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Daniel Turner


The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


The other side, that's all they know how to do is push back. They hate the energy industry. They are beholden to the climate agenda, so I expect nothing from them. But I'm kind of at the point that I don't really care about their position because they've brought nothing but misery to the American people and, quite frankly, to the world. I'm happy with President Trump's policy agenda.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


I knew what to expect and I knew it was going to be bold because it was first term. What I'm also really proud of and surprised of are how fast congressional Republicans are working because normally not everyone moves at the speed of Trump.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Just today, the Senate finally, I shouldn't even say finally, we're only a couple of weeks into the session, but today the Senate repealed Joe Biden's tax on natural gas. Why are we taxing natural gas? because he hates the industry and he wanted more money, that's why. So, there's a lot of positive momentum. It's going to take a while to kick in, right?

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


You're not going to feel it in your pocketbook tomorrow, but we are headed in a really, really bright direction.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Yeah, you know, it's great to see the president support this pipeline again. And it's ridiculous that it was ever made a political football. But I don't think if you're in the energy space, just because the president says you should start building it again, you're going to jump in with both feet.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


What Joe Biden did, which really was unprecedented, is now he introduced a level of fear on any major infrastructure project that if you don't finish a project before a presidential cycle, you could have it ripped out from under you. And the really pernicious thing about what Joe Biden did, Keystone didn't make this decision with Donald Trump.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


They made it with the American government, the full faith and credit of the American government. And now the private sector is worried. So, imagine someone does restart the pipeline, right? Think of the billions of dollars that it will take in financing. Think of how much work it is to get 1200 miles of pipeline constructed and moved into place and personnel.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


But now it's 2028, and Gavin Newsom is running for president, and all he does is say, and when I'm elected, I am going to shut down that pipeline. Well, there's your investment.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


But going back to Keystone, this is what Joe Biden did, who's going to invest multi-billion dollars in a huge infrastructure project if the next guy is going to rip it out from under you.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Pretty easy, especially when it comes to Keystone. The reason why Keystone was tricky is because it crosses an international border.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


And to get a little nerdy on you for a second, the only reason why the president is involved in that is because a hundred and God knows how many years ago when the very first telegraph wires arrived from Europe and they got to New York and someone said, are we just allowed to bring these on shore? Do we need permission? And no one knew what to do. And someone said, ask the State Department.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


It's from England, maybe the State Department. So, every time you hear Keystone and they say, well, the State Department gave permission, for some reason, they gave that authority to the State Department. An easy way to solve this, Congress should take it back. Well, why is the State Department making decisions on pipelines? It shouldn't. That should be a congressional decision. So, there are fixes

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


But my point is we need a fix before any private sector company invests billions in this project.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


We've definitely got the administration in support of it. And Energy Secretary Wright actually started in the nuclear space. He knows the nuclear space very, very well. And President Trump's talked about it. When you look especially at remote communities, I had a recent conversation with the governor of Alaska on this. To build infrastructure to get coal or natural gas, that's almost impossible.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


But you can build a self-sustaining, self-contained, small micronuclear plant and bring power to rural communities. The problem though is, again, can you get it built before the next presidential cycle? And that's why you're going to have this same level of fear. Nuclear, for some reason, scares people. It shouldn't.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Yeah, small micro-nukes, I think you can get that around three and a half years. Yeah, and it's going to be really pushing to make that happen. But there's no reason why we should have this level of fear. We have so many raw materials. We have the uranium for nuclear in Alaska. We have so many raw materials in this country that energy should be an afterthought.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Electricity bills should almost be free. And I don't mean that in a socialist way, like a Bernie Sanders healthcare way. I mean, it should be so abundant and inexpensive that your utility bills, like our grandparents back in the day, never worried about the utility bill. It's only recently it's become expensive, and that's because of these communist green policies.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Exactly. And I think the energy emergency that President declared will hopefully thwart a lot of these efforts by these radical green groups, a lot of whom are funded by foreign agents, right?

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Because if you want to open Pebble Mine in Alaska, which is a huge copper deposit, or Twin Metals in Minnesota, another huge copper deposit, well, if you have copper mines that are run by nine-year-old girls and slave labor, right, you're making really good margins. Do I want to compete? Do I want to lower the price of copper worldwide as a commodity? Hell no.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


So it's easiest to fund green groups to scare the crap out of people about climate change when all you're doing is just protecting your overseas investment. Tom Steyer, who ran for president on this platform, we're going to stop fossil fuels, is one of the largest investors in overseas mining.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


So he's fine with a nine-year-old child in Indonesia, but he will be damned if a man in West Virginia mined coal. Yeah, no, I'm glad you raised that.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Exactly. It's such a great point. We've done a number of congressional studies, studies for Congress that we bring to legislators that I knock on doors and try to get them to pay attention. China controls 95% of the rare earth and metals and minerals industry worldwide. Now, they operate in Chile, they operate in Sub-Saharan Africa, but they are mines owned and operated by the communist Chinese.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


And so we say, let's be green, let's build solar panels. Well, the solar panels are made in communist China with those raw materials, and somehow that's considered green. I don't know why the Chinese can burn coal to make solar panels, but we can't burn coal to make electricity. And so China absolutely pushes this agenda. You see them at the World Economic Forum.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


You see them at these climate conferences saying, we applaud the Paris Accord. We applaud people caring about the climate. Of course they do. They're making a boatload of money off of the West being petrified of climate change.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Well, BP made a big announcement yesterday that they were investing less of their resources into renewables, and they were doubling down on BP Petroleum. They were going back to drilling. And of course they are, because the renewables, as soon as the money dries up, the subsidies from the government, the renewables are absolutely valueless. They don't work. They're terribly expensive.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


