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Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Hey, sorry. Why don't we play some sorry? You know what I mean? Get the board out.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I guess we could play. You could tell us about that one time you had sex there.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Let me roll stats here real quick.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Unbelievable. You guys are fucking losers picking last names and shit. I mean, who cares? Just the one name is all I need.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Son of a bitch. I knew it. Yeah. I knew it. Stay tuned. Thanks for watching it. Oh man.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Stay tuned for more. Stay tuned for more.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I like my coin, especially silver coin, because that's way better than gold coin. That's canonically true. With a lot more in our society.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I had to maintain her honor, so there was a bit of a shotgun arrangement, but I did it, because I'm a man of my word, and that's why I'm still in the Kingsguard, because it keeps me out of the cave, you know what I'm saying?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Do we know this dragon as the Princess of Wrath?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Look, fellas, I don't know if you know how strong I am. I'm so strong that I regularly fuck a Yeti.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Turn the mic towards your face, Mike. Oh yeah, I turned it away.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I pointed at your face.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


What are the other ones? Sisterly? Anything that comes to mind. I've never played Animal Crossing, so I don't know.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Wait, what you're telling me is I'm never gonna see Yemily ever again?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Big bump I gave him. It lasts very long.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


You think they got any illicit dragonborn drugs down here? Or is this it?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I will! I'm looking for silver dust as my drug of choice, but I'll take any illicit dragonborn drugs.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I close it. Does anybody want to do some drugs to tide us over for the next 30 quadrillion years?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I need to find a table.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I think you're right. Everything's fallen now. Maybe this is the best thing that we could... I mean, this is frankly lucky, fellas. I mean, I'd rather be in stasis until somebody wakes us up when this all blows over than being, you know, eaten alive and torn apart defending the emperor, you know what I mean?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Maybe one of us should go out there and let her know. I mean, because at this point, she probably doesn't know. We can't. We can't leave here.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


You know, I never got a chance to tell my wife that I don't love her very much.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I'm stone-cold sober for the first time in decades, as far as my perception's concerned. I want to, like, just feel around for the box of silver dust, and hopefully if it's still where I left it, right next to me. You do find it. Oh, my God. And I'm just going to open it and just shove my nose in it.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


And I'm going to leap out and do a front flip, and I'll land on my feet, and I will do with my gauntlets, get ready to go, and I will look around to see and make sure that I'm following the rest of them.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


And I leap in and smash down on the ground and try to punch as many as I can. Roll to attack. That's very funny.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I mean, does anybody have a watch? I mean, I look at my wrist to see if my watch is still on.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Well, fellas, I mean, what do you think? Do we just go back to sleep, or do we go up the hall and make sure no more rats get in?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I mean, we're sort of, like, cursed to fulfill our duties, so I think we just close our eyes and go back to sleep is how I'm guessing it works. I'm also a big whale guy.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


On yellow or green? Green? Oh, shit.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Well, you better take off all your armor. You have to be as slender as you can. All right, all right.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I'm writing this in very legible font, in case whoever gets it. I have a pretty good one.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


So you'll see on the gauntlet there's like a little sort of silver spoke that has like two spokes from it and like a rubber band hanging off of it. Hell yeah. And so I'll reach into my pack and pull out this like sharp silver like pebble almost and I'm going to slingshot it Usopp style up at the rope and try to shot it.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


So what do we do next? I mean, if we're cursed to stay here and there really is a proximity thing and we can't leave... What do we do? I'm very indecisive, you see.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Oh, she told you other fairy tales, too?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I mean, here's the thing.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Maybe we should just go to sleep and I'll just forget all about it. Or maybe we'll get raided by a bunch of ogres and they're all like lady ogres and there's like tons of them and they're huge. Oh.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I guess given how much time's passed, I'm probably still married to Yemily. Well, what do they say? There's probably a different zip code down here.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Okay, I'm gonna go wait for the sexy yoga barbarian ladies.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


And now we're just to wait forever? You think they got any, like, black tar heroin down here? I mean, that'll put us right out. Make an investigation check.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


No, I think we're going to eventually become like spooky zombie skeleton warriors, which sounds kind of cool to me.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Is it as a greatest achievement as a Kingsguard?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I want some, like, Icebound lore I can, like, bake into this, you know what I mean?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I want to look around for the milk in the poppy jar that I gave my compatriots.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


These rich folks love Appas, just give me a fucking second, I wanna go back to the drug drawer and see if I can find any, like, syringe-style, uh, for, like, Pulp Fiction-style plungers.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I'm gonna run over to it and I'll, if there wasn't a syringe with the others, I will take a syringe, pour it in. I rip his shirt open.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


All right, you asked me to! I'm going to aim for the mark. Go ahead and make a dexterity check to see how well you do.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I'm not, no, no, no. We're going to find a way out of here, all right? Here's the thing. No, I'm indecisive. What am I talking about? I don't know what to do. Fuck! I'll make a decision for us.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


It was delicious. I can go toe-to-toe with a yeti from a certain point of view.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Look, I'm not going to make a decision, but here's just an option that I'm throwing out here. Why don't we tear the tomb apart?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Oh my gods. What is it? I've discovered it.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Oh, I don't think it's very ballad-y enough.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Can you read these runes? I mean, maybe together we could study it and figure out how we get the fuck out of here. I take a look.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


before we get on the ship?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


We'll probably be resurrected. What do you think, fellas?

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


All right, you asked for it! I'm gonna sort the entire box, and I'm gonna start to glow silvery. And I'm gonna crouch down and my gauntlet is gonna grow. Grow and glow as it gets big.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


Where an eagle flies. I would do all the drugs first, until there were no drugs left.

Legends of Avantris

Icebound | Side Story 2 | A Story For Another Time


I would play various board games after that. Okay.