Grand Canyon straight to Africa. Hey, let's jump on that. Huh? Did you know?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Did you know if you go to Arizona, you can walk down to the Grand Canyon... Looney Tunes style, you show up in fucking Nigeria. That's what we want to get behind. Because the nigga oiled up in his kitchen with a nice six pack. Nigga was oiled up. Nigga was oiled up, man. Nigga looked great. Great body. Great abs on that young man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That nigga like Ogun. Had niggas believe in him. Nigga wear the big beads. Nigga wear the big... Big, uh... Whatever. The big crowd. You know what I'm saying? You know he got properties. Spherical crystals. Nigga got good properties on his chest. Good energetic properties. Nigga using a sound bowl till you can walk from the Grand Canyon to Ethiopia. And you like, yeah, we gonna jack that.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That's what we on. Free that nigga. Can't even get in the Grand Canyon. First of all, how you gonna get down there? I don't want a nigga to tell me something he ain't did. Show me. Nah, show me. No, go to the Grand Canyon and then go live. Yeah. Go live. Nah, go live. Holler AT&T. Go get the white nigga. What's the white nigga name? From Verizon. Get that nigga and his crew down there with you.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Yeah. And walk your black ass to Africa through the ocean. Through the ocean, nigga. If you go down to the Grand Canyon, I promise you there's something down there waiting on you, nigga.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Because if you can get back and forth to Africa, what else can? That's where Kony 2012 at right now. Yeah, yeah. Kony 2012.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
What are you doing down here with my soldiers? This is being child soldiers. It's just Connie and... It's Connie and 30 child soldiers waiting on you down there, nigga. Beast of no nation. Word. They got a clone of Dr. Umar down there. He waiting. At ease, my queen. You and your girl. Think y'all finna walk to Africa. That's the evil Umar down there. Evil Umar. The tether of Umar.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We didn't have the right cable. I was supposed to do it last Saturday. We're going to get it right. All right? And next time, I'm going to promise all my Patronis out there, all the cousins, my bad. Shit. And then we had to run late. It was a lot of shit. All right? We couldn't do the live stream. But we're going to get that shit popping. And we're going to get y'all calling in.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
The tether of Umar. Hey, yo. The tether of Umar. He got a blonde mohawk. And blue contacts. Umar tethered down in the Grand Canyon. Oh, shit. But we can't talk about the crack. Well, we keep talking about it, but what we gonna do? What we gonna do about it? How about we get on the same fucking page, nigga? Niggas want to be on the block all day and dress like a motherfucking Q-Dawg Power Ranger.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Dress like the Power Rangers if they had a fraternity and tell me about how to white man the devil. I already know.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Oh, shit. All right, get that right, son. No, I'm just saying, bro. A nigga's going to be on the block all day with a bullhorn. Shut up, devil bitch. Yeah, niggas is rude. Jewish-ish. I told you I'm black. I don't say I'm black-ish. That's what Kenya Burris do. Devil bitch. Sit downtown and yell at niggas all day because you ain't got no job. But you got a Bible.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Now look, them niggas might really be doing the knowledge. Yeah, they doing it. Hey, look, son. I heard niggas say some shit. I was like, oh, okay. All right. They do the facts. They reading scripture to scripture. They doing the facts. Nah, they going scripture on scripture. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah, them niggas got that. Now back. Nah, they don't even skip no line. They don't skip no books. Nah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Now, let's do the etymology and the genealogy. Yeah. Ashtar was the son of Babar. He was like, oh, shit. All right. All right. Ain't never heard them names before. Hmm? Gotta go look it up. Gotta go look it up. I hate that book. That's my worst book in the Bible. I don't give a fuck about these niggas lineage. What the fuck Jesus on?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Where the fuck Paul at? Yeah, where Paul at? Nigga, Paul used to kill Christians. Now he a Christian. We just get really, really wrapped up into bullshit. Y'all have a nigga like that checked up too. Huh? Meet that nigga somewhere. Nigga got on all Givenchy. Y'all check a nigga up. Check that nigga up. Esoteric knowledge. Huh?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Nigga telling you the Anunnaki finna come rescue you looking in the sky every day. Huh? Look on the ground, nigga. Look on the ground. That's your uncle right there laying on the ground. Still smoke crack. Step right over him looking in the sky. My ancestors, they're coming from the sky. They'll be here any minute now. The prophecy has been fulfilled. Niggas looking up dates and times.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Niggas going crazy like Jim Carrey in the number 28. Numerology's got you out your body. State of psychosis. They were supposed to be and came back. Nigga, if Jesus ain't come back, they ain't coming either. Niggas ain't trying to fuck with Earth.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
down here man niggas ain't fucking with that man huh they would have never gave their people crack and unaki ain't even they never thought of that i'm just saying man let's focus on our recent affliction the things that affect us all the things that can be tied to our current conditions let's learn more about the move group and what they did to make philadelphia police department throw a bomb on them
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Let's focus on our recent history. Let's look back at great leaders who tried to speak out before. Khalid Muhammad. Let's look back on niggas who was really doing the knowledge in these last 30 years. In the last 40 years. Let's focus on that. Do we got to go back 2,000 years and find out who was in the tribe of Judah? How the fuck is that going to help us? What you going to get?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You know, we're just trying to figure this thing out. That's all the plugs I got. Oh. Coffee Black. Circus Inc. Black sponsors. So I learned Coffee Black sent me about 15 bags of coffee. Cent kilos. Yeah. Real bricks. I'm going to be straight for a little bit now. Griselda. This is the real stove guy. Send niggas bricks. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You going to put in two weeks notice? You going to get a purple and gold outfit. You going to be in the West End yelling at niggas. Huh? That's doing the knowledge? I'm just saying, man. It's strength in numbers. And if we can get them niggas to put the Bible down and pick up a book. Put the Bible down and use them numbers. No, the Bible's good. We're going to put that on reserve.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That ain't going nowhere. They got that everywhere. You get a Bible in jail, you get a Bible in a hotel. They got that bitch everywhere. You can do the knowledge. But can we get the community together? Can you protect the community? Can you protect us from the police? If you niggas going to be outside all day, protect somebody. Stop yelling at niggas. Damn, I'm trying to go to work.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I'm trying to go to American Deli. Give me a little 10-piece. Yeah. Huh? Yelling at you. Yelling at me. Look at this mixed nigga. Sir, sir. Sir, look at this fucking mulatto, nigga. I'm like, God damn, bro. What y'all niggas trying to hit? Yeah, what's up with y'all niggas? First of all, my parents black. Nah, nigga, I see the devil in your eyes. All right, all right. My bad.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Let me get off this block before I put a switch hat on the Hebrew Israelites. Show them what tribe I'm from. I'm from the YN tribe, nigga. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 30 of your shit up, nigga. Fuck, nigga. I'm from the 30 tribe. It's me and six niggas that had the same fit on for three days. Ski mask ain't been washed once. Mm, bruh, funky. Inside of that motherfucker stink. Inside of that bitch reek. Huh?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
But them niggas wreak havoc. Niggas do what I say so. That's my tribe. Sick, dirty young niggas. Mmm, that grunt. Mmm. Sweet cheese, yo shit. Can we focus on our recent afflictions? Why you think them young niggas like that? They ain't have no daddy, ain't have no uncle. Why? Let's stop blaming. Let's stop playing the blame game. I don't like that. Oh, it's black man fault. It's white man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
No, nigga, it's the white man fault. Now, that's one thing I will agree with the deeper ends of life. Have you heard of the CIA? You heard about their work? They do their job. Huh? You go to work, you do your job, they do theirs. Very well. They do it good. JP Morgan got caught with 200 tons of cocaine. That shit was on the news for one hour. The CIA do their job.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
And they banking on you blaming each other. Well, shit, the black woman... feminizing these young men. Then what's the argument? Well, where was the men at? Well, we was in prison due to the system. Okay, let's stick there. Let's stay there. All right. All right. Now we getting somewhere. Now we cooking. Okay, we cooking now. Let's focus on the system.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Let's focus on that system. Stop looking at your brother and your sister and focus on that system. Aaron Allen and you niggas run right up against the truth and keep pushing. These bitches think they're better than me. Nigga tell me, yeah, women have money because they use government. Right. As they should. If the government don't steal their man, they should feed them. At least.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Who knocked off Martin? FBI. Let's lock in. Let's lock the fuck in. Huh? We can talk about the Jews and who the real Jews is. We can get to that. Once we get through the 80s, once we get through the crack era... Then we're going to go back through the 70s and the Black Panther movement and the Civil Rights movement. We're going to do the knowledge there. Then we're going to go through Jim Crow.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We're going to do the knowledge there. And we're going to leave some breadcrumbs all the way. Then we're going to go to Reconstruction. As soon as they free the slaves, we're going to go do the knowledge there. Then we're going to keep walking through slavery. Then we'll find our way back to the 12 tribes of Judah and we'll find out who the real Jews is. Didn't the Jews want to knock Jesus off?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Hey, man, look, shit, I ain't no scholar of the Bible.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I think the Jews wanted to knock them off. I think they went to Caesar like, yo, we got some problems down here with this nigga. Yo, I seen nigga, I seen nigga, I seen, man, yo, you niggas get lost in the sauce. I seen nigga tell me on TikTok, hold chest, Hitler was trying to save us from the Jews.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
All right. All right. Don't like that? Not interested in that? Let me block that page. Gotta block that. We gotta block that. Yeah, I don't know what this nigga... This nigga doing too much. He had too many back rooms.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That nigga ain't seen the light in a minute. Yeah, it's a lot of yarn in his house. Yeah, he been outside a long time. Facts. A lot of yarn, a lot of thumbtacks in that motherfucker. This is psychosis. You know what I'm saying? Once that nigga arrived, the Hitler was doing us a favor train. Once that train start dropping niggas off, we got to blow up the bus station. Yeah. We gotta blow it up.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Just took my twins to Disney, saw the brick outside the Epcot. What he got? And he got the tech in the drive.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We gotta get rid of it. These the niggas that Dr. Umar can't say. Nah, they can't say them niggas. Let's stay relevant. Let's stay and let's speak in the language that our people understand. Let's stop using academia as a way to shun niggas. Stop trying to be better than black people. You still gonna be a nigga. The white folks like you a lot. They don't pat you on the head.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
They do all that type of shit. Let you fuck their wives and all that type of shit. You can marry their daughters. All that type of shit. They let you do all that. Join the country club. You know what I'm saying? Because you just let them get away with the slick shit. Because you by yourself. You solo. You isolated. You on an island. An island called nigger. I'm not black emoji. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Nigger Island. Nigger Island. Nigger Island. You saw Nigger Island. It's crazy. Don't find yourself on that island, man. That ain't the island we was telling niggas to get put on, man. Nah, we was trying to put niggas on the island for being nasty work, not for being coons. Huh? You want to be a token? Come down to Nigger Island.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Great water, the ice colder. The ice is colder. Plenty of milk on that island. Good milk. Good coconut water. Nice drinks out there. Yeah, yeah, great drinks, man. Little umbrella in your shit. Ain't this living. Yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
that nigga stole guy it's an immaculate rapper i don't know adri we're gonna have to read we have to revisit that when you come back yeah um man all right we'll reflect jackson show great show you were overstimulated after the show i was man i you know it was a lot it was it's crazy it's surreal you know what i'm saying like talking to We talked to tens of thousands of people a week, right?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Oh, shit. I'll end up on Nigger Island, man. I'll tell you. Dangerous place to be. Yeah, yeah. A lot of you niggas live there. A lot of you niggas got timeshares right on Nigger Island. It's hard to get rid of a timeshare. Damn near impossible. Damn near impossible to get rid of a timeshare.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You're never getting out of here. This is like Hotel California. You can come, but you can't leave, nigga. You can't get out of here, nah. Woo. Woo. Don't find yourself on nigger island, boy. We just got to speak to our people as they are, man. Don't try to use that degree to flex. Try to use that degree to teach. And if you feel like what you're saying in translating, holla at me.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I know how to translate it. I know academic speak. I know street speak. Y'all know what I do over here. We don't shut people out. You ain't better than nobody because you got no fucking degree, fool. You're just a smart idiot. Remember who you are, man. Lock the fuck in. You affected by these conditions too. It ain't no escaping your skin. Sammy tried that. See how boy Sammy Sosa tried that.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
They done rolled out a new vibes cartel last time I seen that nigga. He was light skinned. Who this dark skin? Who this new nigga? Who this nigga?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
The melanin come back. Yeah, it come back. Huh? That shit like Botox. You got to keep it up. Yeah. Hmm? It's in the knuckles, boy. The knuckles, yeah.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Knuckle, elbows, the top of your ear. It's going to show us. It's going to show us. Just like a baby. A new boy. How much do I say the same thing? You can't hide from being a nigga, man. You out there on nigger island with your bleaching cream. Bleaching cream and sunscreen. But look at your knuckles, nigga. Sammy tried that. Sammy was going toe-to-toe with Mark McGuire.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
He was like, I'm a cracker, too. Show him something. Bobby, I know black. I'm a white man. Hit the ball like a white man. Meanwhile, Babe Ruth is really Muhammad Ali. Look at that nigga Bad Roof in the face. Look him square in the face. Tell me that nigga ain't the greatest. For sure.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Yeah, yeah. That nigga used to eat a cheeseburger, drink a beer, knock a home. That nigga shit. That's nigga strength right there, baby. That nigga shit, bro. That's nigga shit, bro. That's nigga that grew up on a farm. Yeah, yeah. He just passable. Little sheriff cropper. Yeah, yeah. Had a good conk in his head. Big ass nose. There ain't no Jewish nose. It's the nigga nose. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That's the nigga side. That's the nigga side. Man, nigga left hand just knocking the home out.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Big bats. Big ass bats. Fred Flintstone bats. Yeah. Ready? Is the game on? I'm trying to get on these benches, man. That's what I call them, babe. Nigga named a candy bar after me and it's chocolate. Trying to go up the Harlem. trying to go to the Cotton Club. The Cotton Club. Babe Ruth. Why you think the Babe Ruth bought chocolate? They're trying to tell you. They can do the knowledge.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You niggas love esoteric knowledge, right? That was a black dick. Big, big bat, big dick.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We back? All right, guys. I'm just saying, let's lock in. Let's get on the same page about things. Let's address our problems. And let's find solutions in a common place. Let's stop. We at home plate. Stop worrying about getting on second base and let's get the first base together. A lot of you niggas get on first base, start trying to steal bags, trying to show off. It ain't that deep, man.
