April Kaufman
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
If you don't vote, I will find out. I'm going to your house. I'm dragging you outside.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
I love being here to bring you the truth. As unvarnished, as unpretty, unbuttered on the biscuit it is.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
Homelessness is a big issue in our country right now for our veterans.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
This was such a big issue that affected our veterans and our state, our country. So I will thank my husband for a lot of the things that I've learned over the years. April felt that veterans should be treated like rock stars.
True Crime Vault: Family Secrets
And my bottom line is, if nothing else of my legacy of leaving a really beautiful daughter and two grandchildren on this planet, I really hope to God that people, you know, hey, I could get a flyover at my funeral now.