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Bret Victor


The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source

Is Linux collapsing under its own weight? (News)


And this one, which is just bonkers. So everything I've shown is taking place in our communal computing system called Real Talk, and this is it. Real Talk is not a code base, it's a poster gallery. or a bulletin board, or a binder.

The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source

Is Linux collapsing under its own weight? (News)


Dynamic Land is non-profit, and Real Talk is not a product. You don't buy communal computing, you don't download communal computing. Our goal is to invent a form of computation which local communities of non-specialists can make for themselves, from the ground up, for their own needs, which they fully understand and control.

The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source

Is Linux collapsing under its own weight? (News)


A form of computation which is learned and taught, not downloaded and used, like reading and writing, or mathematics, or the arts. Not a product, but a practice.