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And not even to mention social media, then we talking hundreds of thousands of people, comments, views, all that. But brother, to have 70 people just like, yeah, nigga, do the knowledge.
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There ain't enough. You can't think your way out of a condition. It got to be a collective effort because it was collective effort to put you in one. So you can read all the books you want. You can get as many degrees as you want and instill your people in them conditions. And you can think you're better than them. You can live the rest of your life in them.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
But let's lock in. 40 years. Last 40 years, going back to 85. And let's really pay attention to what's going on out here. Is that 80 years? What, 1985? Yeah, that's 40 years. That's 40 years. Let's lock in.
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Yeah, and I'm 30. Okay, yeah. The last 40 years, that's the knowledge. That's the place we should operate in. Because it dictates so much about where we at now. There was so much economy laws. There was so much community laws. There was so much family loss. There was a lot of dynamics lost, a lot of lives lost, a lot of minds lost. We lost a lot in 40 years.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
And we're trying to get it all back by hustling and doing LLCs and being CEOs. That ain't how you're going to get it back. Because what you're doing is you go back and you're trying to exploit your community because a lot of y'all do business like crack dealers. You look at your community as custos, as clientele. No, these are people. These people work hard for their money.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I understand inflation, but goddamn, a haircut ain't $100. Now, I don't give a fuck how rich your clients is, nigga. A haircut ain't, 50 is pushing it. But I understand the economy, 50 is cool. But a haircut ain't no $100. Shouldn't cost motherfucking $500 to get their hair done and you talking about bitch come with your hair washed. No. That's not how we do this. Stop hustling.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Do the knowledge. Yeah, we came for the knowledge. That shit, it was surreal. I was nervous as hell. It's also very shocking to take something from the internet from the studio and then do it live and people show up, man. People showed up for us, bro.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Y'all niggas got business mentality like crack dealers. You think if you open up a restaurant, you can treat the patrons like shit. You're in the service industry. You think you have to be nice to people as a waitress? Think about how nice you got to be to motherfucking now that you own it. Cause motherfucker destroy your Yelp reviews. Won't nobody come to your shit.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You get in the service industry and then you don't want to do service. This doesn't make sense. We're hustling backwards. You can talk to crackheads crazy. They're fiending for it. Nobody wants that burger that bad, nigga. Nobody wants that salmon that bad. Them lamb chops ain't that damn good. Didn't got no price. Market. Market price. Nah, nah, nah, nah. Gratuity already.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Nah, you wouldn't have to add gratuity automatically if y'all niggas knew how to do service. Stay out the service industry if you don't want to serve your people. We not clientele. We not custos. We not J's, nigga. We not fiending for the motherfucking French 75. We not fiending for that. I'm not fiending for it at all. I'm cool on that. I don't need to darn that bad.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I can go to a liquor store if I want to get drunk. We coming in this place to patronize your business because it's a black-owned business. We don't come in here and catch a vibe. We don't come in here and catch no fucking attitude with you because you own this bitch. Yeah, you own it. Now act like a motherfucking business owner. I ain't saying let niggas handle you, but goddamn, don't handle me.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I'm spending my motherfucking money. Who the fuck you think you is, nigga? Y'all getting out of pocket. That's why we need to address the last 40 years because the crack epidemic took a lot from us, including our customer service, including the way we treat each other. Because let a white person walk in your black business and this fucking red carpet appears all of a sudden. Goddamn.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Fried chicken right this way. Nigga turn right back into the motherfucking 30s, don't it?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You don't talk to them fuck like that. Come on, man. Tighten that up. We got a lot of work to do. And what we lost in 40 years and niggas want to talk about who the real Jews are. I don't give a fuck. I don't really care. I don't give a fuck about who the real Jews is, nigga. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck about the Grand Canyon and how to walk to Africa.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I don't give a fuck about the Anunnaki. I don't give a fuck. Who gives a fuck? This ain't no shit I can prove. I can prove them niggas put crack in our neighborhoods. I can prove that this shit has afflicted us. I can prove this shit destroyed our communities. I can prove this shit killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions of black men or incarcerated them. I can prove that shit.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I could prove it was a lot of mothers left out here to do the shit on their own and integrate into the corporate world to take care of their fucking kids. I could prove that I had to stay home all day with my motherfucking sisters and being watched by a lot of young black girls had to become mothers themselves at a young age. I could prove that shit. Can't prove no fucking Anunnaki.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, man. Nigga don't give a fuck about no spaceships, nigga. Nigga don't give a fuck about that shit. Y'all niggas be worried about dumb shit. Because that shit soothes you because you're trying to detach from the reality. And the reality is three-letter organizations destroyed your fucking community and left you in the remnants.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Shout out to Drinkable Brian. Unhinged and Moral Podcast, Jamila Bell and Meccavelli showed up for us. Deja Sade showed up. Keith, Dame Keith. Dame Keith showed up. Huh? Great fit on. You know what I'm saying? Great Gucci boots. Nah, great Gucci boots, Gucci earrings to match. The man look marvelous. He's a handsome brother. He's a handsome brother right there. I mean, perfect 90 degree angle.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
And you living in the effects of it and you don't know how to fucking, you don't know how to wrap your mind around that. You don't see a way out. You feel hopeless. Let me look in the motherfucking sky. Man, get that shit up out of here, bro. I'm not even on that bullshit. You ain't going to save nobody like that. You might as well go back to Jesus.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Niggas want to sit here and talk down, talk Jesus all day. We had community wounds in the church. Ain't no fucking community that's looking in the motherfucking sky for no Anunnaki, nigga. I don't know no nigga stay nowhere near the Grand Canyon. Y'all niggas be focused on dumb shit because you detach them from reality. You disassociate because the work is hard. Community is hard.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Getting back to base and get back to square one and loving yourself again, starting with loving yourself and then having to love your brother or your sister the way you love yourself, that shit is hard. Opening up a restaurant and not treating your fucking customers like their clientele is hard.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
When the only times you see niggas get money is by treating their customers like shit because the niggas is addicted to crack. Do the hard work. It's hard to go to school and learn to trade and learn how to be an electrician. You got to apply your mind, but you was always getting kicked out of school. That's hard. Teacher was always picking on you, putting you out of class.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We know those statistics. We know why you don't like going to school. But that's the shit the government required you to do. Go do something for yourself. Find something that you're interested in. Do something with your hands, nigga. Do something with your mind besides destroy. Learn how to build something. All you niggas want to do is destroy shit. And you think that's something to brag about.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Nigga, you already living in destruction. You going to knock down some more? You ain't going to find out how to start putting the bricks back together? You don't want to see what's underneath that rubble? You just want to keep breaking shit? Didn't go to prison for six months, six years, come back up, peck the fuck up, wall your body up and start telling niggas about the Grand Canyon.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Man, I don't want to hear that shit, man. Y'all niggas be addicted to esoteric bullshit. That's how you end up in cults. That shit dumb. Do the knowledge that you can really see. Stop letting niggas play with your fucking imagination because they disassociated from reality and they charismatic. I'm going to keep it real. I'm charismatic. I throw you niggas for a loop, too.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I'm going to keep you rooted in reality. Because I actually love you. I don't want your fucking money. You want to show me some love on the money? Eight dollars on the Patreon. Buy some merch. I ain't selling no courses. I ain't selling nigga no fairy tale, nigga. I ain't trying to move a nigga to the D.R. Huh? Leave your kids. Leave your whole family.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
These niggas ain't ready to break out the matrix. Babylon is falling. Now you in the DR homeless. Fuck? Fuck? Ain't took a bath in weeks fighting bitches on the beach. You look crazy. What did the nigga call herself? What did he call himself? First of all. Deanna. Deanna. What's that nigga name? Nature Boy? Yeah, man. That nigga ain't Ric Flair, nigga.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That nigga ain't... As soon as a nigga told you his name was Nature Boy and it wasn't Ric Flair, you should have ran for the hills, nigga. Nah, this shit going on YouTube. Try some nigga named Nature Boy. Nature Boy. Your teeth supposed to be yellow. No, nigga, you dirty. You dirty. You dirty. Shut your dirty ass up. Sick of this shit, man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You niggas fall for scams and bullshit all the time because you want to detach from reality, bro. Because living life is hard. It's hard being under the thumb of capitalism. That shit hard. That shit rough. You got to have a plan. You got to have some discipline. You got to have some ambition. You got to be willing to see things through. Not take no shortcuts. Not cut no corners.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You got to trust the process. You niggas don't want to trust the process. You niggas want to detach from reality and live in bullshit. No more of that bullshit, bro. Ain't no more of that. Shout out my nigga Dr. Umar, but we gonna open our school. Shout out to him. We'll never see this nigga in a building. Nigga outside in the snow talking about no snow bunny. Nigga, get in the house.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Get in the house, doctor. Damn, doctor, get in the house. Why we always outside or in a car? I'm starting to get concerned for Dr. Umar. Nigga be dripped out. Nigga, good drip on him today. I seen that. Nigga had the Pan-African Philly hat.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
He was outside in the snow. Come on, man. It's some shit. Don't add up. It don't add up. Do the math. Two plus two got to equal four. Stop trusting niggas because they got an aunt tattooed in the middle of their fucking forehead. Nigga don't care nothing about that. Huh? Because nigga, the eye of Horus on his, he done painted the eye of Horus on. Now this nigga know everything.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Man, niggas ain't look, man, niggas wasn't doing that shit like that. Nigga wasn't painting on the eye of Horus and wearing a white tee. Come on, man. All this shit is facade. Niggas put on a character. They know how to hustle. They crack dealers too. All you niggas know how to hustle. All you new niggas know how to do is hustle. And they trying to hustle you.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Protractor the hell out of here. Get him. Shout out to all the barbers out there. Shout out Self Made Cool pulling up, performing the intro. Yeah, yeah. Doing his own set. And hit me with the clippers backstage. I showed up fresh. Signature cut. Got you right. Gotta go see him this week.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That's what they see the black community as. Something to come up off of. Niggas will talk about black people's spending power and then try to exploit you. And they ain't leaving you with shit. Nothing rooted in reality. Niggas getting you hyped up off of bullshit. Fabrication. Fairy tales. Hyperbole. Allegory. You getting hype. You ain't even know about the Grand Canyon. Huh?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Omar the real nature boy. Nah, nah, that's the real nature boy. Do the knowledge. Do the knowledge on him really being in nature. Black Queens forever, Snow Bunnies never though. Real rap. Yeah. To my young men, pay attention to the advertisements. Pay attention. What are they trying to sell you? Dick pills and gambling. Dick pills and gambling. Prize picks and dick pills. Why?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
They don't even want you thinking about your dick. Don't even worry about it. We'll get it hard for you. Don't worry about your money. We'll spend it for you. Don't you like basketball? Yeah, we'll spend it for you. You don't want to take a gamble on the stock market. You ain't got no money for that. I don't fuck with the stock market. I fuck with no gambling. Can you save money?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Goddamn, you ain't no corporation. You ain't no LLC nigga. You are an individual. How about you save $10,000 before you start talking to me about stocks? All these niggas doing is hustling. All they doing is hustling. You telling a nigga that work at a warehouse to invest in stocks. Use the stocks that you own. You like Nike. Won't you invest in Nike? Nigga, shut the fuck up.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Shut that shit up, man. I don't want to hear that bullshit, man. All you niggas doing. We are affecting. You know what the new epidemic in the black community is? Bullshit. Niggas is out here full of shit. Trying to hustle. Trying to leech off of you. Niggas see niggas in a disarray and try to take advantage. They seen the play the government put down. They say, let me put my hat in. Huh?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Let me put my hat in there. Let me get rich off of that. Let me get rich off of that. Let me get rich off of niggas' desperation. What was it? It was Amazon? You used Amazon links before, nigga? Yeah. Yeah, let me do that. I sell products for Amazon. Nigga, Amazon don't need your fucking help. Tebeo's got a hundred billion dollars. You think he need you to help him sell some shit? Fool.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Look like he got it taken care of. Nick got robots. You think you helping? Come on, man. Get off the bullshit, man. Get off the bullshit, bro. Niggas is on bullshit for real. Ain't nobody got time for that. You know what's real? I can get in the truck. I can go out there. I can take a product from A to motherfucking B. I see the houses getting put up. I'm delivering the lumber.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I come back next week. It's a house. I can see it. Can't see that shit y'all niggas talking about, man. I'm going to be a day trader. Get a fucking job, man. Stop playing, man. Get a trade, man. You a day trader. You ain't got no money. The fuck? What you trading, Tom? You do that on the clock. Niggas is sitting there gambling all day. Dick pills and gambling. Dick pills and gambling.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Yeah, I gotta go see him. Scruffy dude in this motherfucker. But, yeah, man, shout out to Rachel. Oh, yeah. Rachel, man. What do we got for Rachel? Damn, Rachel, where'd you find this? To take it from that. If it wasn't for Rachel. If it wasn't for Rachel, man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You ain't got to worry. We can get your dick hard for you. Don't even worry about it. Then what's the inverse of that? Whole bunch of niggas on here telling you, women ain't the prize, you the prize. That's how you niggas end up on red pill. Dick pilled up, no pussy. Niggas in there rock hard. Nigga in the house rock hard, no pussy. That's how you end up an incel.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That's how you end up red pilled out, because you're dick hard. You ain't got no blood circulating to your brain. That's what they expecting. No blood circulating to your brain. You listen to a nigga named Brad tell you you can work out three times a week. I'm on a carnivore diet. I trade. I don't give my money to bitches. Niggas is lame. You niggas is lame. You niggas is lame. You niggas is lame.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You niggas is falling for the oldest game. You niggas is lame. You niggas is lame. You niggas is lame. Get off the couch, nigga. What my boy said? You ain't doing nothing anyway. Put the dick pills down. Put the prize picks down. Anything Joe Budden trying to sell you is bad. Joe Budden prospects is easy. Know what I ain't? Know what I ain't? You know what's easy?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Popping an ambulance and waking up at your neighbor's house butt-ass naked. Sick of you fuck niggas, man. I'm telling you, bro. We entering into the Deontay is sick of these fuck niggas, bro. I'm sick of these niggas, bro. All you niggas want to do is sling bullshit. Fuck you 22 on dick pills for.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Man, if you don't go do some pushups and drink some beet juice and fuck the shit out of that girl, bro, and stop playing, you taking a dick pill and you ain't got no pussy. Crazy. But you listening, and you listening. You in the homies. Honey packed up. You in the homies. Honey packed. Honey packed Don Julio. Finna fuck each other. Fuck it, man. The girls ain't coming.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I guess I gotta fuck one of y'all. Shit ain't gay, man. Insane word. Pretend we in prison. Let's play a game. It's called Penitentiary. You ever been to Nick Island?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I don't slap shit out of DJ Academics. Right now, you can make that go viral. And I mean it. Y'all never listen to a nigga I would beat up. Fuck. Fuck this nigga going to tell me I mushed that nigga. I wouldn't even punch him. I'd slap the shit out of him. That's what you do to bitches. You niggas out here listening, niggas, you could beat up. You didn't want to threat me with the switch.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
How about you switch your fucking mindset, nigga? Niggas is lame out here, bro. Popping dick pills at 22. Gambling. Didn't want to say no jobs. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Nah, you just can't do it on your phone.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We wouldn't have been there, bro. So shout out to the people she introduced us to. Colt Boumaier, Ray Kincaid, Young Jules, a.k.a. Jew Hefner, a.k.a. The Paid Hipster. The Paid Hipster. A lot of aliases on that young lady. She's a real spitter.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Goddamn, go listen to fucking Goody Mob. Get up, get out, get something. Niggas ain't listening. I seen a rainbow yesterday. Nigga, go stick to the lakes and the rivers you're used to, my nigga. Huh? Go reach back. Niggas are trying to motivate you to get out the house. That nigga can't get you off the phone. Damn, watch me on the phone. Then clock the fuck back in. Nigga's listening to Gary Vee.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That's a retarded ass, nigga. If you got spoons in your house, sell the spoons. You got about $500 worth of shit in your house you can sell right now. Gary, I'm poor. I don't have memorabilia, nigga. It's not fine China, nigga. We had to sell the China cabinet to get Granny Bear. Fuck wrong with this nigga, Gary Vee. Oh, I'm talking about the black community. They're hustlers.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I come from the black community. Go to VaynerMedia right now and see if you see a nigga. You don't. There's him and a bunch of crackers lying. Damn, where the VaynerMedia tag at? I ain't seen them niggas do no advertising. I just see this old fuck. Want to keep telling me about his daddy wine business and how he got it out the mud. Nigga, your dad had a business.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Oh, he was just doing three million a year. Just? Just three million?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
you ain't no hustler because you was a fuck up you tell niggas I was in D's and F's school but my mom she gave me grace shut your bitch ass up man I don't want to hear that shit man tired of you niggas man tired of you niggas and your courses I'm tired of you niggas and your bullshit sign up for my I got an ebook right now day trading 101 I don't want to hit on links I don't want to hit on links bitch I don't want your only fans link I don't want your day trader account I don't want none of that shit
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Damn, you can't tell me right now. If you can't tell me right now what to do in a minute on this motherfucking reel, I don't want nothing to do with it. Sick of you niggas and this bullshit, man. We're going to get to some of these emails, man. I'm tired of yelling at you niggas today, man. Go to nigger island if you want to. Fuck it. Fuck it. Why not? Just go to nigger island. Why not, man?
