Agent Peter Logan
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
When she first sat down with Agent Logan, he took it slowly. I realized that if Susan Smith didn't talk about this... that we may never know what really happened. So my first polygraph that I did was to determine at that time whether or not the carjacking was truthful.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
She didn't want to come in for the interview, so I phoned her at home.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
I said, is there some reason that you have not been truthful about this light and it happened somewhere else? It could have happened somewhere else. She initially denied it.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
I said, well, let's go to Carlisle. So I got her out in the car and I took her in the sled car. I said, now you tell me exactly where you were when the carjacker came out and got in your car. And she had some hesitancy in actually picking out the exact location, but she did. He asked her why she didn't say it happened in Carlisle from the beginning.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
Her explanation at that time was that, well, I knew I shouldn't have been in Carlisle, that people would question me. Why was I in Carlisle riding around?
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
She said we used to park in the woods down in this area, and that's what she went back.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
I knew at that time in my heart that she would probably tell us the truth, but I wasn't sure under what circumstances. She trusted me, I thought at the time. She trusted Sheriff Wells.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
And so we sat in there for maybe a couple minutes and discussed it. And then I left under the pretext of somebody beeping me. with the idea that the sheriff would talk to her to see how he made out.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
When I walked back in, Susan was on her knees and crying hysterically with her head in the chair. And the sheriff had told me that she had admitted that she had let the car go in the lake with her kids in the back seat.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
She mentioned to me that She had started down the ramp a couple times herself to commit suicide with the kids. She felt that was the best thing.
Dateline NBC
Return to the Lake
She stopped both times and got out of the car, and she said, I'll never understand why I reached in and let the emergency brake go.