Alvin Lui
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Absolutely. Absolutely. Thank you for having me, Megan. It's a pleasure to meet you. Absolutely. In fact, one of the school board members, Joanne O'Brien, actually admitted on a Facebook post that they are providing – referring out to the transgender drugs and different treatments of that nature. So they're lying in the sense that they go, oh, we're not giving it, but they're referring out to it.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
And this all stems from the keeping secrets from parents issue. In schools, this is just a logical conclusion of that because the school counselors are the biggest purveyors of the transgender cult, and a lot of people don't know that. And so they've been setting the tone that parents are unsafe and abusive. They're redefining two words, unsafe and abusive.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
And what they do is they'll say, if you don't believe that your daughter is really a boy, then you are unsafe and abusive. And so based on that foundation that they've already established in government K through 12 in Maine and in all 50 states, really, now they'll go, well, we need the medical clinic because parents are unsafe and we need to provide the health coverage for children.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
But what they mean by that is vaccines, COVID vacs, Whoa. Yeah. COVID vax, birth control, invasive IUDs. And, you know, Megan, it's even taking all those horrific things aside, like the transgender drugs, and they can refer out to it. These clinics are quite literally seeding their own clients. They're putting these kids in these therapies, the therapists that are a firm only therapist.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
They're driving their mental health to the ground. And then they go, oh, they need medication. So they're quite literally seeding and creating their own customers.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Mm-hmm. So the first thing they'll do is they'll pair them with an affirm-only therapist, and then they'll keep that a secret from parents. And they'll do the pronouns. They'll call them by a different name, things of that nature. Then they'll start driving them to that. And then if they need a breast binder or tucking, then they'll offer that. They'll give them that.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Then if they start to do the cross-sex hormones, then the clinic in the school – We'll refer them out to another clinic or another pharmacy to go get said drugs.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Yes, they can because it will be paid through by Medicaid. In Maine, it's called MaineCare.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Yep. You've got brain issues, bone density issues. Obviously, you're stopping puberty or even if the cross-sex hormones will screw up their fertility for women, for girls later on. It's such a horrific thing. And you know that the other parts of the world are moving away from it. Hospitals are stopping it now thanks to President Trump's executive order.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
But the schools, the transgender cult is going to be the last place that this completely dies. It will be in K-12. That's the last place it dies because that's where it started. This is not a chicken or an egg thing. The social contagion started in K-12.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Well, they say that, but in other states that have that, they've already done it. And one of the things also that they lie about it, they'll say that this doesn't cost taxpayers anything. And it's a complete lie because they use federal funding. They use federal funding to stand the clinic up for that first one or two years. So HealthReach uses federal funding.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
They'll use a mixture of funding from, let's say, Health and Human Services or the American Rescue Act of 2021. For those of you who know, it's supposed to be for COVID. They use it for that. And then after the first one or two years, they'll have to raise taxes, property taxes, do a referendum for for main residents to keep the clinics going.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
And if you say, hey, I don't want this referendum, it'll be, oh, you're taking you're taking health care away from poor kids. It's always weaponizing your empathy. You know, we often say here, courage is a habit. We don't have an oppression problem in this country. We have an idiot empathy problem. And that's what they always drive good people's empathy to to get these things passed.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
No. The thing that they do, Megan, that's a tactic they always use across all 50 states, is they'll try to punt it until parents stop paying attention. And we've seen this. My organization fights this at every level, whether it's the porn in schools or the critical race theory. Transgender ideology every time something like this happens. They'll punt it because they know parents are busy and
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
And a lot of people look at punting as a victory. And so when they stop paying attention, they're going to go ahead and sneak it in. But it's a different day. And we are definitely not letting anyone forget it. And so our suspicion is that they're going to try to punt it until they can quietly install it or vote it in.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
But for sure, the heat is getting to them because they wanted to vote this in December 5th. They snuck in this agenda on Thanksgiving Eve. Imagine that. Imagine being so proud of this of this medical clinic. It's so good that they snuck the agenda in on Thanksgiving Eve and then they were going to do the vote on December 5th, hoping nobody was going to pay attention. Bad news for them.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
We were paying attention and we're not going to stop.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Drop us an email at team at courage is a, or you can drop us a DM on our X, which is at courage habit.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
So we know that they talk a lot of mad garbage in the emails. And so what we were FOIAing was we were looking for an ethical conversation between them and HealthReach because they were saying, oh, no, we didn't approach them, and this is all above board. But we knew that they weren't. That's the clinic, HealthReach. HealthReach, the clinic, right. And so we FOIAed, we were looking for that.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
So I had sent them an email when I was in Maine last, and I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I said, hey, listen, you guys got this sales pitch from HealthReach. Of course, like any salesperson, they're going to leave certain things out, even if they're not outright lying to you. And this is, I think, I mean, I'll let your viewers judge, but I thought it was a pretty cordial email.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
I said, hey, there's going to be some things that you don't know about these clinics that we've seen in other states. I like to meet with some of you or all of you and like to share some of the things that you don't know. When you're installing something as serious as a medical clinic and you're dealing with people's children's health. you should know everything before you make this decision.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Sent the email, didn't hear from them, didn't expect that too, but you know, I tried. And then when we were FOIAing for some of the unethical conversation, we saw that they were doing these group text messages. And in Maine, if you have either four or five people on a group text, we can FOIA that. So we said, okay, we'll FOIA that too.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
And we saw one of the texts, one of the school board members, Matthew Lillibridge, Well, in response to my email offering to give them information, he said, we'll see how much courage he has when I answer the door with an AR-15 and a Doberman.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
What kind of person responds to an email offering information? And he could have said, you know, Megan, he could have said, you know, we'll see how tough he is. I'll get in his face. I'll punch him in the nose. I'll punch him in the mouth. Nope. He went right to the AR-15. And this is a school board member who's literally, I'm not making this up, Megan. He's running again for his seat right now.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
They always are.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
Well, I think like most Americans, I've really took my hands off the wheel. I was born here. I was lucky to be born here. My great grandfather, he was an older man already when he left Mao's communism. And, you know, he owned two bakeries, not a rich man by any stretch, two very humble bakeries. And when Miles Redguard dragged him out and beat him, it wasn't soldiers.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
They were college kids, high school kids, just like what we're seeing today across the country being developed in K through 12 and in colleges. And so when he came here, it was obviously very tough. You come here as an old man, you don't even know the language and you definitely try to make a life here because you know there isn't a life when communism comes.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
So my father has always reminded myself and my siblings that He would always tell us when we were younger, if you can't make it in America, you can't make it anywhere. And like most Americans, I've really taken that for granted. I've been able to do a lot of other things in my life and not having to worry about it.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
If you asked me 10 years ago who the mayor was in my city, I probably couldn't tell you, much less who's on school board. But being from California, when I saw how California turned out and we moved to Indiana, I saw the same things happening in Indiana, but in a smaller sense in California. It really hit me that nobody's escaping out of Florida to Cuba in the middle of the night.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
If America goes the way it's going, there's nowhere else for my children, your children, anybody's children to go. I think that really thinking about my great grandfather running like that really kind of really drove me to say, you know, even in the tiniest way, I got to try to do something because I've enjoyed my freedom so much. And I've been able to do things great, you know, fun things.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
And now I feel like I just have to do my duty.
The Megyn Kelly Show
Trump's Funny and Powerful Address, and Dems' Embarrassing Response, with Rich Lowry, Mark Halperin, and Alvin Lui | Ep. 1019
I appreciate it. Thank you, Megan.