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
There's a spot waiting for you, man. We're going to get some of these emails. So we can talk Kendrick, man, on the Patreon. Puss-ass niggas, man. I hate these niggas, bro. I hate this shit, and I hate that niggas fall for it. Nigga trying to go back and forth in the comments with me. But listen to Tony the Closer. Shut your ass up, man. Didn't Meek Mill fuck his bitch?
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Y'all don't respect shit like that. Y'all, that be the shit y'all would get off a nigga. If he was really out here helping niggas and that shit happened, that'd make you stop listening to a nigga that's really giving you the game. Come on, man. Don't know which way to go.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Dog, you talking about somebody passionate about this hip-hop shit? This is a laid-back fella, bro. He don't do too much talking. When we start talking about hip-hop and culture, bro, set up. He got dead serious about that shit. And Cope Mumaie was one of the best performances I've ever seen live. It's almost like you've seen him perform and perform before.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Shout out to you. Do the knowledge. Do that knowledge. I'm emailing y'all because I need a helping hand leading me in the right direction, but I'm trapped in my head 25-8, and I can't find a way to get out of my head and into a bag. I tried enrolling into my local community college to get a trade there, but I feel like all they want is money and to leave me broke.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
And I've been applying to jobs since 2022 with no availability. I type all that to ask what puts you in the right direction when you were lost. Thanks for reading. I wish everyone the best. Hey, check me out, bro. Everybody wants your money. There ain't nowhere you're going to go in the United States of Elon Musk, and they ain't going to want your fucking money. All right?
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
The thing about a trade is... Once you get applied and once you start applying that trade, you're going to make the money back. I would say, if you are at your local community college, what I did is went to my community resource center, and nine times out of 10, they have grants available for trades. That'll be welding, that could be electrician, HVAC, plumbing, and CDL work.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I've seen grants for all of those trades. And that was in a small town in Alabama. So I'm pretty sure wherever you are, they have it available. They will get you enrolled themselves They'll schedule your start date, and all you got to do is follow through by showing up and running the course. It sounds like you just have a big fear of either failure or success, and that's common.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Sometimes we fear success just as much as we fear failure because we don't know anything in between. But trust me, you got to jump.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
you gotta jump off the pot um you know saying that school all they want is money everybody know that but trade school it's a little it's a little bit more of a low barrier of entry okay you get your trade you'll be shit if you if you do get into your trade you'll be able to pay back whatever you pay for school in three months trust me and nine times out of ten if they give you a grant long as you're employed for a year you got that scott free anyway only thing you probably gonna have to pay for is licenses and certificates so jump off the pot bro um
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
No matter what you do, every time they're going to want something from you. Whether it be your time, whether it be your money. But you got to weigh the risk of what you're willing to do. If you have the ambition to make it work, then you'll make it work. But you ain't going to get no free rides out here. So lock in. Try to go back up to that trade school or the community college. Start small.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Start somewhere. But set an obtainable goal. Going to a trade school... That's an obtainable goal. Just go get your CDL. That's an obtainable goal. It's a lot of obtainable goals, high percentage barriers of entry. All you got to do is choose one and stick with it. If you try to change your mind later, at least you got the ball rolling.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
And oftentimes, once you get that ball rolling, you start understanding that every field has its own specialties and its own branches you can branch off to. You go to school for welding, then you start learning about marine welding. You start learning about all the different types of welding that you can do that can bring in a lot of income.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You get your CDL, then you learn about sand pulling out there at the oil fields. Make buku money. Same thing goes with welding. Same thing with HVAC. Everywhere they're building a house, they need HVAC. And they're building them houses like a motherfucker. I do it every day. So just choose something and stick with it.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You didn't say how old you were. But either way, you seem like a young man. You got time, man. You got two years to invest into something. Give yourself two years and see where you at. A lot of things can change in 60 days, so imagine what'll happen in two years. Just stick with something, man. We believe in you. You got this shit. This one is... Oh, okay. This one is marital strife.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
The way that he controlled the crowd, he just sat up on the couch with us and kicked real player, veteran. He didn't get up. Veteran, the gray-haired bear, the mayor. Uh-huh. Shout out to them, man. Shout out to Jackson. Shout out to Alexis Noble at Vibe Studios for inviting us out. We had a great time, man. Shout out to her whole team. Shout out to the young man, Rico, that pulled up from JSU.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Hey, Deontay and Big Buckethead Cat. This is lengthy to preface. Love the podcast. Y'all really be doing y'all shit on the camera. Got me out here doing knowledge. Keep up the good work. Sorry if there's some typos. I'm typing off my phone.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Me and my wife are having problems in our marriage and due to other circumstances, we are both possibly contemplating divorce or a radical lifestyle decision in the future. Any advice for me?
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
pretty young guy 24 about to be 25 in july my wife and i have been together since may 2020 got married in october 2022 while i was in the navy i still am stationed in jacksonville now our first relationship we had ups and downs like any other relationship but i had a crazy secret i was keeping from her i was freaked out I was watching porn every day. When I wake up, I beat off.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I go home, I beat off. Before I shower, I beat off. It's crazy. Buy OnlyFans. Have some videos downloaded for when I'm underway. Twitter bookmarks. Everything. It's a porn addiction, brother. It's not freaked out. She had a bank statement and questioned me about the OnlyFans charges. I was embarrassed, saw a lot about it, and successfully gaslit her. Not my proudest moment.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
To add some context as well, at the time, and even up until recently, I was steadily gaining a lot of weight. My body image and self-confidence was declining. Moving on. After the bank statement, I canceled all my OnlyFans but was still watching porn every day until she went through my phone while I was sleeping. Everything came to light.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That was late July 2023, not even a year until our marriage. I was doing her bad. She laid down some boundaries and said divorce was on the table if I didn't clean up my act. So I did. Stopped cold turkey with everything related to porn. It was difficult, but coming up on almost two years clean in a short five months...
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
There was a span of four months between May 2024 and August 2024 where we weren't having sex because I felt so out of my body. I was 367 pounds in the military. It was getting hard just to walk around with my legs and my ankles. Shit would ache. So I didn't feel comfortable having sex with her, which I communicated in passing, but really didn't have an explanation for her.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
The hardest part is all of this. is me trying to gain her trust back after what happened. And I understand that takes time and effort on both our parts. But it's been the little things since we moved to Jacksonville that have been really causing some missteps. I'm more of a you help me, I help you type of guy in a relationship.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I could be Mr. Provider on certain occasions, but it's not sustainable for me in the long run. My wife has... Oh, my wife misconstrues this as 50-50 or tit-for-tat, and I get the impression that sometimes I'm just a bank account and supposed to go to work and die on the boat or something. For example, we got a rescue dog named Riley in June, and she was having some trouble with
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adjusting to her new diet so she threw up a few times inside and out on different occasions. One time I was getting ready for bed and climbed in and was turning the lights off when my wife came in and asked me to clean up her throw up off the patio.
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Low key I was annoyed because I was already in bed but I relented and went to clean it up but was upset she didn't try to do something before she asked me for help.
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Episode 52 - 40 of 400
that was just the way i was raised if you're going to ask for help at least try to attempt first on your own i said something about this to her and it led to a huge argument i have more examples but this is kind of long things like the examples above are happening more often now she's saying she can't do it anymore and i'm taking it as she quite possibly wants a divorce how should i proceed
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Got some flicks in. To everybody, man. Jyra. Shout out Jyra. Jyra, great performance. Great way to open up the show. Mm-hmm.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
It seems like, I'll just be completely honest with you, it seems like that's the only option. This doesn't seem like anything repairable because if y'all don't share like a moral ethic, like if it's 50-50 or 10-10, first of all, if you're in a relationship and it's not a reciprocal relationship and it's like you do something for me, I do something for you, that ain't going to last long.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Because then there's no thoughtfulness in it. You know what I'm saying? You're not just buying flowers just to buy flowers. You buying flowers and hope she's going to do something else. Now, you know, think about the, I mean, if it's your dog, you know what I'm saying? Then yeah, go clean up and throw it. If it's a dog y'all got together, she could have cleaned that shit up. She could have. Yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
But that's not here or there. Um, it seems like y'all just don't share the same perspective. I mean, y'all are in the military. Y'all got together and you got married within two years. That's crazy. You don't even know a person for real in two years. Um, you gain a lot of weight, you have a lot of self-confidence issues and you had a porn addiction.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I mean, these are, can all be alarming things for somebody. Um, so you have to understand her perspective as well. Um, sex is very important for young people and sex is very important in a marriage period. Um, so you are not very forthcoming about your reasoning on why you do things and then you just expect her to understand. Um, and I also think that, I just don't think y'all are compatible.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
great stage presence and his whole team his dj was great everybody was great man shout out suki and tristan for doing anything suki had the gift shop looking immaculate booming in the gift shop booming in the gift shop shout out everybody about gifts shout out everybody about the meet and greet and showed up took pictures with your boy that was love man i ain't gonna lie i have never experienced no like that before
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
It doesn't seem like y'all are two compatible people. I don't think a divorce is the worst thing that can happen in the world. It may hurt. But honestly, in a marriage, from my perspective, I've always been a provider first type man. That's how I was raised. I've only seen men provide.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I understand that it can be a thankless job at times, but, hey, when you're providing and, you know, you got your old lady staying home with the kids and taking care of the household and making sure all your clothes are washed, that's a hard job, too. So if y'all are both working, then y'all should both be sharing the responsibilities. And y'all don't have to worry about 50-50.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I think y'all just need to get off the Internet and stop letting the Internet dictate to y'all how you should behave in a...
