Charlie Johnson
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
It's going to be a hard one to follow. My name is Charlie Johnson. I don't even know how I follow that, to be fair. You set the bar, but it won't be quite as humorous. My name is Charlie Johnson. I help online trainers and personal trainers scale online. We do around $3.3 million at the moment. Top line revenue, profits, $1.3 million are based on advice. We also don't pay tax.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Our bottleneck at the moment is traffic and brand awareness. I don't know whether we focus more on scaling from a paid ads perspective or focusing more on organic. We're really trying to hammer organic at the moment of building a media team around me with YouTube, podcasts, and all the other platforms. I've done over 7,000 posts on Instagram.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
We're incredibly consistent on social media, so that's not an issue from a workflow point of view. And if it's an ad strategy, what's the best type of strategy you see to scale these types of businesses? Is it a VSL or what we currently do is we run ads to a lead magnet funnel where we dial them and then convert them off backend.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
LTV is like four and a half.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Uh, no, we have three tiers of program essentially. So we have a higher ticket one that's 35 K our mid ticket one's 16 and then our low ticket one that's four.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Yeah, but we're not, probably what we have at the moment is we're not ascending them through from the 4K one, which I think is what's screwing the LTV.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Would you almost look to reduce the price point at a certain point once they're in the programs? Like the way we structure at the moment.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Yeah, so we do something similar. We do like an accelerator for like three, four months where they pay up front like a big chunk and then like a lower price point.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Yeah. That's sort of what we do with our highest ticket program.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Yeah, it's 95% retention. Like year on year. But then I think that's also the caliber of person we're dealing with has less of a financial obligation. Mm-hmm.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
So literally just try and pull it. I try and average, I think, like 13% the last few months, which is way too high.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
As in like overselling.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
So that's the challenge we've found is that a lot of say from the ad traffic comes through from the beginners rather than we had a lot of people at the beginning who were advanced. You came from my organic warm audience. Yeah. Saturated that.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Just be more clear in the ad narrative in terms of... That you must have these things in order to do it.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
Awesome. Thank you.
The Game with Alex Hormozi
Strategic Business Advice That Applies To Every Business | Ep 840
No, you bet.