Christopher Bedford
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
They're absolutely incredible. You see the CBS poll, YouGov poll, people who watched, you saw 76% of people approving of the speech versus 23% disapproving. I don't recall having really seen those numbers.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I was thinking this must be how a lot of Democrats felt after Barack Obama's first State of the Union, when he was widely popular, and he spoke in a kind of a unifying language, even though that's not what he was doing. He copied Reagan in a lot of his speeches.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
But the difference between Donald Trump and early Barack Obama is Donald Trump is not a blank canvas that you can just paint your messianic visions onto. He's actually someone who's been president. He's someone who's doing things. He's well-known to the American people. They know what he's doing.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And that speech last night was called divisive by CNN, called divisive by the Democrats, who made childish fools of themselves. But it clearly wasn't. 76% in 2025 is what a more unified America looks like. And those are the themes that he played on, whether he was talking about immigration or crime or security or energy or business.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Despite what the USAID-funded left-wing nonprofits say, these are actually popular issues in the United States. And This could be the beginning of a lasting coalition.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
It's kind of wild to see the shift that we've had, the kind of shift towards a more revolutionary thinking American right versus a really... staid and old and aging American left that doesn't know what to do. The image of Al Green out there shaking his cane and yelling like an old man at the moon is more like it could be a Bob Dylan song. The times are a changing.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I went to a concert down in the Florida Georgia line the other day and I heard for the first time in my life a moving rendition of This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land that was clearly from a pro-Trump perspective, not from the left-wing protest song. Those
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
When the left has been in power and white knuckle gripping on these 80 year olds to this power for essentially since President Barack Obama was elected because of the way they exercise their power to the deep state. And it's become extremely unpopular. They are the establishment populists.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Everything is sweeping around outside of them, and at the end of the day, they look like the old man swinging his cane and yelling until he gets escorted out.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Exactly. I think that's right. We in the news industry, we kind of crave novelty. We're addicted to the constantly changing things. What's the next thing? But this is a president who's more established than you're usually going to get. He's already got his first four years in office. He spent four years in the wilderness coming up with exactly what he wanted to do.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
He laid it out all on the campaign trail. The more honest liberals will admit that none of these things are a surprise. The American people voted for this. And now when you have a speech with everybody tuning in this very long kind of
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
speech that we see here he just listed out here's what i'm doing here's what we've already accomplished here's what's coming next and we follow it so closely but a lot of people i think we're probably hearing about it from his perspective for the first time chris thank you very much chris bedford uh he is part of the blaze he is our senior editor uh in washington dc our chief correspondent
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah, no question.