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
relationship and y'all should really talk to each other and see what works best for y'all because it seems like you don't want to do nothing if nothing's being done for you either so it seems like it's two selfish people um trying to figure out how to navigate being selfish and selfless at the same time you know nobody wants to give more than they can take and that's a problem um usually if she's presented you with a divorce option already
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
She's pretty much made up her mind. She can live without you. Um, if she's saying she can't do this no more, like this is something she's already thought about. Y'all have been through too much in such a, in a five year period. Um, if the first five years, it shouldn't be like this. And I'm saying you got problems, but God damn, you know what I'm saying? So if there is no infidelity.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You know, infidelity is usually the thing that kind of like send things off the rails. But if there's no infidelity and y'all acting like this, then there's just no compatibility. And you need to be willing to let this go while you're young instead of holding on and further damaging yourself and your self-esteem. Work on yourself. You already got the porn thing out the way.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Don't fall back on that. You know, you're in the Navy. Work out. Use the resources available to you to get your eating under control. To get your... Go to therapy. Use the resources. But get out this marriage. You know, because she went out and you went in and this doesn't bode well for you mentally or you just went in because you're comfortable and you still got some self-esteem issues.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
So you just want somebody to be there and that's a sign of codependency. The natural course that this is going to take is y'all ain't going to be together. So you can either end it now or wait till it gets all the way messy. But you got to pull the cord on this because this doesn't seem like, I mean, it just doesn't seem like y'all are compatible. It seems like y'all trying to fling into a thing.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Yep. So, best of luck to you, brother. Good job on getting off that porn, though. We got voicemails.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
That shit was surreal, bro. I'm ready to do it again. Next time it's only right, we do it in the hometown. We do it in Atlanta. Yes, sir. You know what I'm saying? We might even have to bring y'all outside of 285, bring y'all to Douglasville where we grew up at. Yeah. Good venues out here. Free parking. You ain't got to worry about your windows getting busted.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Uh, you got a little long winded. Uh, you only got three minutes, but I think, uh, First of all, shout out to you, bro. That's love. Showed a lot of love, a lot of charisma. I can tell you like kind of probably a naturally funny guy.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I think if you're being honest, To have an idea and then just to present it to people is going to sound salesy. And that's not very, people aren't very receptive to like just your ideas. So what you need to do is build up some local notoriety. The way that you do this is you frequent black spaces. So if there's a place where they do slam poetry or live music, if there's a black owned coffee shop,
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You know what I'm saying? Them niggas break windows like they still steal radios. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, yeah. You ain't got to worry about that. You come to Douglasville. Douglas County don't play like that. No boots. No boots. Yeah. No boots. No boots in Douglasville. No boots, no broken windows. It's a little 20-minute drive outside the city. Yeah. Good parking. Great time.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
black on bookstore you find black spaces and you visit them frequently to the point where people know your face um you you sitting in you know you say you're in new england i don't know if you in the boston area but you know they have rich black communities up there like uh historic black communities in boston um and and and wherever the concentration of black people is you need to frequent those places
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
that's how you build community you build a familiar face you start talking to people naturally you're in social spaces people are going to talk I wouldn't say present your idea right away I would say present yourself that's the only thing people need to know about you once they know a little bit more naturally the conversation will lead into what you're interested in and then you can present your idea in an organic way just going out and saying it to people is going to be like what's negative feds like what the fuck
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
It's going to feel off, you know, and it's also going to feel like you come in with an agenda and nobody likes that. I would say, you know, immerse yourself in a community that you want to be a part of. Immerse yourself in a community where you have the ideas centered around and get to know people in those spaces first. And understand that if you have an idea, somebody else does too.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
So there's probably already people doing organizing and community work. Try to get yourself involved with them first before you try to take the lead. Learn how to organize, learn how to do community work and what that looks like from people that are practitioners.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
um and you're gonna be fine i mean you you definitely have the uh the passion you have charisma of course you have anxiety which everybody has when you go into new things and that's natural but the only way to like really deal with your anxiety is to overcome and persevere so just put yourself in the spaces where these people are and then give it time you know just because you have this great idea right now doesn't mean it have to be rolled out tomorrow you know for six months even to go visit places to the point where people know you by your first name
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Naturally, the idea of community is going to come up around black people. Naturally. That's when it's your time to shine. Right now, sit back, immerse yourself, get, you know, integrated, get yourself comfortable, you know, build trust, build relationships. Then you go from there. Shout out to you though, bro.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
All right, son. Son of a fiend for the work. Maybe you needed a break. You need some time. It's all good, bro. We back. We back, brother. All right. Try to put some cream in the sheets before it's for the streets. All right, sir. It's Kirk, bro. Kirk and Black Wall Street. It's his song, but he needs advice before. What's up? Deontay Big Ice Cup. Huge fan of the pod.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Love the messages on Black Unity and community being pushed on your platform. Semi-long message alert, but I'm going to promise to get to a point. A nigga need advice. Also, for the song submission. All right, we got you. Me and my girl above 32 have been dating for almost two years, and now I want to take the next step with her because our relationship is going well. We communicate on point.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
If somebody drive five hours, I appreciate a drive 20 minutes. Bro, shout out to everybody that drove five hours or three hours just to come see your boy, man. Shout out to you. Mm-hmm. Man, that shit was love, dog. You know, I can't understate it, bro. That shit was amazing, bro. It really felt like, yeah, I'm at my purpose. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
She's respectful about her paper. She's just wretched enough to go off on a motherfucker, but Ladylike and company events too. We read this. Did we read this? I don't remember that. Held her down, bills, two degrees. You remember all that? I think we read this at the time. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We read that. Oh, you're a piece of shit. Hold on. We'll play your fucking song, though.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Is it him, though? It is, yeah. Okay. The baby, she wouldn't have the baby. Seven-year-old special needs. You're a piece of shit, but we're going to play your fucking song.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Uh, that wasn't it. You did all that build up to that bullshit. That shit was ass, bro. Long build up to a bunch of bullshit. I just want to say one thing. Uh, yeah. That's the one with the special needs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Piece of shit on and off the track. Fuck you. First of all, that girl almost died. Her first time having a baby. We heard this at the live show. Everybody hates you.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Including us. Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes on your mentality and your fucking music. This is, um... Let me see who this is. Fuck that guy.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Yeah. Man. That nigga's bugging, man. Bugged out, man. That girl is traumatized. I mean, yeah, naturally, right? Yeah. You almost died giving birth, bro. What you think? That nigga's a piece of shit.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
How about get out the fucking booth, nigga? Yeah. Get out the booth. Get in the community. Go work with some special needs kids so you can see what she enduring. Yo, relatively new listener. Love the pod. Love the takes. Recently started making music. Recently started making music. Recently started making music. Okay. Wanted to send some songs. These are the first songs I ever made. Oh, brother.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You need to get in that booth, get that pen moving for at least another year. Stop submitting music. You're not ready for this.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Matter of fact, fuck that. All y'all going to Nigger Island. That's where you get your bullshit raps off. You're not ready. Great beat selection. I hear you're clearly inspired by somebody. You understand flow. You're not talking about shit. I'm not trying to hear that shit. The quality is bad. You are not ready to submit music. Get in the booth.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
When you just start, who gives a fuck what anybody thinks? Get good at it. Know you're good first. Keep practicing. Get your ass back in the gym. And that other piece of shit, Kurt... Don't ever send nothing back to this podcast. Ever. Okay? We're not the people for you. Nah. You, you, you, you are a selfish motherfucker. Okay? Selfish ass nigga. All right. That wraps up episode 52.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
How you feeling? I feel good, son. I'm not in front of the camera, but, you know. You ready to do this Patreon? Let's do it. All right, man. We're going to transition over to this Patreon shit, man. It's been real. It's episode 52. Until next time. Gristin' eggs. What you finna say? Stay off Nicaragua.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
What you're supposed to be doing. I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, man. I locked in. Oh, Smith. Shout out to Smith. Oh, Smith came through. Smith came through. Serving looks, you hear me?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Oh, we back, Griss and Egg's podcast, episode 52. I'm your host, Deontay Kyle, but who's behind the camera? Big Ice Cup Cat. Good on the mic. Could be Mike. As always, email us. A lot of y'all using the Griss and Egg's pod at I don't mind that, but Suki would prefer if you use Deontay at Speaking of, good merch. A movement without a plan. It's a trend.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Gave me a rose. Gave you a rose. All love, bruh. Shout out to Smith. Yeah. Man. Oh. What happened? And our boy Ashton sent us that lighting equipment.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
It didn't, I didn't. That didn't even cross my mind. The fame part didn't really, I was like, wow.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like, yeah, it didn't feel exalting. It felt like, whoa. Yeah. Really, really recognize like the gravity of this. People are traveling to come see y'all do this thing. People are spending their money, spending their time. And they was all ears, man. And the lady who said the prisoners are asking to put on the Grits and Eggs podcast every morning. That's amazing.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I was finna cry. I ain't gonna lie. Yeah, I seen you. Big Cat gave me my flowers on stage. That's what these is. Big Cat showed me some love on the stage. I had to. Man, that shit was surreal, bro. Very humbling experience, but very exciting. Very like...
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
affirmative you on the right we on the right path you know we doing our thing the streets fuck with us we don't have instagram booming this week heavy and tiktok we don't have the social media streets booming heavy huh heavy we heavy in the streets nigga you got some uh you got some heavy hitters that start following heavy hitters some real punchers yeah heavy hitters start following okay yeah yeah yeah man uh
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We back. We back, man. I'm talking about better than ever. So, you know, we're going to stick with these solo episodes. But we're definitely going to make room for the guests. We're going to probably minimize it down to like about two a month. We are going to feed the Patreon streets. Matter of fact, today, after we get finished with our topics on episode 52... We're going to talk Kendrick.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We're going to talk 2 Chainz, Larry June, Alchemist album, and we're going to talk West Side Gun on the Patreon. So if you want to see my take on Kendrick, I really don't. I do have a take on it, but I feel like everything been said. For the folks that signed up, that's showing love, we're going to give you bang for your buck. We're going to break that Kendrick performance down.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
I got some opinions on the 2 Chainz Alchemist collab album, and I got some opinions on that West Side Gun album too. Um, so we had, uh, we posted a video, uh, from episode 50 where we was discussing the, how, how to get out the hood, like saying we can get out the hood and more ways than just rapping and ball playing. We can get into trades, skilled trades. Uh, education is a positive way out.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Some people even suggest the military though. I'm not a big, you know, supporter of, uh, That, I do see the application. If you're going to be the spook who sat by the door, go get that military business going. Also, military is a good, you know, shout out to Keith and a few other people I know that have used it and really, you know, catapulted themselves into middle class and non-combat duty.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Yeah, man. What can you do for your fucking country, nigga? Niggas talking about spending blocks all day because of Instagram beefs and niggas speaking on your dad. What about your country? Go get that oil. Yeah, man, everybody know Afghanistan rich in poppy seeds. Go get the hair on. Bring it back. Big Pharma needs you. Your country needs you. You can be Frank Lucas. Huh?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Frank Lucas had the plug in Vietnam. You can have the plug in Afghanistan. To the knowledge, nigga. Tell the niggas go join the army and be drug traffickers. Nah, that's what we got to do. Spook us out by the door. The YN that's set by the door. The young man who's set by the door. That's funny as shit. The YN that's set by the door. The YN that's set by the door.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
But I've seen a lot of people saying... Oh, we got to stop this... I seen a lot of people saying, oh, we got to stop this mentality of getting at the hood. You know, we should reinvest in the hood. We should, you know, we don't need to leave and like, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, relax. Okay. You got to speak to the mentality that already exists.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
You got to speak to the lingo that's already present. Getting out the hood don't mean leaving the black people behind. Get out the hood is a mentality. And what people are really saying is how do I find my way out of poverty, out of abject poverty at that? How can I work my way into the middle class? Or, you know what I'm saying?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Like that is what the, when we say get out the hood, we mean get out the bullshit, you know, get off the block, get off the, get off the, the, the trap, get out of that trap and get and work your way towards creating some financial stability for yourself.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
if we can get everybody on that page, if we got, if we got our women and men in skilled trades and education and military, um, and entrepreneurship and not still chasing like the street lifestyle, not still chasing the scammer lifestyle, not chasing the lifestyle that these rappers portray, then we have a lot of viable options to go back and buy up the block because we could pull our money together.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
We got good work coming for you. Now look, this week, episode 51 was Gigi LaFleur. Great conversation with Gigi. Just like kicking it with your auntie. With your cool ass auntie. Facts. It was a great time, but we seen the comments. We know y'all like the solo episodes, so we're going to reverse it.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
And we know that this is honest. People are doing honest work. Black Wall Street was built by skilled tradesmen, entrepreneurs, and lawmen. People that understood how to run a town. You can't do that with a, I'm just keeping it being, can't just be estheticians and barbers. Those are going to be needed for the community, but we can't build the whole thing off of that. You know what I'm saying?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Not off of that alone. We need plumbers. We need HVAC technicians. We need electricians. We need carpenters, people who know how to build a house.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
Brick masons. These are things that are actually needed. If we're going to go buy back the block, we want to renovate the block ourselves, don't we? You know what I'm saying? Why go buy back the block and then go do what the white folks doing, just pay some Mexicans for cheap labor? and pay our people to rebuild our blocks. You know what I'm saying? Like it is an all encompassing thing.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
A lot of y'all skipped so many steps ahead. Y'all not meeting people where they're at. People are not in a, when people say get out the hood, they just trying to get, they just try not to be broke, man. And a lot of people fear that check to check lifestyle, but being checked to check, understanding how to budget your money, It don't last forever.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 52 - 40 of 400
If you got goals and you got ambition, you can work towards it. Now, some people some people are going to be fine with a check check living. This is capitalism. But I believe. That with the right mentality, the person who go out into the street and risk their life, the person who will go into the bank and risk their freedom can can apply those to trades. And a lot of those tradesmen are felons.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I have no affiliation to any fraternity. I would suggest that I know that y'all have big groups, big conventions. I would suggest we get together and change the way we do these things. Because this is nothing but an abuse of power. That's all it is. These are seniors. And then he's pledging in his junior year. So, you know, this is him going forward. Like, I'm going to make these connections.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know, he's clearly probably on the path from New Orleans. So already coming from, you know what I'm saying? Coming from a tough environment. We don't know what his social class was, but I'm certain. I mean, he's HBCU. You know what I mean? Like, he's doing his thing. This is everything you would want your black son to do. Exactly. Exactly.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
This is everything you wouldn't want your black son to do. This is everything we preach about on the pod.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Nigga ain't in the booth. Nigga's a mechanical engineer. Dead. Trying to be a cue dog. Trying to fuck with you niggas. We have to have a convention. Shaq, get Shaq on the phone. Yeah, nigga. Get out of Papa John's. Get out of Papa John's. Get to the convention. And go make a fucking phone call.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
And we got to change the way we doing these things because that's not, that's just, it's past unfortunate. It's happened too many times. They done made movies about this shit. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It's unnecessary, bro. It's overkill. And this is somebody that is taking advantage of the power that they have because somebody wants to join their organization.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You niggas ain't gangbangers, bro. Damn, gangbanging. Nigga say you got to put in work. You might have to kill somebody. Yeah. Nigga heard, what's your boy name? What's the rap nigga name? The nigga that be rapping real good from New Jersey. I don't know what you talking about. Nigga, he did the song about the gang initiation shit. I know you talking about the nigga's name right now.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know a nigga named Immortal Technique? For that to be your rap name, you know nigga's technique is impeccable. What was that song? It was like Dance with the Devil or some shit like that? One of the craziest songs in hip hop ever about a gang initiation, right? And the punchline to the song is a nigga raped his own mother to be a part of a gang. They had a bag over the lady head.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I don't really feel like profiting off of all that. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Nah. We got to find... I'm not going to do that. No, we can't. Niggas is hungry and we over here getting money. Starving. We getting money over here. Niggas is starving. We getting money. Shout out to all my Muslim niggas. As-salamu alaykum. Yeah, yeah, man. All that good shit. Patreon.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
This is insanity. Who cooked this up? Yeah, who made that? First of all... Oh, we're not gang members. No, no. I'm going to kill all you niggas. No, all you niggas is dying.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We're getting that popping. We're getting Chris Benoit going. I'm going to be the rabbit Wolverine in this bitch because I'm crippling crossfaces for everybody. Crippling crossfaces. Crippling crossfaces for everybody. What? That's insanity. We do a lot of things. You know, we talk about...
