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Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


That's a career in the diabetes!

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I never broke my fat once. The key is to have no one ever believe you.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


That was truly moving. That was a fun century. Yeah, that was rough. Now what? Who was the dungeon master?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Well, how good are we at guarding the tomb when people can waltz in and out? We can't even reach the portal.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Oh, it's all right. Is he going to be okay? I will be strong for you, and you will be strong for us. You've taught me so much, Emperor.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I suppose. Yeah, we're all real great. Everything's gonna be fine.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


No! I have so much to learn from you. You can't leave us like this.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Thanks, I had a big bowl of mug tuck stew earlier. I'm... I'm with Ladle L. I'm just not feeling it right now.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Well, good thing you had to do that with the cheeseburger, your father.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Oh, get away from my daddy!

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Hey guys, it's me, I'm a werewhale, surprise! Please, please help me with my father's corpse. Help me put him back, please. Oh, okay, he's gonna be just fine. Oh, reach down. Be gentle! He's like paper!

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


What the hell is a watch?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Well, for what it's worth, it was very cool.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I thought that was gonna work for sure.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


You're not gonna get higher than a 27, right?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Oh, so you only made it one tenth of an ogre in? Gosh, that's not very far at all. That's only one tenth of an ogre.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I don't know how you have a long life with very strong pelvises in your family, Arnie.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


It's not black tar heroin. It's not black tar, no, this is... I'm walking up the stairs and that's what I hear. We're looking for drugs.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


What's going on? What is this? Lateral! You've been stabbed! Lateral, who did this? Who did this?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Quick, Arturo, please. He's fucking dying on me, man.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I'm the king of all the werewhales! Back up, folks, back up, he's coming too! My name is Richard Mobius.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


When a man loves a woman.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


It's just a really dramatic lifetime thing of we're immortals, trying to just plunder the knowledge.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Pray tell, what direction is Dennis? North is that. Dennis is this way.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


So why would you make the scoring like this? It's fucking stupid. Well, you know, you gotta wear special shirts with your funny teammates on it.