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Concerned Parent


Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


Yeah, there's a boogeyman out there. I mean, unknown, could be one of your neighbors. Yeah.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


I hate to even ask this, but the final moments of the girls and the fear that they would have experienced at the hands of that person.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


It's an unsettling feeling.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


Kagan Klein was on the radar of police early on, but he came back on the radar because someone looked at him again and said, wait a second, he was not in Las Vegas. He was in Peru, Indiana.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


Did Keegan have any history of violence that you could see?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


Was his vehicle on that video?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


I'm sure, you know, no evil thoughts were entering your mind at that point.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


If law enforcement is correct, the suspect has been hiding in plain sight this whole time, just like they thought.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


Are there any known groups like that in the area?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


We should say these are not the woods where Abby and Libby were found.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


And they certainly didn't hide the bodies.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


So what could it have meant in this case?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


What did you make of that theory, Odinism theory?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


You've been accused of trying to put your narrative out there of this odinism by leaking these photos. True or false?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


There was no DNA, no fingerprints, no text messages tying Richard Allen to the girls.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


How do you explain this behavior that it suddenly just happens?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


The fact that Libby had the wherewithal to hit record on her phone and capture these images and keep rolling...

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


You didn't have them in court actually look at Richard Allen and say, is that the man you saw? Which is what we're all used to on TV, right? That's the big powerful moment. Is that the man? And you didn't do that. Why not?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


Was there fear that if you did say, is that the man that they would say, you know, honestly, I can't be sure.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


He told his wife, I wanted to apologize to you. I did it. No, I did it. I killed Abby and Libby.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


One of the things that really jumps out at you is that this is a man who had never been in trouble with the law. He works at CBS, and then suddenly he's responsible for this very gruesome crime with these young girls.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


What does look really bad for Richard Allen is that he places himself in that area that day.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


Richard Allen at one point says to his wife, I wanted to apologize to you. I did it. No, I did it. I killed Abby and Libby.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


He started losing his mind in there? Is that through your eyes? Is that how you would...

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


That's a big aha moment, if you will, something that only the killer would know.

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


What information have you been given before you arrive at the scene about how these girls died?

Dateline NBC

A Walk Through the Woods


I have a 14-year-old and one that's about to turn 13, exactly the ages of Libby and Abby. And it truly is a parent's worst nightmare.