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
the abuse of power that comes from the government, but then on a micro level, look at what people are doing with power. This isn't just a black issue. This is a fraternity issue. This happens all the time. Y'all taking the hazing shit too far. And why some folks, you know, let's keep it being two. Why every time niggas go to hazing, we gotta get involved in some gay shit?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Why is your ass out and you stepping, why? I mean, hey, if niggas is gay, niggas is gay.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
But you know you taking straight men and putting them in humiliating situations.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
This is like when you go to jail for the first time, they make you do the squat and cough. It's just a humiliation ritual. Yeah. I shouldn't have to be humiliated to be a part of your organization. Especially if it's the Organization for Academia. Now, if on the next level you niggas is trying to take over the world and y'all gonna do some skull and bone shit, then y'all do that.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
But on an entry level, I shouldn't be risking my life. Nah. And then you niggas is at a HBCU pledging Greek. Niggas up there think they Play-Dohs. Socrates and shit. Yo, for Clark Homecoming, I seen the Hebrew Israelites yelling at niggas because they had their Greek shit on. Y'all niggas is Greek. Y'all niggas is black. They was yelling at these. These is college kids.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Nah, we gotta get his knowledge. Get him while they still mad. Yo, yo, yo. They been doing the knowledge, though. Niggas doing the knowledge. Nah, they getting the knowledge. Hey, hey, look. I'm telling you, bro. The Hebrew is right. Them niggas broke the clock twice a day talking about it. Right, right. Nah, they absolutely right. Yeah. First of all, what you niggas doing talking about you Greek?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah. Huh? you niggas is black y'all ain't greek yeah take that shit they was going that's the type of shit to make a nigga bring up the moors right yeah the moors empire expanded into greece 1420 bc yeah yeah you know nigga nigga do the knowledge on that too I think that, oddly enough, you know what I'm saying? Shit, you niggas, you got HBCU, nigga. We need to start getting some Orishas.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, let's get Oshun. Where the Oshun? Where Oshun at? Yeah. Yeah, where Ogun at? Ogun, yeah. Where they at? Let's really rock that purple and gold. Let's really do that. Let's do it, yeah. Emoja and all that. Yeah, all that. We need all that. Let's get right. Where Anasi at? Yeah, yeah. No, let's really dig, let's really reach back to the motherland and pledge that. Exactly.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas is pledging Greek fraternities. First of all, to start that in the early 1900s. For niggas to be fresh out of slavery, like, we Greek. We Greek. Fresh out of, fresher than Jim Crow. Nigga went from slavery to Jim Crow. Oh, we Greek. We Greek. Yo, niggas going to be mad at us with this shit. Fuck, man. Fuck the niggas, man. Nigga, shimmy his way over here.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Grits and X Podcast Patreon. Fire episode, last episode. A lot of... Reels has been doing really, you know, Instagram and TikTok been pushing those clips. And the Patreon has grown to 400. The goal is 1,000. 1,000 gets me out the truck. 1,000 gets you out the truck. 1,000 gets me out the truck. 2,500 gets a big ice cup out there, motherfucker. Get me out it.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Let a nigga shimmy around me and see if that mask don't come out. See if I don't start grunting and switching and that motherfucker. Yeah, we got a fraternity too. The YM fraternity. Yeah, YM fraternity. You heard it here first. YM fraternity started an original concept for the Grits and Eggs podcast. Original organization. YM fraternity.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You join our show, you get a Nike tech, a Nike ski, black forces. That's what you get. That's our colors. Black on black. We don't got no letters. We got numbers. 1-8-7. I want the killers, nigga. I want a bunch of young killers, nigga. What you talking about? Come over here and shoot me if you want to. You going to hear whoopty playing in whoopty? I know the Mayans, they fuck with us heavy.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
They fuck with us. We're going to start our own fraternity. What the fuck you talking about? Yeah, man. We should just practice on our free will, nigga. It's, you know, you know. Hey, man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
yeah i gotta tighten that up man it's time yeah it's time to tighten it up um and and it leads me into my point man i think the the idea of a fraternity is you know this is a powerful thing black that's black that's those black people trying to create their own organizations right um organization out of academia and there are strengths in numbers there's a revolutionary aspect to
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Organized academics, you know, and their opinion on the world and their outlook on the world is extremely important because academia is, you know, part of this system. And higher learning, higher education has always been a big thing in the black community. So I'm not, you know, condemning them.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I commend them for keeping the tradition alive, but I'm condemning the process and the process of having an abuse of power. Our true revolution is not bloodshed. We've stated this several times. I think a lot of times when people think about revolution, when black people start talking revolution, everybody assumes bloodshed because that's the white idea of revolution. That's the Boston Tea Party.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
bloodshed, you know, bloodshed and destruction of property. That's a white ideology when it comes to revolution. The true black revolution is love. At every turn, their whole plan and process for us has to be for us to be divided and And for us to not love ourselves. If you don't love yourself, you're not going to love your brother. You don't love yourself, you're not going to love your sister.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
It's easy to look in the mirror and hate yourself and leave your child. That's easy. You know what I'm saying? Now, these are systemic conditions that are being reinforced all the time through advertisement, through media, and on a real grassroots level. Let's talk about... I mean, we can bring that crack epidemic back, but that was a number one divisive tactic used in the last 40 years because...
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know, you see black women out here selling their body for drugs. This may be how you're informed about black women. Your mother out here selling her body for drugs or just doing drugs and not caring for you as a child. This may be informing how you feel about black women. You see your brother get killed by his best friend over a drug deal. This is going to inform your trust with niggas.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Your daddy leave you because he can't keep it together because he on that pipe. There's a lot of information being passed here and none of it is loving.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
trying to get out of delta huh we're gonna be real podcasters then yeah yeah then we can give y'all some updates for the patreon is this month we are going to make a push towards some more exclusive merch that'll be only available to the people on patreon so um you good
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
So if we're going to engage in any revolution, the revolution has to be us regaining our trust and our empathy towards one another, us having an understanding about the conditions that we've been through and the conditions we're currently in, and return to a place of love. Because love, that brings community. Jasmine's mixer, it felt like love in there, bro.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
When we did our live show in Jackson, that was love in there, bro. That's the revolution for us. Because when you love somebody, you'll show up for them. Shit. When you love somebody, you'll protect their life. You'll defend their life. When you love somebody, if somebody took their life, you'll take the other person's life. You'll kill for what you love.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You're going to make a lot of excuses for people you don't love. That's why don't nothing get done. It's a lack of love.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
George Zimmerman is still alive because of a lack of love we we're saddened by the action we're saddened by that because there's something in us that still we we still got that connection we we love Trayvon Martin right that's our little brother that's a little cousin that's somebody nephew that's somebody's son we love him but we don't love ourselves enough to get retribution that when when it's time to get retribution niggas want to let God handle everything
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
The Lord will get justice, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Watch the man George Floyd be executed. The world protested that. That's love. Because we see ourselves in that. And these people are going to get their justice through the system, whatever. But that was a time where you seen niggas like, nah, fuck that. We got to knock that nigga off. Fuck that. Fuck that. Nigga wanted him.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas wanted his head. Yeah. But the true love is our... Black love is the revolution. Because that's the thing they're trying to stop. Whatever they're trying to stop, let's get down to the true nature of things. If the process is to divide the family, then the process is to destroy the love.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
If the process is divide and conquer, what they're trying to do is divide and conquer our love for one another. And it's worked. And every time we have a movement, natural hair movement, natural hair movement, then we'll be seeing influx of baddies, bad girls club, bunch of ditzy bitches on TV with bust downs and makeup. But think about that. Natural hair movement.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You have to create a movement around showing up as you are naturally. Who you were born. Butt naked, bare bones, no additives. The person who you are needs a movement to be represented. How your hair grows out of your head naturally needs a movement for representation? We don't think about that. This is sick shit they're doing. You fucking with people's minds. This is a deep psychological war.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Like... We have to have a movement for your hair to grow. Hidden colors come out. What's next? Drill music? Soon as I learned about Dr. Umar, I learned about Chief Keef. And it's the same play every time. They're going to combat it with something. When they see us unifying around ideology or getting to a place where we actually... I mean, niggas is calling each other kings and queens.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Before niggas started using that as scam talk and slick talk, that was a real movement. Niggas was calling each other kings and queens and they meant it. And all it take is one celebrity that don't love they self, bitch, nigga, don't call me, don't grand rising queen me. Yeah. Now, I understand it's annoying. It can get annoying depending on the person, depending on the situation.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I like the idea of replacing, you know, niggas get in their bag with the wordplay. Morning, morning is the death. No, we're rising. I get that. That's a good, that's a nice little pivot. I ain't mad at it. It's just the niggas that choose to use that language always be of no good. six pack oiled up in the kitchen. That's what I'm saying, son. Niggas coming with the con. And this is a lack of love.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
it'll be available to only the people on patreon um you know just some little exclusive shit and we're trying to keep that shit low like and you're trying to i might not go embroidery but we might just do something basic simple just show some appreciation definitely going to be doing a giveaway on the patreon as well um i'm going to be um doing a lot more updates just to keep people informed um
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
This is a lack of love for each other. This is a lack of love for the self that we're going to use loving terms of endearment to swindle. There's that hustler mentality. I'm going to use these kind terms. I'm going to use these talking points. I'm going to take your guard down and render you defenseless because you think I'm operating out of love just so I can swindle you. Sick movement.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
It's sick movement. It's nasty work. And so we have to get to a place where we're regaining empathy and trust for one another, right? The reason why I say the last 40 years needs to be our focus, because you can look at everything we lost in a dynamic way. And how we relate to each other, how we talk to each other, how we treat each other.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
If you grow up and you see your mom smoking crack, calling a woman a bitch, that just don't mean nothing to you. You know what I'm saying? If your dad left, even if he got locked up, if he got killed, the anger that comes along with that, if he sold crack or he smoked crack, the anger that comes with not having your pops will make you feel like niggas ain't shit. Man or woman.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Shit, my parents went through a divorce. I ain't seen my dad for three years. I was mad as shit. Niggas ain't shit. Fuck these niggas. Because a lot of times, a lot of the information we're receiving, we're receiving as children. You know, that's how it starts. So then we get into a place where, like, we're talking progress, right?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
And I'm going through the comments, you know, because I want us to... I feel like I'm giving you an easy space, right? It's 40 years, right? So even if you was born in 2000, you only go back 20 years before you was born, start doing the knowledge there. You see the effects of it 20 years later. This is a simple task. And niggas are combative about it. They want to still talk about the Hebrew shit.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
They want to still, and it's like, I'm not dissing you. I'm just saying lock the fuck in. If we study, if we become scholars of the war on drugs, we'll see everything we lost. Then we can go back. And the first time, as soon as the niggas start talking progress, a lot of y'all minds go straight to why it won't work. That's your first mind is to tell me why old niggas ain't going to organize. Why?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
White people ain't never been pessimistic about their ability to steal. They ain't never said it ain't going to work. They ain't going to steal a country and people. Nobody was like, this ain't going to work. No, niggas was extremely optimistic about that. I'm telling niggas to observe the last 40 years. Oh, niggas ain't going to organize. Oh, black people are our own worst enemy.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
To absolve white supremacy like that, bro, to absolve it by putting it on us, you're going to put it on yourself. I mean, there's some people, they just got to go to the island. Yeah. I mean, God damn, it's going to be at capacity. We may need a bigger island. More time shares. Yeah, we need more time shares. We're going to get some travel agents on the phone.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Because the pessimism that you have around revolution means you don't want to do it. The pessimism, if your first mind is to why it won't work, that just means you don't want to do the work. You don't want to see it work. You're comfortable in this state. You're comfortable in this space. You like niggas being in disarray. That gives you something to talk about.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah, man. We're grateful for all the Patronies, man. All the cousins. So we appreciate y'all. 657-234-EGGS. Okay. We got some voicemails coming in today. We got three advice emails. We are segregating the music submissions because... We had an issue with the monetization on YouTube last month, but we back. Hold on, man. Hold on, man. We back. We getting money.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas is scared. They scared. Of change. They scared of change. That's what I'm saying. They fine with what they looking at in the mirror right now. They're okay with it. Right? And there's individualism to it too. Oh, well shit, as long as I get myself together. Fuck the rest of these niggas. It ain't me. If I can do it, you can do it too.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
And I'm telling you to lock hands and walk forward together. And you telling me why it's not going to work. Oh, niggas ain't gonna wanna. No, no, you scared. And that's okay. Fear of change. Fear of the unknown. You don't have any experience with that in your lifetime seeing that progress that we can make. Seeing that unity that we can have.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
The reason why the elders are constantly talking about it because they seen it work. And they did it. They did it. They seen it work and they participated. We can't even get niggas to boycott Gucci. These folk boycotted bus systems, walked, carpooled, anything, anything, by any means necessary, quite literally, to prove a point. And you niggas telling me why boycotting Gucci is a bad idea.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You're pessimistic about the revolution. You're pessimistic about love. You're pessimistic about progress. Optimistic about bullshit.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
