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Cape May Local


The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Best of Ed Helms Pt. 2


Cool Cape May was an expression that was actually used back in 1896. It's cooler down here than it is in the city, so that's where it came from. We were cool back then, we're cool today. Kind of a double-entronde, if you will. Forgive me, but I believe the proper pronunciation is...

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Best of Ed Helms Pt. 2


Come to Cape May, be cool, play, and feel free to wear a Speedo.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Best of Ed Helms Pt. 2


That's right. The lessening of the regulations, it's all a big package. A package? Yep. It's a big package. Oh yeah, it's gonna be a big package.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | Best of Ed Helms Pt. 2


I think an international crowd attraction would be a very nice thing. Mr. Steenrod has... Call me Bob.