Belkis Vile
Global News Podcast
French ministers arrive in Mayotte after devastating cyclone
To bring it into the light and almost alchemise some of that evil stuff that went on and take back the power.
Global News Podcast
French ministers arrive in Mayotte after devastating cyclone
There's actually no UN mission dedicated to Sudan. There was one formally, but that was shut down. As a result, you really have no institution inside of Sudan that is there to protect civilians. This would require...
Global News Podcast
French ministers arrive in Mayotte after devastating cyclone
real leadership from the UN Security Council, from the African Union to decide to put their foot down, that this level of abuse against civilians is enough and that something needs to be done to stop it.
Global News Podcast
French ministers arrive in Mayotte after devastating cyclone
And that really is, you know, people entering Sudan on the ground from the UN, from the African Union, setting up a mission to provide a protection to civilians and particular to provide protection for women and girls who are being raped in this way and being held as sex slaves.