as long as you look good you happy yeah it's it's i'm telling you bro if if your first mind is why it won't work you're the problem you're why it won't work it's you if the first thing that come out your mouth is well you know niggas ain't gonna you're the problem you're the reason why niggas ain't gonna do nothing you're the reason why we're not gonna organize it's you
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You should be galvanized by an opportunity for progress. You should be galvanized. Look at the clips. Look at the comments. The people are ready. People been ready. We ready. We're cutting through all type of bullshit. We don't have any attachment to any big corporates. We don't have no attachment to nothing. We doing this all independent, all solo. This is love, bro. For the people.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
It's for y'all. Nobody want to cut through the bullshit. Nobody want to get on the podcast mic and say no real shit. Everybody want clicks. Oh, well, guess who getting the clicks? Guess who getting them? Who getting the engagement? Who getting the opportunities? There's opportunity in this. We ain't shouting this shit from the mountaintops.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We in this bitch doing it, and we build it progressively, step by step. Go back. Look at the episode 15. Look at the Kingba episode. The quality went all the way there, but it was decent. Wasn't a whole bunch of pictures on the wall, but it was all right. We seen what we was going for. Wasn't no coffee black. Wasn't no circus sense. We didn't even have the books up here yet.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
This thing builds over time. Look what we done in a year. Black people can't do what? You gonna tell me what we can't do? And I done showed you what you can do in a year? Me and my man? You don't even see my man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know the man, you ain't never seen him. You gonna tell me what niggas can't do? Come on, man. Let's get off that bullshit. To absolve white people of their crimes by saying we our own worst enemy. Because it's easier for you to believe that if you hate yourself. A person that love they self and know the conditions and know the systemic efforts that have been made. Not just efforts, execution.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Execution. Know what they've executed systemically. Know what we've been through. Know how we got our start in this country. We our own worst enemy? Fuck are you talking about, nigga? What are you talking about? Your worst enemy sitting back. God damn it, man. Who would have ever thought it worked this well? From a hypothesis to proof. Come on, man. Tighten that shit up, man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I don't want to hear that shit. I promise you, bro. Negative talk going to get you blocked every time. Regressive talk going to get you blocked. Fear. That fear shit. That scare shit. Because that's what it is. Trapping ain't that.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas just scared. You scared. It's okay to be scared. Why voice fear so loudly? Why so loudly be a coward? Why? Loudly a coward. Protect this man. Protect who? I don't move in fear. I ain't scared of these niggas. You is. Oh, they ain't gonna like this. I don't give a fuck what they... I don't like how I'm living. I don't like how we living.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We getting money on the YouTube partnership again. We back in there. So a lot of times y'all are submitting things that are already on Apple Music and things, so we get hit with the copyright. So we're going to turn it into a new Music Monday type vibe. And on Mondays... When you get the audio, we'll also be doing the music submissions.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You talking about what they ain't gonna, who give a fuck? Fuck what these niggas like? They don't like you. They can talk about, they ain't gonna like this one, Deontay. Good. That mean I'm doing my job. Y'all out here appeasing these crackers and you telling me, brother, protect yourself. I'm not vocalizing fear like that. I'm not moving in fear. I sleep good at night. Shit, we gotta go anyway.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Let's go happen one day. Shit, hey, we gonna go anyway. You still talk about Malcolm and Martin. You still talk about Fred. Nigga ain't scared to go. Shit, nigga. You ain't never been that broke. You don't want to take yourself out. Nigga, you don't remember one time I was so fucked up? Then my tire went flat. I was like, man, just go ahead and let's just end it. You know what I'm saying?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
What are we doing this for? Goddamn. I can't even afford a used tire right now. I done overdrawn $3 now, owe them niggas $40. Life be whoopin' your ass. Boy, what? Boy, that shit'll get your ass on the ropes. Life will whoop your ass, boy. You gotta have the spirit of Buster Douglas. Huh? Boy, I thought Mike killed him. I thought Mike killed that nigga. I ain't never seen a nigga fall like that.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Hey, you gotta have the spirit of Buster Douglas, man. You gotta do it for your mama. Mm-hmm. Life will get with you, bro. Life got hands, for real. That motherfucker don't even use weapons, for real. That motherfucker straight hands. All hands. Undefeated. Undefeated. Don't whoop everybody's ass. Name a motherfucker who ain't got to ask what about life yet. Come on, man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You going to move in fear after you done bit Buster Duggins and got your ass back up and still won? Against all the odds? Really, David and Goliath? They've been trying to get rid of you since you got here. You hard to kill. And you telling me what we won't do? You telling me who to be scared of? You moving in fear like that? That's a part of you. You got to check. Why am I so scared? Why?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
These are real questions you got to ask yourself. Because the only thing to fear is fear itself. Look, crackers, when they finna take over a country, they niggas got good catchphrases. Yeah. Huh? The only thing to fear is fear itself? Who said that? Yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Members only, Jack. It's a three-letter organization. Hey, look, as long as it's me and the guys, the only thing to fear is fear itself. Drop that crack off. Ronald Reagan. Nigga, just quote Ronald Reagan. That's crazy. That nigga wasn't saying we couldn't do this. Yeah. Nah, just keep planning, keep organizing, keep running them experiments. Mm-hmm. we got the right people on our team.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We believe in our team. We believe in our ability to destroy these niggas. Niggas weren't pessimistic about it at all. Nobody second guessed. Nobody nothing. Full steam ahead. All optimism. Glass half full. Yep. Drop the crack off in the hood. Leave a few guns too. Yeah, yeah. A crate of guns. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And a silencer. Do one.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Probably take it a little longer instead of just two or three songs. We'll probably make like 30 minutes out of it. Something like that. A little 30 minute episode. So more people can get their songs submitted. We got a lot of emails and a lot of song submissions. So it's not like we ignoring anybody. It's just niggas is getting buried. It's a lot of emails.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Same shit. Same shit. Hold on, man. FDR said that and then put niggas in the great depression. Nigga said that the robbed nigga's blind. Nigga said the only thing to fear is fear itself. We're off the gold standard. The money's back by nothing. Nigga said soup lines. The dust bowl happened. Only thing to fear is fear itself.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Businessmen were leaping to their death. Nah, word. In the Great Depression. Nah, son. Full suit. Jumping out the window. Jumping out the window. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Niggas wasn't never scared about destruction. They ain't give a fuck. Niggas wasn't scared of nothing. You niggas scared of progress. They got you scared of progress. Scared of progress.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
And they have no fear in their destruction. No pessimism. Their ability to steal, they don't second guess that. They playing. Everybody on board. Niggas is hitting licks all day and night. Because the scare money don't make no money in their mind. They take that shit debt serious. Huh? To take niggas off the gold standard. It's backed by nothing. No, no. This is real monopoly money now.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The only thing to fear is fear itself. And they did that to their own people. They did that to their own people, nigga. The poor whites. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. That came from niggas being dirty.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Oh, shit. VR did that, so hopefully you don't have to go through that. That nigga walked so Reagan could run. Yo. Word. Reagan sprinted. No, Reagan was breaking records. Woo, we didn't think it was going to work this fast. God damn, that shit went from California to Georgia in a matter of years. Yo, not even years. No, it was quick. Six months, probably. Six months tops.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
God damn, this shit sprint like a wildfire. This shit worse than the Dust Bowl. The Crack Bowl. The Crack Bowl. No soup, all crack. No soup line. No soup line. No soup line. Chain gangs, paddy wagons. That's it. That's it. Niggas just lined up to go to jail. Bread and water. Yeah, that's it. Goddamn, man. Imagine how dirty you got to be.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
And then we switched over to Deontay at for the email, but the Grits and Eggs pod email, it was still booming. So just be patient. We ain't ignoring you. We would love to hear your song. We love even more if you're bad. We're having a good time over here getting niggas out the booth and back into the community, man. Out the booth into the trade system. Yeah, yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We're going to put the baby in the dirty-ass bath water, too. It's going to be a bad day. Yeah. Niggas is out in the field working all day just trying to make an honest dollar.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Pops take the first bath. Pops get the clean water. Yeah. Pops been out there working all day. Pops been out there working all day. Time you get in the bathtub. That shit gray. That shit, ooh. Disgusting. And it's cold. Ooh. Ooh. Oh, yeah. You know it ain't got no heat. Yeah. You know, niggas is selfish. Yeah. Nigga took up all the hot water. All the hot water. You got to boil it some more.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
What's that shit? What's that shit that witches be using? Stirring the pot. What is that shit? I don't even know the name of that shit. Niggas in there with witches. Trying to clean the water. Put a spell on it. Bring it back. A cauldron. Yeah, a cauldron. I put a spell on you for a dime. Smoking a dime. Nigga put a nigga in the cauldron like Bugs Bunny. Nigga was starving.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
He was throwing carrots in that bitch and everything. Bugs wasn't even dead. He was like, I got that shit warm. Nigga, you finna be rabbit stew. That's you. That's what happened to niggas in the Great Depression. Niggas turned niggas into rabbit stew.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
no did you like bruh they said bruh so there's a young lady um on tiktok young white lady really doing the knowledge okay doing knowledge on the dust bowl oh how devastating it really was okay to the point where they were saying like even if you was in the house first of all your house would be covered in dirt like a like a snowstorm damn
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
They said, even if you in the house, dirt in your eyes, like you gotta cover your mouth, because niggas was dying from too much dust being in their lungs, dirt in their eyes. Then they said, because it's like, you know, this is Great Plains, tall grass. They not even supposed to be fucking with that shit, but they was going, trying to get money and shit. You know how that shit go.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
And fucked up the ecosystem. They said to the point where like, you would hear in the distance, like a buzzing and it would be locusts. Millions of locusts. And there's an account where a little boy said they fucking ate the clothes off his daddy in a matter of minutes. The locusts. The locusts. That's crazy. That shit is movie shit. That's like piranha. You know what I'm saying?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know the nigga dropping the water come out bones? That's what it was like. Nigga ate the nigga clothes off his body. And, I mean, we're using real textiles for clothing back then. Yeah, that's real thick. Real clothes. Niggas ain't even own jeans yet. Denim didn't even exist. He's got wool on him. Wool in a dust bowl is crazy, nigga. First of all... To be in a dust bowl in wool.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Out the booth to trade pipeline. Out the move to trade pipeline, courtesy of the Grissom Next Podcast. Put down that mic, pick up that wrench. Exactly. Put that mic down. Put that mic down. Grab your welding mask. It's time to get to work. Learn how to shift some gears. The microphone's a mechanic pipe. The booth deployment pipeline. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really get in that booth. Yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
The shit already heavy. Yeah. It's hot. Add the dust to it. First of all, if there is a dust bowl, I mean, you know, trees present. Nothing. Yeah. So the thing is, is like, they said it was so devastating. Like you couldn't come, like if it was a storm happening, even in the house, you're not safe. Like in the house, you got to get low and cover your mouth. Close your eyes.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
There was new diseases developed from the Dust Bowl. Also, this Dustmania thing, where people would be literally losing their minds. Walk around in circles talking to themselves. Yeah. First of all, I thought it was just like a summer. It was like mad years, for one. One summer is crazy. I thought niggas just had a bad season. Bad summer, nigga. I was like, that shit must be really bad.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
They told us about it. No, that shit was like a decade. For one. And then they said this shit, the dust now flew all the way to goddamn New York. It was dusty. Well, this dust coming from Sunday. It is, man. What the fuck, son? First of all, us the 30s niggas don't talk like that. Niggas on the block. Yo, B, what the fuck? Niggas at the cod club. My shit dusty, son. Yeah, man. Yo, son.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I'm in here trying to dance. Nigga Cab Calloway up there giving a performance of a lifetime. Duke Ellington in this bitch. Bay Roof at the corner. Bay Roof over there on the benches. Drinking beer. Rand Claude in the back. Yes. It's mad dust in here, man. Fuck, man. That's not my three pieces. Yeah, man. Nigga don't know how to treat they customers. I just got this cunt.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Nigga in there in a zoot suit. Nigga in there is a Zuzu getting dust in his shit. Nigga be mad as fuck. Yeah, son. How the fuck we begin to these pieces, son? I don't know, man. I don't know, man. I was like, damn, yo, we was just talking about revolution. Niggas end up in the cataclysm. In the dust bowl. Dust Bowl Cotton Club crossover? Only us. Only us, baby.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Who else is going to give you Dust Bowl Cotton Club content, huh? Babe Ruth in the building. With Red Claw. Ty Cobb out there protesting. Get those niggas out of New York. Get those niggas out of Harlem right now. I think, you know, I think it is like, We really just got to be honest about the pessimism we have about progress. We're very pessimistic when it comes to progress.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Very optimistic when a nigga put you on a new scam, though. Some shit that might not work. What's that shit that was going around during the pandemic? That little... Niggas didn't hesitate. Niggas never looked at the PPP loan and said, this ain't gonna work. Nah, niggas just seen a nigga withdraw 80 cash. Nigga got 80 racks. Nigga, fuck the consequences. All I'm saying to you, do is love yourself.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas want the 80,000. Niggas trying to get that all.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas said, man, fuck love. What a money ass. Niggas wasn't, nah, but niggas wasn't pessimistic about risking your freedom. You telling a motherfucker you got a mobile detailing business, you ain't even got no car. You're going to prison, brother. Oh my God. Why you need a hundred million for a mobile detailing business?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas got a 50 million dollar PPP loan, niggas got a mobile detailing business. The fuck? What kind of cars you watching? Yeah, what you watching? Bugattis? Is it Bugattis only? Where is this mobile detail place at? Where they going? Andrew Tate house? Only celebrities only. Yeah, yeah. Bugatti. Andrew Tate and the other nigga. The other Tate brother.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
It's just, you know, there's another thing going on. What was that shit like? You on the virtual...