They break down. They're hard to maintain. They're meeting communist China with slave labor. Outside of that, they're great, right? Outside of that, they're a wonderful thing. So, yeah, I think, and especially with this administration, look, this is an industry that would like to work on volume and be left alone.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


In the first Trump administration, when they were allowed to operate, what did the oil and gas industry, especially here in America, what did it do? It produced more for less for a greater number of people at a lower price point. It lowered emissions. And I think the emissions games are all lies, but I'll just play their game because that's the metric we have to go by. But it lowered emissions.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


It was only until Joe Biden came into power that we started hearing these accusations of price gouging and profiteering in greed. How come the big oil guy in his first term, you never heard of accusations of that? And that's because the industry wants to operate on volume. And if they're able to have permitting and access, if they're able to drill,

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


they're going to do more of it and you're going to have more oil and gas at lower price points. And then all of your goods and services are going to become less expensive as well. It's a proven formula. So I think the industry itself will get on board, even if they've got a couple of crazy board members who they put on to appease Greta Thunberg, right? Who are going to say, what about the climate?

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


I wish it would be bolder and kick them out. Is it really important to appease Greta? I don't know. Yes, because she'll bring her crazy minions and they'll throw bricks at your office all the time. Wait a minute.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


The best thing about the current state of disaster of the left in general is that climate change is no longer the cool thing. And granted, it's winter, right? No one lays down in traffic in the cold. So, well, they'll come back when it gets hot. But right now, all the momentum, all the enthusiasm is either protecting government bureaucrats or hating on Israel. And that's where all the crazies are.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


So maybe if they're all doing their other nonsense, the oil and gas industry and the coal industry can start thriving again.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Yeah, I don't believe in that. I don't believe in all of the above. I think phrases like clean and green are made up. And the people who want to push their product invented the phraseology and asked us to start speaking their language. I don't support all of the above because all of the above doesn't work.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


And this is where I have a lot of argument with elected leaders and they'll say, well, if you look right now, 30% of our electricity comes from renewables. Well, right now, because the wind is blowing, but what happens tomorrow? Is the wind going to blow? You can't predict that. Is the sun going to shine? You can't predict that. And because we can't predict it,

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


and you cannot prepare for it as a commodity, the prices are unstable. And we have felt that nationwide. Electricity prices, utility prices are up 30%. In Europe, they're up 1,000% over the last couple of years. Now, they have capped them for consumers, but the government is just paying the difference. They're paying $1,000, 1,000 euro per megawatt hour in Europe. Now, they capped it at 300%.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


But it's absurd. Why? Because they're all in on renewable. And there's never, no matter how many wind turbines you build, if the wind doesn't blow, they are useless. And so why would I ever support an energy policy that says, let's get more of the variable in our life? Part of being a good business or anything is getting rid of variables.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


And wind and solar are crappy, awful, made with slave labor, foreign, unreliable, intermittent. I would rip them out of every, all across the country and get rid of them.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


It's huge. And it really is a game changer. And these are the raw materials that we need for the technologies that we're using. And unless we're willing to alter our lifestyle and give up our smartphones and our smart TVs, we're going to need more lithium. And wouldn't you rather get it from America that will have a nod to the environment?

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


I mean, I'm talking to you from my sheep farm in rural Virginia. I am an environmentalist. I live in nature. I'm a farmer. where we protect the earth and the land and the water better in America. We want the American jobs and not four-year-old children in the Congo mining our lithium.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


But what's going to happen is that, and this is the way the left operates, the environmental left, as soon as they start getting the permits, They are going to find a short-haired grouse that is on the endangered list. They're going to find a native tribe that they will find a reason to try to shut this down. And this is all paid for activism for nefarious purposes. And they have to be defeated.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


And that's what we try to do at Power of the Future. Yeah, I understand that.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


I started the organization a couple of years ago because I live near Appalachia and it's a lot of old, retired, destroyed coal mines. And it started because of Barack Obama's war on coal. And if you recall, we're going back some time, but when he ran for president in 08, he said, I'm not going to make coal illegal, but I'll tell you this, if you own a coal mine, you're going to go bankrupt.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


And everyone applauded and everyone gave him awards and said, how great. But if you're one of those 4,000 coal jobs in a rural town all across America, your livelihood was destroyed and no one fought for you. In fact, they made fun of you and they told you to learn to code, right? Start the gig economy. Their own representatives turned on them, right? Look at Pennsylvania.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


Thank God Dave McCormick won. Their own senators turned their back on coal miners in Pennsylvania because they're not cool and sophisticated and yet we need coal. We use more coal than ever because you can't make cement and steel and all these products around us are all made or forged from products that come from coal.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


So, all we did was just destroy Americans and it bothered me so much and I had to get off the sidelines and I would have these conversations with people in the political space and I appreciate you saying I don't mince words. I wanted to speak this forcefully. Everyone said, you can't say that. Whoa, you can't call these guys communists. They just care about the earth. And I'd say, no, they're not.

The President's Daily Brief

PDB Situation Report | March 1st, 2025: Will Gaza Erupt Again? Cease-Fire Nears Collapse & America’s Energy Security


They're evil. They're misanthropic. They hate this country. They need to be defeated. I got tired of being told what I cannot say. So I started my own organization to say the factual things about this space and to protect those, be a voice for those rural Americans across the country whose lives have been destroyed by a climate lie. Yeah.