Alicia Bird
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
There is a lot of fear that's generated when something like this happens in a place like Brownwood.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
There becomes a time when you switch from your role as a supportive spouse to I am a prosecutor and there is a murder within my county.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
When you put all that together and you think Friday the 13th, you start wondering if there's something connecting all of this. You know, is there something more sinister than just somebody got murdered? Is this some type of cult activity?
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
This place is truly creepy. Straight out of a horror movie.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
I got a phone call that she didn't come home. She went missing on Friday the 13th.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
You couldn't imagine a scarier place for a body to be found.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
We just know that they're out there. It's scary. Out there and possibly right there in the community. Right. Is this a neighbor? Is this a friend?
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
There was absolutely a thought process of, you know, look for other similar patterned crimes to see because it felt so brutal that it felt like it couldn't have been a first crime. time killer.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
The disappearance on Friday the 13th and the location where she was found, it just all... You're looking for some sort of cohesiveness. You're looking for some theory of the case.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
The great thing with us both being in this field is we're able to give each other that space, recognizing that he needs to be able to think and to figure out what his next investigatory step will be.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
It felt very television-esque. You know, it felt like something that you see on TV, but it doesn't really happen that way in real criminal cases. And so it very much felt like a science fiction idea.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
we basically looked up ryan riggs on facebook and the picture that popped up of him was the spitting image of the computer image that we'd received it felt definitive it felt like here is the answer we have been looking for a year and a half and we've had nothing and here it is and it's it's a perfect match
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
A young woman, a violent murder. It felt like it couldn't have been a first time killer. The disappearance on Friday the 13th and the location where she was found. Is this some type of cult activity?
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
It was important for our community to have closure. And the finality of being able to tell everyone, we are guaranteed that he will remain in prison. That was incredibly valuable for our community.
Dateline NBC
The Haunted House Confession
You think Friday the 13th, you start wondering, is there something more sinister than just somebody got murdered?