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Casey Means


Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)


PCOS, essentially you have an ovary, that ovary is making hormones. And when that ovary is stimulated by excess insulin, which is the hormone in the blood that helps us take blood sugar out of the blood and into the cells, insulin levels go up in the setting of metabolic dysfunction. We basically destroy our cells with our toxic food and lifestyle. The cells can no longer process sugar to energy.

Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)


So the cell rejects sugar and it stays in the bloodstream. The body compensates by making more insulin to try and drive the sugar into the cell that's putting up a block because it's broken essentially. That high insulin floats all around the body and does bad things all over the body like drives cancer growth and also stimulates the ovary to make more testosterone.

Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)


So you have women who are supposed to be making, you know, estrogen and progesterone and very specific levels throughout the hormone cycle so that we can ovulate. And instead insulin is driving the ovary to create testosterone, which totally disturbs the balance between all the sex hormones in the female body. And we don't ovulate.

Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)


So you get these cysts that form because you've got an egg trying to basically like ovulate, but instead it can't because the hormones are disrupted because of insulin, which is because of metabolic dysfunction because of our food. And, we get infertility because we're not ovulating.

Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

Blasphemy: Hollywood Casts Queer Female Jesus (Ep.143)


And this condition is reversible in as little as 12 weeks with dietary interventions. There is peer reviewed studies to show this. If we get our blood sugar levels under control and our insulin levels under control, we restore the hormonal balance and many women, all the symptoms will disappear and they'll be able to become fertile.