Anne Soy
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At least 30 dead in India festival crush
The meeting might just go ahead because I've heard from the Rwandan side, the government spokesman has confirmed to me that they will be taking part in that virtual meeting called by the Kenyan president. But we have also heard from the Congolese side that the president, Shisekedi, will not be taking part. We do not know whether he will send a representative yet.
Global News Podcast
At least 30 dead in India festival crush
The talks have been ongoing, and there have been two sets of talks, one led by Nairobi and the other by Luanda, Angola. The Congolese government appears to favour the Luanda process more. However, those talks faltered in December after the Rwandan government said that the Congolese authorities needed to engage with M23, that they made that condition clear.
Global News Podcast
At least 30 dead in India festival crush
but then the congolese authorities completely refused to engage with the rebel group and so there was a stalemate and that is a it is at that point that the talks stalled so this is really an effort to kick start the process um and and try to find a solution however
Global News Podcast
At least 30 dead in India festival crush
From what we are seeing and hearing on the ground, M23 sound even ever more confident, having taken much of Goma and there's speculation that they may be setting their sights now on the capital, Kinshasa.
Global News Podcast
At least 30 dead in India festival crush
In the past, some of the leaders, including of the groups affiliated to M23, the AFC, have categorically stated that their goal, their ultimate goal, is to go to Kinshasa and take over their government there. I have been speaking to some other people on the sidelines, and that is the feeling that after they have...
Global News Podcast
At least 30 dead in India festival crush
essentially defeated the Congolese army who have surrendered their arms, their grid to be disarmed in Goma. They think now that is more practical, that is more feasible now. Kinshasa is more within their reach. Of course, this is a vast country the size of Western Europe, and therefore, logistically, it's difficult to fathom that. So we'll wait to see what happens.
Global News Podcast
Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine
Is your government going to engage in direct talks with M23?
Global News Podcast
Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine
The heads of state from the East African community and Southern Africa met and urged your government to enter into talks with M23.
Global News Podcast
Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine
Well, Rwanda says it is defending itself and it accuses the government of harboring and working with rebels who threaten their sovereignty, the FDLR. Surely one can see that as provocation.
Global News Podcast
Moscow says West "fragmenting" over Ukraine
And finally, what do you see as the solution to the crisis in the east of the country?