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Carly Young


This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


She's so smart. I just commend her on this next part because I would have never thought to say this, but she has a safe in her basement, almost like a walk-in safe. And she told them that that's where most of her money is. I don't remember the amount that she told them that was in there, but so she gave them the combination.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


That kind of got them in a panic to where they were now in a hurry to get out of there because they thought that the cops were on their way. At that point, they kind of just finish up robbing her.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


I was there when my grandma was being interviewed by the detective. So it was the very next day. They were taking DNA swabs of everyone that was at the scene just to kind of rule their DNA out. But she was basically just, I would say, like interviewing her, just, you know, kind of having her go through everything again, asking if she had remembered anything new.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


My grandma described her attackers. She said the male looked like a small leprechaun. He had red hair and this scraggly beard, and he was short and scrawny and tiny. She said he didn't sound very intelligent, sounded like a country bumpkin leprechaun.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


And as far as the female, my grandma described her as a heavier set black girl. She could tell that she was on something. She could tell that they were both on something. So they were very neurotic and sporadic. And she described their behavior as hot and cold, like hot.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


One minute they would be nice to her and tell her that she's going to be okay, and the next minute they're kicking her, then the next minute they're consoling her, then the next minute they're raping her. She was very thrown off by their behavior.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


Kind of like they do on the TV shows. They had him in a lineup, like a picture lineup, and she was able to point them both out. So, I mean, she was 100% certain. She had gotten a good look at both of their faces, and she was able to identify them.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


That actually was that day, November 10th. The detective did inform us that they were able to identify who had done it. They had the two perpetrators on camera in a town called Hannibal, Missouri, which is about 20 minutes, 20, 25 minutes away from Quincy, in her car. So they were able to track them pretty quickly.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


Just in the time, like she was 77, she was born and raised in a time where you just don't talk about that kind of stuff.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


When I first found out their names, it made it more real. It was like, okay, this actually happened.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


When I first heard of the attack, my mom called me, Heidi Young. I was actually just at home. We were getting my son ready for bed and she called me really hysterical. I couldn't really understand what she was saying. So I kind of told her, I was like, I need you to calm down and kind of walk me through what you're saying.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


And she just said that my grandmother had been raped at her house and that she was going to take her to the hospital.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


My reaction was at first a shock and almost, are you sure? Are you confused? Because this doesn't sound real and I don't understand how this could even happen. Because at that point, you know, I... I didn't know the full story, so I basically said, well, take her to the hospital and just call me and keep me updated, like, what's going on?

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


And then my mom got off the phone, and then my aunt was texting me. My aunt is Ilsa Terrell.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


That's kind of when it hit me. It was like, oh my gosh, they're both there with her. There's police involved. There's a crime scene. And I just started crying and I didn't sleep that night.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


And I didn't know the full story either. I don't think any of us did at that point. So we were all mainly just waiting for answers.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


She has a landline in her house, so she was trying to get to the phone, but unfortunately they had broken down the door and grabbed her before she was able to call. At this point, the female starts taunting her, kicking her, beating her, threatening her, while the male continues to rob, rob them. Robber.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


While they're robbing her in the kitchen, they find this railroad spike. They held it up to her and raped her. They threatened her, and the male raped her. She was elderly, so she had to wear an adult diaper, and he took that off and raped her.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


They took this can of carpet cleaner and they sprayed the inside of her mouth and in her genitals to try to hide evidence, DNA evidence. And then they took the carpet cleaner can and they sodomized her because she's a 77-year-old woman. It's just disgusting to me that two individuals could do that to someone in that state.

This Doesn't Happen to People Like Me

The Hunt Begins


At this point, my grandma is really thinking that they're going to kill her because at this point, not only have they robbed her and kidnapped her, they have now assaulted her. In her head, she doesn't think that they're going to keep her alive.