Congressman Jason Crow
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
Thanks, Rachel.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
Well, the major consequence is they've passed a bill that's not paid for, that gives massive tax breaks to corporations and billionaires and does it on the backs of regular Americans, mainly by slashing their health care and gutting our Medicaid program. They are trying to use a tactic of shift burden shifting onto the states, saying that the states should pay for this, but they know that
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
the states can't pay for it. So they know that much of this coverage will go belly up for folks. So it is a terrible, terrible bill. There was a lot of drama in D.C. leading up to this vote. Are people going to hold out? Are people going to fight for their constituents? Never underestimate the willingness of House Republicans to fold and capitulate when Donald Trump tells them to jump.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
And that's exactly what happened tonight.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
I do think so. Right. They have the votes in the House. This is the supposed one big, beautiful bill that Donald Trump wants, which, of course, is chock full of his giveaways to his billionaires, donors and his cronies, and does it on the backs of everyday Americans. Listen, a couple of days ago, I went to one of my public health clinics in my district.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
And I sat there while I listened to people talk about how if they lose their Medicaid coverage, their ability to pay for their prescription drugs, that people will die, that their family members literally cannot afford insulin, will not be able to afford to pay their rent and their prescription drugs. They'll lose homes. They'll lose their health. This is absolutely catastrophic.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
We cannot underestimate the deep impact this is going to have. And it's going to be the worst, actually, if you look at around the country, it's going to be the worst in rural areas and red areas, right? So a lot of the people who voted for Donald Trump to make their life better are going to be impacted in a catastrophic way by this bill.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
Well, there's a couple of common strands that a lot of things that the Trump administration is doing. First, if there is a way to privatize something and to pad the pockets of their billionaire donors and their buddies, they will do it, right? Even if it's more expensive, they will do it.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
And this, you know, the scheme to privatize immigration enforcement to private mercenaries, and it has the added bonus for them of hiding things, right? They like to hide things. They like to funnel money to their friends and to large corporations. So that is... generally what happens in a lot of these cases with the Trump administration.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
But the impact here, let's just paint a picture for Aurora and for Colorado, right? A lot of folks who I even know who voted for Donald Trump said their number one issue was the cost of living. They couldn't afford groceries, they couldn't afford rent, and that is what they were hoping that Donald Trump would deliver for them. They are doing nothing to address that issue.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
In fact, to the contrary, the two ways to make the cost of living to go up the quickest would be to impose unnecessary or broad tariffs into threatened deportation of vast swaths of the workforce, because we already have a labor shortage, which all of the companies and small businesses and manufacturers in my district tell me that if this moves forward and they lose the workforce,
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
prices will go up instantly overnight. So they're actually going to make the problem worse, just from an economic perspective. That's not even talking about the moral component of taking children and families, ripping them apart, including U.S. citizen children, in some cases, according to Tom Homan, and deporting these folks.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
Thanks, Rachel.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
No one is talking about reducing benefits to the people that depend on them.
The Rachel Maddow Show
Busted: DOGE humiliated by brutal fact-checking, walks back bogus savings claims
Once again, one of the problems we have... The end result of the fraud and abuse that has been discovered already...