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Brad Schimel


The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


Thank you, Charlie. Thanks for having me on. And thanks for all you're doing. conservatives and to get them to the polls. This is the key here. We've got to get conservatives to wake up and get out and vote. It's the only way we're going to take our nation back and we're going to take the state of Wisconsin back.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


Well, in Wisconsin, we have our judicial elections in April. So this is the normal judicial election cycle. We have seven justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Only one can be on the ballot at a time. We've got a liberal justice retiring, and this is an open seat. The stakes could not be higher here in Wisconsin.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


We have leftists took over the majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court two years ago in 2023, and they're going through a political agenda. They are working to wipe out every conservative reform that's been passed in Wisconsin to make us strong, prosperous, safe. All those things are on the chopping block now. And it's not just about Wisconsin.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


This is something that this race has become nationalized First, from liberal billionaires across America who saw an opportunity in Wisconsin to take the presidency, to take the House of Representatives. Here's how. My opponent went on a Zoom call with billionaire donors across America, liberal ones, of course, and she offered up.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


that if she gets help getting elected onto the Wisconsin Supreme Court, they're gonna take out two Republican congressional seats in Wisconsin and turn them Democrat. That's what they're offering up. This is bigger than just Wisconsin. They are looking to control America through the actions of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. And the way she's gonna do it is they're gonna redistrict.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


They're gonna take those two, our two toughest Republican districts in Wisconsin, redistrict them so they can flip them Democrat. That's what they're up to.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


You know, the candidate who ran, the liberal, She openly stated on the campaign trail how she was going to rule on cases. She told voters that the maps are rigged, referring to the state legislative district maps. She said they're rigged over and over again. No surprise, the day after she was sworn in,

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


lawsuit was filed to have those maps struck and down and within a matter of months the leftist majority bypassed the trial court bypassed the court of appeals took the case directly up and struck down the maps that were signed that were put in law by our state legislature so they could be redistricted and gerrymandered to help democrats that's what they're up to she prom they they promised on the campaign trail

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


that they're going to take out a thing called Act 10. Most people in America don't know what it is, but it's a reform in Wisconsin that limited some of the bargaining power of public employee unions. It has nothing to do with private sector unions, but limited some of the power of public sector unions. They're promising on the campaign trail to take that out.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


That is going to cost instantly, it's going to cost Wisconsinites billions to try to overcome what happens when that law is wiped out. They promised to do this. They're going to keep that promise. My opponent was the lead lawyer attacking Act 10 in the courts over a decade ago. You know what she's going to do. It's not hard to predict what's going to happen next, given what they're doing.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


You know, my opponent... has gotten nearly half of her money from outside the state of Wisconsin. 97% of the money I've gotten and 97% of my donors are from people who vote in Wisconsin. I'm proud of that, and I prefer that, but I can't keep up if she's going to continue to get a million dollars from George Soros.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


He just passed a check right through the state Democratic Party for a million dollars to my opponent. The governor of Illinois is in for over half a million dollars already. He was in for a million dollars two years ago. Reid Hoffman is already in for hundreds of thousands of dollars. She's getting all this money from these national liberal billionaires.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


And I'm particularly concerned about George Soros because if that guy's influencing what someone does in a race, We're not going to last very long as a state. He hates everything good about America.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


Right. They went raw political in 2023. promising what they were going to do on the bench when they got their majority elected. And then they went forward and they started delivering on those promises. They have turned this raw partisan and we have to turn this back. The reason I got in this race is to restore objectivity of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. The legislature should make the law.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


The political branches should worry about the politics. On the court, we should set that aside. When you put the black robe on, that's symbolic of being objective, being impartial, not worrying about or a bad policy, but simply enforcing and implementing the law the way the legislature wrote it. If we don't do it that way, this all fails.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


If the court's going to get into writing the laws, then there's no reason to have a legislature. If the court's going to engage in political decisions, then there's no reason to have an executive branch, and it takes away power from voters. Our Supreme Court justices are elected statewide for a 10-year term.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


So when they decide what the law says, that means the local legislator that represents you has no power. And that means you as a voter have no power. You have no way to take these justices out until 10 years later, and they're going to decide everything for you. That's what we have in Wisconsin.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


Please explain more. Yep. That's exactly the key. 3.4 million people voted in Wisconsin in our November election. Now on April 1st, we expect about a million and a half of them to fall off. Whoever retains their voters best wins in this. We've got to get out and ask those low propensity and mid propensity conservative leading voters, ask them if the job is done. Do they think it's finished?

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


And I think they're all going to say, no, there's a lot more work to do. Well, then we've got to convince them that part of that work is to get out and vote April 1st. If I get 60% of the voters who voted for Donald Trump in Wisconsin for November 5th, if I get 60% of them to come out and vote for me on April 1st, I win. That's our message to people is get out there and vote.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


This job is not done. And it didn't take that much effort. Seriously, it didn't take that much time to go vote. Nothing bad happened. No SWAT team came and kicked your door in after you voted. And you got to feel great on the morning after the election, knowing you were part of a movement to save our nation. You can continue to be part of that movement and have that great feeling on April 2nd.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


If you get out and vote April 1st, And actually, we've got to encourage people. Wisconsin has very expansive early voting laws. You can start voting by mail early by March 11th. You can vote in person early absentee March 18th. We're urging people to get out and do that because in Wisconsin, we can certainly have a blizzard on April 1st.

The Charlie Kirk Show

A National Language, Debating Newsom, Wisconsin, and... Romania?!?


You don't want to have that happen and you don't get out and get your votes cast.