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Oh, shit. No pessimism behind the NFT. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can get a boring ape for $2,000 and make $200.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Monkey in a suit. Monkey really got niggas going. Love monkeys. White people love monkeys. Let's get these niggas some monkeys to get by. Oh, yeah. Sick work. Y'all niggas fall for it every fucking time. Let's get these monkeys a monkey. Let's put some drip on them. Tell Takeoff to buy one. Rest in peace. But the thing is, to be pessimistic about progress is insanity. I'd just be scared, bro.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas in the wrong booth. Yeah. Oh, shit. So, Music Mondays, New Music Mondays will do. Man, all right. Jasmine's mixer was fucking lit. Okay. I was drunk. First of all, first of all. She was like, do y'all want any specific drink? Because, you know, we was VIP. No, we was VIP. Just humbly, we was VIP. You know what I'm saying? All we had to do was show our ID and walk right in. Just walk in.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
First of all, Zeus Network. Zeus Network is the fucking devil. No, I want to see. I need to know. I need to know when the Shade Room came into existence. Because if I'm not mistaken, we had a lot of natural hair, a lot of progressive black movements going on. Then the Shade Room just came out of nowhere. The Shade Room just popped up. That's negative shit.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
the cia bro they don't stop shade room popped up like crack in the 80s just popped up online they popped up with a million followers yeah that's what i'm saying like what the yeah they popped up with a million just to get you hook yeah i'm sure i can't even say shorty man The devil is using Nigerians to destroy black America. I don't know how to say it. Angelica Nwandu.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
A lot of positive black action. A lot of positive black movement online in 2014. And then here comes the shade room. That shit niggas fucked up ever since. Correlation anybody? I'm just saying. What made a nigga say, everybody out here calling themselves kings and queens, grand rising, black women are embracing their natural beauty, embracing their hair. The brothers is getting locks.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Everybody got locks. We talking about buying black and empowering the black dollar. He was locked up with sponging. Sponging real heavy. Yeah. Oh, oh, oh. It was a lot of sponging going on. Yo, whoever was the hair person on Black Panther, everybody was sponged up.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
No, too many. Wholesale sponges. Yeah. All of these things are going on. Then comes the shade room. Dun, dun, dun. Dun, dun, dun. The TSR. Hmm.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah. And then we get, it wasn't Zeus Network. It was, you know, some real, what shorty name? VH1 shorty. All this reality TV. Oh, Mona Scott. Mona and Angelica, you'll have to answer for your crimes. Destroying the black image. Soon as niggas calling each other kings and queens, we need bitches on TV with bust downs, makeup, throwing drinks. Yeah. Huh? Yeah, let's do that.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
In a constant state of the toxic cycle of a relationship. That's what we need. That's what we need.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah. No more TV one. Huh? This is bullshit, man. Fall for it every time. Every time. March 2014, right after Black History Month, probably one of the biggest Black History Months in existence. Shayroom rolls out. Shayroom's out. The CIA said, man, fuck it, man. We need something. They like a three-letter, TSR. Got him. We fucking got him. Every goddamn time, man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Let's get into some of these emails. We'll do the voicemails first. All right. What? It's just, I never understand how we didn't put two and two together. We really was having like a really big black movement on Instagram in 2014. Yeah. When did Black Panther come out? Because that's what took the fucking cake, yo. Niggas in the movies with dashikis on. Yes, son. Going wild.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
He's just going crazy on the Black Panther. It was more current than that. It was 2018. Black Panther? Okay. Yeah, Shea Room was in its senior year. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we got shit like Zeus Network and it's like baddies and shit like that. First of all, Natalie Nunn. That's an ugly ass bitch, man. Natalie Nunn? Yeah, the sex trafficker. You heard it here first.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
This is the motherfucker y'all getting on TV fighting for? Come on, man. Look at the representation in media. 50 Cent made a multiverse of crack dealers. Yo. The crack dealer multiverse. Wow. And it is the best thing on TV. Best thing smoking. Best thing smoking.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
have suspended reality because there's no first of all Ghost is going to prison episode one yeah he's definitely going to prison James St. Patrick you just in the top of the club just looking down in your fucking suit in the suit crack doesn't even move like that yeah where you getting this work from nigga I heard running from Lobos and shit you remember Lobos I was scared of Lobos Hold on.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah, we had us a little table. We was set up. You know what I'm saying? So we was in that bitch vibing. Uh... Of course, we some niggas. Me and Big Cat, we some niggas, man. What y'all want to drink? Hennessy. Hennessy. Naturally, we want some Henny. We on that Bruce Lee and this motherfucker. On that Tupac. Matter of fact, niggas was playing good Tupac in the beginning of that shit. Good Pac.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Let's talk about, before we get into that, I just am interested in the dynamic of 50 Cent and the Lil' Meech situation. Yeah. It's just hard. I bet Lil' Meech be sad. It's like, damn, Pops really came home and fucked everything up for me. Fucked the play up. Fucked the whole play up. If you don't think that Big Meech was going to be on that fucking show... On that BMF.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
If you don't think Big Meech was on his way to make an appearance, you're out of your fucking mind. Yeah. He was going to do his old bid. Yeah. He was going to do it at time in prison. Big Meech. Big Meech. Yeah. Him. Him, actually. Still doing the workouts. He looks odd. He look a little weird. Some look off. Yeah, some look off about him.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I think it's the chin strap. He's still rocking the chin strap like it's 2004. Well, I think he's got a small head with them braids. The proportions. Small head, big body? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, look. That's a little Benzino build. Yeah. A little Benzino, motherfucker. Yeah. A lot of jaw on that nigga. Like a pit bull. Nigga been hanging from the tree. Yeah, man. You know, that correlation.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Are you looking all day? The shade room is how do we showcase the absolute worst aspects of black people? While we was having a movement to showcase our best aspects. Niggas love drama. Niggas love the CIA. Yeah. You. You. They get you every time. All right, let's go.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Touched our heart on that one. Shout out to you, man. This nigga's really hit a real-time jinx. I ain't gonna lie. Out that concept album, the song that I want to see the most is, I would love to see Alchemist produce A song with Saha and Sauce Walker, I think that would be one of the coldest songs we ever see. And then that Pusha T and Jeezy shit, yes. I had some shit on there.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah, I already gave y'all what my shit is. That concept album, Southern Alchemy, that's it. That's it. What about you? My hip hop dream is, I wish that DJ Clu was as big as DJ Khaled. Clue, Clue, Clue, Clue, Desert Storm. Because he started. Yeah, Clue started it all. There's no reason why Clue isn't in DJ Khaled's position. No, that's a fact, though. That's a fact. No reason why. Yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Niggas ran to the A-Rab. And that nigga didn't even support his people when they was going through a genocide. That nigga didn't make a peep about Gaza. When Clue, you had Clue the whole time? We had Clue the whole time. Clue mixtapes. You had to have a Clue mixtape. What? Clue freestyles. All right. And my second one is, I want Hov on a Conductor Williams beat.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
As a matter of fact, I want Hov on my Conductor. Just a Hov and Conductor Williams album. Yeah, let us get like seven tracks.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah, we need that. Yeah. Ooh, that would be crazy. No features. No features. Just Hov, Conductor Williams. Yeah, that's it. Oof. If I hear Conductor, then I hear Hov. Oh my God. I might burst into flames. Shit, son. I might die.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Have an out-of-body experience, nigga. Man, that would be crazy. Oh, that's... Hove Conductor Williams. Hove Conductor Williams, man. That'd be nuts. Yeah. Love that, bro. Hell yeah. Shout out to you, bro. Yep. All right. Caller number two.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Top flight security I've ever seen. My son was playing close, but the badge was clear. The badge was clear. You know he had that shit on him. He had a blazer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No word. Blazer jeans. Blazer jeans combo with the badge showing. You know he had the double breast. He was coming out like that. Yes, sir.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I'm going to say two things for you before you get started.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know how we talk. You just talk to them. And then you give them the advice. You give them the words of encouragement. That's all you got to do, really. Just be there. Be that cool person that talk to them, but also be stern with them, too. You know, you got to have the balance. You got to have the coolness, and you also got to have the sternness. Keep it real with them. Yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Just also always keep it real with them. Provide safety. Yeah. A safe space for them. Right. What else you got? That's it, brother. Go ahead. What's your name? Ute. ate that down with that infiltration bar. That was a bar. Because listen, we said this at the Jackson show. I think we should reiterate this here. We look at code switching as assimilating when we need to look at it as infiltration.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We're bilingual too. Go get the information. Yeah, you know. Does it feel weird to have to put on that mask? Yeah, but they put on that mask all the time. They don't mind coming to the mask and appropriating our culture. They don't mind coming and talking, using our talking points, using our literature, using our history to gain our trust just to fuck us over. They don't mind that. Facts.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
They don't never call that code switching. They call it infiltration. And we should have the same mentality. We are needed in all of these spaces. And you're needed. You are more needed than you know to them black kids. Because they know that you're there. They probably feel alone. I know they feel outcast. And I know they feel targeted. But they know they got you. You're already doing it. Just...
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know, continue to be an advocate for them. You know, more than anything, that'll have a positive impact. And they'll remember you. But we commend you. I mean, you're still doing your thing. It's not hard to be the only one. But unfortunately, in this country, there's always going to be the first. When it comes to black people, we're always going to be the first something.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You get to be the first. We the first podcast to talk about real shit consistently. You the first. Keep being the first. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, that was it. We got the regular emails now.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We're going to get y'all these emails. We're going to get up out of here. And then tomorrow, next week, we'll start the new music. But we'll do it. We'll drop like two episodes that day. That way y'all can get them back to back. Because we got some shit to do today. And it's rumming down that sun. I'm going to go down there and tell some food up. All right. Hello. I absolutely love the podcast.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Love the great work y'all have been doing. I do currently need advice though. I'm 21 years old and last semester I was supposed to graduate with my bio degree, but because of my declining mental health, I was recently diagnosed bipolar. I failed two classes. After discovering this, I decided to take the semester off and start full time at Social Service Center.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah, Mike Lauer. He's coming out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everybody was, hey, look, I'm giving niggas on their best behavior. It was a lot of tactical gear in that motherfucker. As soon as we watched the dude got the stick on him, he had that motherfucker on a shoestring. Yeah, he was ready. He was ready. Don't get wrong on Camelton Road. You can get beat the fuck up by 15 black SWAT team members.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I've spoken to my advisors and I am ready to return in the fall. The problem is I go to school in a very small town. I have to work in a slightly larger town about 30 minutes away and there are very few jobs. I'm currently debating taking an eight-week biotechnology processing program in my hometown two hours away.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
The program is free and includes a stipend, but I will have to step away from my job for about a month because the program is incredibly extensive. The major problem is that I am very independent. I have a job, I pay my own bills, I have my own apartment, and will have to move back in with my mother to complete the program while I am still paying rent.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Me and my family have an incredibly tumultuous relationship. And I am nervous to begin depending on them again as I do not have a car or any friends in my hometown. I also have to worry about the rent I will still be paying. I'm just nervous about having to go home just to come right back to finish my degree. Do you have any advice? That's a tough one. Sometimes you got to do what you got to do.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Here's the thing. Twenty one. You're a three-year-old adult, okay? So big picture, right? This is the time where you really got to get big picture. Whatever you got to do, first of all, shout out to you for going to get that diagnosis so you can take care of your mental health in a proper way. But this is a situation where you have to think about the pros and the cons of
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Moving back, being uncomfortable for a little while is going to land you closer to the dream that you have for your path. Right? Maybe it's not ideal. But if you can deal with them people for 18 years, you can deal with them for eight weeks. They ain't going to kill you. They ain't going to kill you. You're going to be all right. Prepare yourself. And you just, you finna go do a bid.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know what I'm saying? Just go do a bid. Little eight-week bid. Ain't about nothing. But you're getting it yourself. I'm wondering how we could help her with transportation. Yeah, I wonder where she lives, though. Yeah. Like, where she's from. Yeah. She's in a small town, right? Yeah. If you could email us and, like, let us know, like, where you are.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Because it's got to be a way we can help with, like, transportation. Like, maybe we can start, like, a Lyft account or something like that. Yeah, get us something. And get, like, people to donate to the Lyft account. That has to be a possibility. I'm pretty sure we have a strong community here. I'm pretty sure there's somebody.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I mean, yeah, because the transportation is the part that kind of threw me. Yeah. Shit, even if one of the guys out there, one of the girls out there, y'all got access to some vehicles. Right. We can help this young lady get some transportation, which will ease her mind about, like, Because if you at home, but you can get gone. You can go. You can leave.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You can go and leave as you come and please, as you do and want to. Like, shit, that alleviated a lot of that. And then just for eight weeks. Right. Even if it's just, you know what I'm saying, a little bucket. If it gets you from A to B. Get you right. Good oil, good gas. Good oil, good gas. Yeah. Hey, them cylinders firing. Yeah. We good. Shit. Email me. We'll see what we can put together.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Shot it in there with all the technical gear and knotless braids. Love that. Love that for the community. Love that. We love to see that. Black ass policing. But no, it was love though. I mean, the photo booth was crazy. Great photos. We felt like we was in paid in full. Up top. All the vendors, we had some dope shit. We got some dope shit.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
you know we should be willing to donate like maybe a GoFundMe or start up a cash out just specifically for her so she can get lifts and you know what I'm saying I think a car is asking for a bit much but I mean if you should if somebody out there wanted to do it they can donate hey one of the rich one of you rich motherfuckers I know some rich folks tapped in you know what I'm saying man spend that five rates and get this young lady a little Corolla or something yeah let's get her something so we can roll around nice little Honda yeah
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah, I'm not going to say your name, but you know who you are. Initials A.M., please reach out to me. We're going to figure out what we can do to you to help you with the transportation part. Everything else because being in a place that doesn't have public transportation without a whip is extremely stressful.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
And we don't want you relying on people that you have a tumultuous relationship with for transportation because that's some shit that niggas will hold over your head. And luckily she just sent this four days ago so we can get this going quick. I think you should do what you need to do though.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I think you on your path you on your path to career and you know the things that you need to do to achieve that and this is one of them and you're going to be fine you're going to be good it's 8 weeks and you're 21 you got a long life to live you're already independent you already got your own shit going on this is just going to further your independence and further your ability to do for yourself so don't overthink it just go ahead and get that shit going and we'll see what we can do on our end to help yeah for sure thank you for reaching out
