Craig Wood
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
I want to try and change people's perception on what people with disability are capable of achieving. And when people look at me, they might not think that I could sail across an ocean, never mind on my own. So I'm hoping to dispel some of their thoughts.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
Yeah, sailing was a really logical choice for me because I actually live on the boat that I'm sailing across the ocean. So I've been sailing around the world for the past eight years now. It just made so much sense. For example, we just did a 600 nautical mile passage from Costa Rica to Mexico. As the sun was setting, my son and daughter would sit next to me. We'd watch the sunset.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
There's dolphins in the background. It really is so magical. We got to the marina and the guys in the marina were asking what planet it was amongst themselves. And my son... Es war 3. Oh, es ist Venus. Weil wir die Sterne in den letzten 6 Tagen angeschaut haben und jeden bemerkt haben. Er lernt es. Wie ein Pirat.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
Für mich ist es eine Leveling-Plattform. Mein Skillset ist das Skillset einer able-bodieden Person. Das nivelliert das Spielfeld für mich. It means I don't have to walk very far to do any of that sort of stuff. I'm a water baby anyway. So it all really suits my lifestyle. I like minimalist things and I don't feel like I need a 10-bedroom house to feel like I'm winning. I've got a
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
Wenn jemand gesagt hätte, ich wusste nicht, ob ich aufstehen könnte, oder ich wusste nicht, ob ich etwas tun könnte, bis ich dich gesehen habe und dir wirklich geholfen habe. Ich denke, da wäre ich so, wow, ich habe wirklich das, was ich wollte.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
Vier-Stunden-Katamaran und nur Content.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
Ich bin es noch nicht, weil ich glaube, dass ich es nicht wirklich kann. Die einzige Möglichkeit, sich dafür zu vorbereiten, ist, ein bisschen länger zu machen, je länger du weg bist. Aber ich denke mir, ich muss es einfach rausnehmen und den Versuch machen. Und dann nehme ich es, wie es kommt.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ich, wenn ich meine Eltern vermisse, zum Beispiel, sie auf dem Video anrufen kann. Und das verhindert all das Gefühl. Aber wenn es mit meinen Kindern geht, Daddy, where are you? I want to hug you. When they're sad, it really pulls on the heartstrings. I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to them off of the dock one bit. I'll probably be a blubbering mess.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
I'm very much looking forward to seeing them when I arrive 70 days later. It's going to be difficult.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
Meine größte Angst ist wirklich die Unwissenheit. Ich denke, Gesundheit und Sicherheit sind wahrscheinlich die größten Dinge. Und dann ist es wahrscheinlich das Wetter. Wenn ich ein schlechtes Wetter erhalte, das nicht vorgestellt wurde, dann wird es das pure Emotionale sein, meine Familie zu vermissen. Aber das gibt mir einfach mehr Hinweis, schneller da zu kommen und ein Stück zu machen.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
and do things correctly to be able to get there and see my family. So I think that's more of a positive driver.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
I think that specific part would be more feeding my ego. And it will be a great sense of achievement, don't get me wrong. But I'm not aiming for that. I think I'd feel a lot better and a lot more like I've achieved something. was I set out for.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
If someone said, I didn't know if I could sail until I saw you and then I tried sailing or I didn't know I could do something until I saw you and you really helped. I think that's where I'd be like, oh wow, I really did what I wanted to. I mean, hopefully I am inspiring and yeah, it's really important.
Global News Podcast
The Happy Pod: Getting engaged in the ashes of our home
If I can inspire people, then I want to be able to do that effectively and inspire as many as possible. Yeah, for sure. It's quite important, I think.