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Corey Lewandowski


The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Hey, Charlie, let me just be crystal clear. Tom Holman has a job to do, and he has been empowered by the President of the United States to go in and find the felons who are in these cities, in these municipalities.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


And if these cities think that they're going to have the opportunity to just say, we're not going to participate or you're not welcome here, they do not understand the resolve of President Trump or Tom Holman to rid these criminals from our communities. So it's just...

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Well, first and foremost, Charlie, look, the most powerful tool we have in our toolbox is Donald John Trump and his truth message that says we're going to close the border clearly had an impact because Justin Trudeau made a pilgrimage down to Mar-a-Lago to talk to him. We know that he had a conversation with the

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


President of Mexico, and she said, we will help close that border because the first thing to do is to close our border. The next thing we're going to do, and people don't remember this, but part of the first Trump 1.0 success was the appointing of federal judges who understand the Constitution perfectly.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Those judges are going to be challenged by the left and the ACLU saying you cannot deport these people because some of them are American citizens. Here's what the president has said, and he was very clear about this on Meet the Press. He said if you are part of a family or an extended family and you want to stay with that family and part of your family members are felons,

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


They are going to be leaving this country and you can choose to leave with them or you can choose to stay, but that'll be a decision you make. But we are not going to be held hostage because children are going to be separated from felons who are in this country illegally. So closing the border. the deportation is going to occur.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


We've got over a million people in this country who have final deportation orders, meaning they have nowhere else to go. The courts have adjudicated this. They say, you have to leave this country. We're going to go find those people and we're going to remove them immediately. That's the first step after we get the felons, the rapists, the murderers out of this country.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


So Charlie, that alone is almost 2 million people who are running around our communities doing no good that we're going to find and we're going to deport very quickly.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Absolutely. Listen, on day one, January 20th, after Donald Trump takes his hand off of that Bible, the border is going to be closed, both the northern and the southern border. And here's what we're also going to do, Charlie. We're going to let people around the world know you can't come to this country illegally anymore.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


So if you're in this country illegally and you want to self-deport, I recommend you do that. Because if we have to come get you, you won't have the privilege to come back to the greatest country the world has ever known. You want to self-deport, get in line and come back in the right way. By all means, we want you. If you try to come to this country illegally,

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


illegally the border will be closed we have a process just like every other industrialized country in the world has a process to come to this country legally you follow that process and we want you you try to come illegally we will stop you the border will be closed the men and women of the customs and border patrol have new mission coming their mission is to prevent

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


illegals from coming to this country and to protect the homeland. They are excited about it. We're seeing the excitement across the people who had the opportunity to retire under the Biden administration. They're saying now that Trump is coming, we want to stay. We're seeing that in the military. We're seeing that at the border with the ICE people, with Tom Holman.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


People are coming back from government service who have retired because they want to do something great for this country. And so the border will be closed and people will be getting out very quickly.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


You know, Charlie, over the last four or five weeks since President Trump has won, I've had the opportunity to talk to a number of people who have the opportunity to retire from federal service who say, you know what, because Donald Trump is coming in, we'd like the privilege to stay. This is what our mission has always been. We got into the law enforcement community.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


to go out and get bad guys, to protect our communities and our neighbors and our friends. And by unhandcuffing us, by giving us the opportunity to get away from our desk jobs and going back into the field, we want to do that. The other thing we've seen, Charlie, is a massive outpouring. of recently retired officers who said, I've done 10, 20, 25 years.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Let me come back into government service so that we can be in assistance immediately. There's a very small amount of training that they have to go back through. And we're also seeing massive increases in our recruiting efforts. So those individuals,

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


who go to the FLEXI, the Federal Law Enforcement Trading Academy, are saying, let us come to Border Patrol now that we know that we'll be able to do our jobs because for the last four years, we've been desk jockeys. We're going to put more officers on the street. We're going to make sure that our borders are safe.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Those ICE agents are going to go out and find the bad guys, and our communities are going to be better for it.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


No, Charlie, I think they know. I think the government has been complicit in this. They've allowed this to happen. You know, I hate to give any credit to 60 Minutes because they're a terrible organization, but they catalog the whole thing of these, you know, these Chinese individuals coming in, these military age males coming in. They're calling an Uber and saying, come pick me up.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Of course, the government knows what's going on. They've chosen to do nothing about it. As it relates to Iran and our enemies, we know what's going on. But these law enforcement officials have been handcuffed. They've been stymied from going out and stopping it. Those days are coming to an end in five weeks when Donald Trump puts his hand on that Bible.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


And then what's going to happen is we will use every resource available to us. We will identify those foreign nationals, those people who are here as allegedly foreign students who are supposed to be doing you know, college work who are basically problems coming into this country and anybody else who's in this country illegally. The U.S.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Customs and Immigration Services has a record of all of these people, the people who've overstayed their visas who shouldn't be here, the potential criminal aliens. We're going to find these people. They're going to be out of this country very quickly and our communities are going to be safer.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


You know, Charlie, I've had the opportunity to talk to, if not all of, most of the members of the president's incoming cabinet. And one thing they have in common is they have a backbone of titanium. They are ready for this war that we have been preparing for.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


And I call it a war, Charlie, because when it looks to the mainstream media or the left, they're going to come after us with every single thing possible. And the difference in this term from what it was eight years ago when Donald Trump took over, was the people are ready. He is surrounding himself with fighters. And I mean that in a very positive way.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


People who have the same vision as Donald Trump. I spoke to one of our nominees yesterday who said he's already met with 11 U.S. senators. He's back on the Hill this week. And he's got about 40 people already for his particular agency. ready to go on day one, January 20th, to walk in the door and tell the bureaucrats there is a new sheriff in town. And I'm sure your listeners saw this.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


Joe Biden signed an executive order that gave federal government employees, I think, five years to continue to work from home. I hope and I'm very hopeful that the president rescinds that on day one and says, listen, if you want to continue to get paid by our taxpaying dollars, then you'd better get your butt into the office every single day like everybody in the private sector does.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


That is the mindset of all of his cabinet nominees, of all of his executive team. Look, when Kash Patel comes into the FBI, they know that real fundamental and wholesale change is coming to that organization, and it's long overdue.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


You know, Charlie, I think I'm probably best on the outside. I'm not really much of a rule follower, as you know. There's a lot of rules in the federal government. And so I've had a great privilege to be outside and help the president. He's got a lot of priorities that I want to help him achieve. And I'm always best to do that, I think, from the outside. So listen, you can find me on True Social.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


You can find me on X is just C. Lewandowski underscore is the best place. But guys, we've got a huge opportunity in front of us. All that you're doing, Charlie, all that the MAGA movement is doing, we have to hold these U.S. senators accountable.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


We must force them to get our nominees through very quickly, because if we don't, the Biden administration stays on board past January 20th if our nominees are not confirmed.

The Charlie Kirk Show

"The Left Wants America Ruined By Foreign Criminals."


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