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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


Global News Podcast

Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine


I couldn't write for a while, and then I started writing again. I felt terror. I thought, what if I never write again?

Global News Podcast

Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine


It does, it does. Actually, my block, and I don't like to use that expression because I'm too superstitious, but my something that happened that I couldn't... The space. Yes, the space. That's good. It happened when I became pregnant. I'm not sure that it was just entirely physiological, but something changed, and I just could not get back into that sort of magical place where I can write fiction.

Global News Podcast

Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine


I have always longed to be known, truly known by another human being. Sometimes we live for years with yearnings that we cannot name until a crack appears in the sky and widens and reveals us to ourselves.

Global News Podcast

Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine


It's interesting how little of literature is about women and women's bodies, women's sort of physicality. We all come from a woman's body. And that isn't really a thing that is explored very deeply in literature.

Global News Podcast

Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine


We should say that there is no place in the world where women are equal. There are places that are better and places that are worse, but gender equality does not exist yet. I think that what's happened in places like the U.S. has been surprising because I did not think that we would be talking about women's reproductive rights in 2025.

Global News Podcast

Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine


Our bodies are the only things that we have that actually ours when you really think about it. And I actually understand people who oppose abortion. I understand that position. But it's a position you cannot impose on everyone. And to do that in policy, in law, just feels to me a way of saying that you do not recognise a woman's full humanity.