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Yeah. Hopefully you can hear me okay now. I think the biggest issues were always the unhealthy behaviors that people resorted to in order to cope with stress. And oftentimes it was with self-medication, drinking more, smoking more, starting drinking, starting smoking. So it was unhealthy behaviors that people were

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just trying to use to get things under control or to escape from those kinds of things. And I think that's what wound up really happening, or at least from a clinician perspective, those are usually the fallout that you had to deal with. But again, it wasn't always getting at the underlying condition, which Brandon was really very eloquently laying out all the issues

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And for me, what I've seen over time is this 24 hour, you know, seven days a week bombardment with things coming at us all the time, either on TV or, you know, social media. And it's sort of like the brain doesn't get a rest from stress. It's just constant all the time. And I think that that ultimately takes a bigger toll. And I'm assuming that Brandon is going to help us to

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uh, learn a little bit more about the kind of things that we can do, uh, you know, to sort of help manage this because, you know, as Brandon, as you said, stress is a part of life and there's a positive side of stress. It gets us out of bed in the morning and, you know, doing all the things that we, that we need to do.

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Uh, it's just that when it, uh, it gets a little, a little bit overwhelming, um, that sense, how do we deal with that? Mm-hmm.

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Yeah, I think the whole idea of resilience, that people are a lot more resilient than they think they are. And I think following the ABC cubed model can help people to see that.

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But it is this idea of having a balance between understanding that some negative things go on, but also focus on the positive things, especially like, you know, the gratitude, what went well in your day, instead of just, you know, the glass being half full, half empty, you know, kind of situation. I think that that's really the, the best way to go.

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And I've always been impressed with actually the resilience of people when they can, you know, stop, take some deep breaths and then move forward. The other point that I really liked, Brandon, that you brought out is the idea that I'm putting it into this toolkit of things that people can use to cope and manage, you know, their stress a little bit better.

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And the fact is that everybody is individual, it's subjective, And there's no one way. What works for Barry may not work for Clarence. What works for Brandon may not work for Stan. But the idea is to realize that there are all these resources and it's okay to try on some of them and see what's helpful and what's not helpful.

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But there are a lot of resources out there and people should feel comfortable in giving it a try because stress is never gonna go away. Right. And it's how do we adapt to that and accept it that we're going to have stress in our lives. And so this is all, I think, very, very helpful. So thank you.

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Yeah, so I have a question about how loneliness is measured from the perspective, are there either standardized tools or some tools that can be used. In particular, I'm putting on my family practice clinician hat here. You know, over the past number of years, you can't go into a, see a doctor and not have one or two questions like a PHQ, PH, you know, two about depression.

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And I believe, and please correct me if I'm wrong, that there is a link between isolation, loneliness, and depression. And we ask a lot about depression, but oftentimes I think of loneliness as being a precondition or, you know, somehow related. And so I was just wondering if there are tools for, you know, how to measure loneliness and the intensity of loneliness.

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And just wonder if you can maybe share a little bit about, about some of those things.

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This was just very illuminating and it was just fantastic to learn so much more about loneliness and isolation. And we know that it's prevalent in the pandemic highlighted a lot of these things, but it's clear that this has been with us for longer than just that pandemic. It might be an exacerbation factor.

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I don't have any more particular questions other than to say, Julian, just thank you so much. This was just great to learn more about this and to hear about some of the resources that are available that potentially has an impact.

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Yeah, well, kind of following through with that, as I was reading over some of the research, the name that popped into my head was Dan Buettner, who wrote The Blue Zones. And, you know, there are some, you know, clear global implications of certain communities, certainly, that have lots of social connection and better health outcomes.

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Julianne, one of the questions that I had for you, I have a bunch of them, but I'll I'll control myself here. Would social connection be the main factor that mitigates loneliness or that, I don't want to say cures loneliness, but that impacts loneliness? Or are there other sort of other things other than just social connections with other people that can help to reduce loneliness?