Ashley Southall
The Headlines
The Tariffs Are On, and Trump Suspends Ukraine Aid
What New York set out to create was a program that could be a national model to bring in people that they once targeted for selling marijuana or growing it and help them to become successful business owners in this newly legal industry. But it failed pretty spectacularly.
The Headlines
The Tariffs Are On, and Trump Suspends Ukraine Aid
One of the people I talked to was Roland Conner, who was the first person to open a dispensary under this program. And what he described was a program that was one in which he had very little control.
The Headlines
The Tariffs Are On, and Trump Suspends Ukraine Aid
So you have a guy like Conner who has every reason to be skeptical of the government because he has been prosecuted for selling marijuana. But he casts that aside and decides to take the government up on its promise of first dibs on a windfall from legalization. And he ends up facing financial ruin.
The Headlines
The Tariffs Are On, and Trump Suspends Ukraine Aid
It got so bad for him that at one point he was starting to wonder if this whole program was smoke and mirrors.