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
There's a dead cat in my attic. All right. What's up, big cat? What's up, Deontay? I wanted to be... What's up, Deontay and Big Cat? I wanted to be quick. This story is strange but meaningful. My roommate is in his 30s. He hoards everything, information, and anything that has sentimental value. He saves jars, magazines, and little things that have meaning to him.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
So your roommate is white. Has to be. I mean, well, hoarding is a mental illness, though. It's not.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
They're mostly white. Oh, shit. What happened? He was in a box in the living room for two days. I didn't want to bury him because that's his cat and he will take care of it. The next day I come home from work and it's gone. I'm thinking he did something with it. A week goes by and I asked him if he buried his cat. He replied, no, he's in the attic. What? Get out of there.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
The next sentence, I can't do this. As a black man, I know holding on to things is detrimental to one's health. He's a beautiful man, funny, talented, confident, but he hoards away his trauma and doesn't deal with it. I've met plenty of men like this. They've experienced so much trauma in their life that eventually it started away as another thing to put in the attic.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Y'all going to see me wearing some of this stuff that we caught while we was in there. Mainly the hats. I'm going to figure, I ain't going to say I sit here and I done forgot these fuckers. Man, we was fucked up in that bitch, man. But we're going to run that back. We're going to get them the proper shouts. You know what I'm saying? So we went up there, spent some money.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
How can we get these men to unpack and deal with their issues? In my case, literally, it's gotten too much for me to handle. Maybe you drop some knowledge to get to them. You know, no, this is a mental illness. Here's the thing that we don't talk about when it comes to trauma. Trauma makes some people really crack. You know what I'm saying?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
To reference something we talked about earlier, a new mental illness being discovered during a dust bowl because that is a traumatic experience. People are cracking under the pressure. And here's another thing. Just, you know, To visualize the situation, right? It starts as one thing. It starts you putting one thing in the attic. And there's a lot of space in the attic.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
By the time you fill the attic up, you don't want to unpack all that shit. Damn. And then you just keep adding. Because it becomes too much to unpack, so you just pack on more. And I think in a situation like this, definitely a therapist has to be involved.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Right? We need to go, like, we need to get hoarders on the phone. Because a dead cat is crazy. In the attic? Throwing the cat in the attic is insanity. Nigga took him up. He could have just put him in the ground. He took him upstairs. I'm sure the attic smells. Oh, fucking disgusting. There's a decomposing body in there. Yeah. And not to mention the magic maggots.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
That's what I was just going to say. Like, nah, this is nasty. I would. Yeah, man. I mean, yeah. Get up out of there for one. But the only thing that can break through to this is therapy. Because this has such a strong root. There's a root here that is so strong that it's informed everything else. And, you know, words alone can't help. This is going to be a process.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Like, somebody's going to have to really burrow into that mentality that he has. Because at this point, it's such a comfort space for him. And it's such a repetitive behavior that, like, yeah, man, talk therapy and maybe a diagnosis. There's definitely something here to be diagnosed. Because no sane person... It's putting a dead cat in the attic. Nobody. I know you had your wits in.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
When you said he saves jars, I knew. We done with a real hoarder. Yeah, because how long before the piss jars show up? You know what I'm saying? Like, it gets bad. We're dealing with people that are unwell. I don't really have any advice for, like, him, per se. I would just say, you know, you did the right thing by getting up out of there, protecting yourself.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
And the mid was the big ass dance floor, big ass like ballroom type dance floor shit. They had two bars, food trucks all in the back. Oh. Wait, wait, was we so, did Shorty have THC infused toast? Yes. Never seen that before. Shorty had the toast with the weed in it. She said, you want some toast? I want some toast. Nah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Nah, I never heard of that.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
But, man, that man is going to need professional help. That's where he's at with it. Thank you for reaching out. All right. All right. My wife is one and done. Hey, Deontay and Big Ice Cup. My wife and I are turning 30 this year. We have a one-year-old daughter. I'm a blue-collar scholar, and I make enough money so that my wife can stay home and pour into our daughter. Congrats, my brother.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Shout out to you, brother. She's a great mother, and we have a great marriage. The problem is my wife had a C-section and was traumatized by the spinal tap, which is similar to epidural but more painful. She swears she'd never do it again and just wants to give her all to our daughter.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
When we first got together, we bonded over our vision of raising a family of two to three children, but now I'm afraid we won't ever have that. It's her life. It's her life being at risk. What if she goes to get the other C-section and then she's rendered paralyzed from the waist down? These are things we have to think about. The vision is going to change. As time goes on. Right.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We back. Oh, we back. Grits and Eggs podcast, episode 53. I'm your host, Deontay Kyle, but who's behind the camera? Big Ice Cup Cat. Yes, sir-ski. As always, email deontay at We're getting a little bit more inquiries about getting booked. So we're going to have to start a booking at soon. You know, Dallas trying to get us to come up there. Charlotte, Chicago.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You couldn't account for this. All right? I understand you're upset, and I understand that it changes hard, but... Just pour it into your baby. We're going to keep going. People tell me she will get past it and we will have more, but she seems adamant about it and says she'd rather have me kids with somebody else because she believes I deserve more kids.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I've considered that, but I know her and I know she's not about that life. Keeping the family together is huge to me and I know that would tear us apart. With most things in life, I just put my trust in a higher power, but with us getting older, I'm afraid if I don't take action, I may lose out on having a son. How would you guys handle this situation?
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
i think that you're gonna have to settle with that you're gonna have a daughter right and you pour your all into the daughter and the vision didn't come to fruition the way that you thought it would right so you risk a great marriage and a great wife and a great life or you just want to have another child and either put her at risk right because here's another thing there ain't no guarantee you're gonna have a son right
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
So what's going to happen? You have another daughter then what? You have another daughter then what? And then she's messed up from the waist down. Yeah. Or like even worse. Oh, yeah. Because C-section is complicated. Yeah. She had to get cut open. Yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah. Fellas, we got to do better with that. Yeah. Look, man. When it comes to the women and their bodies... And if you really love her, you got to put that to the side.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Okay? Because she risked her life to have your daughter. Right. Already. Yeah. A spinal tap is crazy. Insane, bro. To C-section on your first child. Yeah. Her fear is valid as fuck. Yeah. You didn't have to go through it. You didn't have to deal with that experience. You didn't have to deal with it. That wasn't your body being cut open. And you didn't have to deal with that pain.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
On top of the pain and being a mother to a newborn, which is extremely demanding. I think, look, to have the thoughts, to be disappointed because things changed and you had expectations. Hey, man, expectations is always going to leave you disappointed. But what is more important here? The safety of your wife? The safety of your wife. You know she's down and pouring her all into your daughter.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Yeah. Love your child, bro. Focus on your child. And you didn't lose anything.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Things change because the situation changed. Because if she had a healthy and an easy birth, as easy as it can be. And it's hard on black women. And it's hard on women. And then the medical system is terrible to black women. So why even, hey man, let that go.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Nah, niggas is getting the weed wheat. The wheat weed. Niggas is turning wheat into weed. Niggas put the THC in the yeast. Yeah, son. Yeah, yeah, let that rise. I was like, Toast, the grilled cheese sandwich would go crazy. What? What? Peanut butter jelly THC sandwich, nigga? Yo. We was like, we good on that. Yeah, yeah. We just can't get two joints. That's all we need. This is two joints.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
This is selfish and this is you not being able to deal with
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
having to pivot because things changed it's not personal she doesn't want to not she's suggesting that you should have babies with other women with somebody else just so you can have a son is a sign of how much she loves you and she's considering but also a sign that she is she is not willing to risk her life for this you have a beautiful healthy daughter y'all had the vision the things changed
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Things change. Life don't always go as planned. It doesn't go as planned. And you pivot from your expectations. And you pivot from the vision you had and pour your vision into your daughter. And if it's that serious, adopt a little boy. Yeah. Plenty of little black boys that don't get adopted. Plenty of black boys that don't get adopted. If we talking that, and that could be your legacy.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
It may not be blood, but what would make you closer? Yeah, man. I don't feel about you how I felt about the other one. You seem like a good guy. But you're just being selfish. And you're let down because you had expectations. And when we have expectations, we're leaving so much room for ourselves to be let down. I wish you and your wife the best. Go kiss your daughter.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Change your mentality about it. Stop. And don't be having people asking her about this shit either. Apologize to your wife. Apologize to her. Y'all have a great day. This is episode 53. Mm-hmm. Until next time, love yourself, take care of yourself, take care of each other.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Because me and Big Cat was out there puffing big wings, trying to stay in the middle, losing our fucked up. That nigga drunk a whole bottle of Hennessy in under an hour. First of all, the party started at eight. That bottle was gone at nine. Yes. Because everybody that walked up was like, oh, you did not tell. I was like, I am. Come take a shot, nigga. Come take a shot.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We taking shots with these folks. Me and Jazz taking shots. Jazz had some shit called Mexican water. Really high level tequila. That shit literally tastes like water. It was so smooth. Smoothest tequila I've ever had. No sugar in that. No sugar. No additives. None. No, that was straight agave, nigga. Straight agave. Pure agave. We hit the tequila. We went downstairs.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
It's time to crank the spades up. Shout out to the Ghetto Cousins. Oh, yeah, yeah. Ghetto Cousins. Check out the Ghetto Cousins podcast. They was in the building. Man, this is like the women version of us. Yeah, for sure. So we just on the space, talking shit. Joe was in there, Dirty Joe. Yeah, Dirty Joe. Like, bro, we in there talking shit. I'm reneging. I don't give a fuck. Bro, I'm so drunk.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I'm like, man, I don't know what book we on. I just know we were in the Boston back to back. And I had said, I was like, shit, I'm finna start reneging. I got somewhere else to go. I had another play to make. I was like, how the fuck can I get off this table? That shit was a vibe. It was a black ass vibe, bro. Nah, it was good. It was amazing, bro.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
We might have to fly to Houston just to go to the next one.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
She having the next one in Houston. Tickets already on sale. I'm going to go grab him. Oh, no. We need to go to Houston. We're going to Houston. Never leave Houston on a Sunday either. So we're coming back Monday. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. So shout out. If you're going to that Houston mixer, we will be in the building. Guaranteed. Got to go. All right, man. So look. All right.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Let's bring some sadness to the pot. Oh, okay. All right. So... 20 year old Caleb Wilson dies during an alleged fraternity ritual. Baton Rouge college student has died after allegedly participating in an off-campus fraternity ritual. Southern University student Caleb Wilson, 20, was allegedly participating in Omega Psi Phi fraternity ritual where pledges stand in a line when he collapsed.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Wilson was unresponsive when a group of friends brought him to Baton Rouge Hospital early Thursday morning, according to authorities. The group had been at North Sherwood Forest Community Park, according to the investigators. Hospital staff pronounced Wilson dead and called the Baton Rouge Police Department at 315, triggering a death investigation.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Southern University and A&M College is aware of the off-campus incident that may have resulted in the death of student Caleb Wilson Jr. from New Orleans, majoring in mechanical engineering.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
campus community extends condolences to his family's classmates and loved ones Southern University said is cooperating with the BR police department and autopsy is being performed to determine the exact cause of death so we lost we lost a mechanical engineer potential mechanical engineer because niggas want to walk around and wag their fucking tongue
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
What are you niggas, Crips? Like, what's up? Like, this is a man that had a bright future ahead of him. And this is a tale as old as time. We heard this time and time again. Time and time over again. And it's like, damn, if you don't, like...
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
At some point, they torture niggas that must not want in, trying to get niggas to break or whatever like that, but I don't know the ins and outs of fraternities and pledging and all that shit. Rob Markman, Jr. : I mean, as somebody that went through a pledging process, I didn't complete it. I'm not going to say the organization's name, but it is a lot of bullshit that happens in your pledging.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
I was the first person in my family to go to college, so I thought that was like, oh This is what I'm going to do. I'm going to make my family proud.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
But when I got to doing it, I'm like, yo, this shit ain't me, dog. I don't let a nigga hit me on the street. You not finna hit me to win no fucking letters. Yeah. Well, it's supposed to be a brotherhood, you know? It's supposed to be. For fraternal order. Right. I never had any interest in that, except for when I was watching Drumline. Yeah, man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Some of the places are hot spots. You know what I'm saying? Summer tour. Summer is going to be lit. We're on tour, baby. We're going to go on tour, brother. Merch. We've since retired. We do have some new merch on Coloring books. New Ramadan merch. As suggested by fellow Muslim woman. Okay? We're going to find a place to put those proceeds, man.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Like when Nick Cannon was kissing Shorty and niggas was stepping in the background. I was like, oh shit, I'm late. I'm going to get some blue Timberlands. I'm going to get some blue Timberlands and some braids. I'm going to step my way into some pussy. But that's why a lot of niggas do it. Yeah, I bet. For the attention of women. Well, here's the thing. We all want to belong to something.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know what I mean? That's a human trait. We want to belong to something. This is why we see young men getting in gangs. This is why sports are, you know, are good for social relationships, sports. You know what I mean? Right. Just belonging, belonging to a team, belonging to a group. In the college version, there's a certain social status that comes with being in a fraternity or a sorority.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
You know what I mean? Like, damn, you already got to brand a nigga. To get branded is crazy. To get branded. We done seen the videos. You niggas walking, jumping around, doing steps with your ass out. And your man behind you with his tongue out. Yeah, it's crazy.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
Ass out, tongue wagging. Crazy. Why must I be like that? Don't let that come on. Oh, my God. Nothing but the dog in me. Dog in me. This is crazy. That's sick. Sick work. Damn. I knew that wasn't going to work. You know, I was throwing that bitch to Stephon Diggs for a second. Yeah, man, this is an unfortunate situation.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
So shout out to, I mean, not shout out, but condolences out to the Wilson family. Because it's hard. You send your son off to college in pursuit of higher education, in pursuit of his goals and his career. Yeah.
Grits and Eggs Podcast
Episode 53 - Fear Itself
it's got to be an exact exciting thing for a parent for my son is going to be a mechanical engineer right now you're going to make something of yourself oh he's joining the fraternity that's great what you mean he dead to get that phone call must have been 3 15 in the morning what you mean what you mean he dead yeah my son's doing all the right things taking all the right steps 20 years old he's a junior here a year away come on man like i think