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The Bulwark Podcast

'The Hottest Circle of Hell Is for Those Who Stay Neutral'


Hi, I've got a question. She was good. She nailed them to the wall. I've got a question for the, you don't have to pick a politics side.

The Bulwark Podcast

'The Hottest Circle of Hell Is for Those Who Stay Neutral'


I might be misunderstanding the proposition, but for those average Americans who are not civil rights leaders or musicians or editors of a publication or a think tank, by not joining a political party or registering as a Democrat or Republican in the primary process, are you not actively diminishing your ability to have a say in politics in your local community?

The Bulwark Podcast

'The Hottest Circle of Hell Is for Those Who Stay Neutral'


And if becoming a registered Democrat or Republican is somehow not picking a side, how is it not picking a side? And are you not actively contributing to diminishing your own say in politics?

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Yo, what's up? Troy got fired by Elon Musk.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Of course it is. Everything Elon does is legal, bro.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


No. Of course not. Big Balls is my fraternity brother. You can call me Floppy Taint.

The Daily Show: Ears Edition

TDS Time Machine | President Elon


Holy shit, it just ran that red light.